UncannyGarlic said:Most of the time when you try to make an argument you don't completely turn around and do what you're arguing against since it's a little thing called hypocracy which isn't so good for credibility...
You're right, I totally was arguing for a positive reaction to the concept art, and then I just turned around and blasted it. Huh? Also, that little thing is called hypocrisy. Hypocrisy. You could cleverly and cynically refer to the government as a hypocracy I suppose, if you're a fan of political puns. And who isn't?!
UncannyGarlic said:Deathclaws look like they've been made to(sic) serious/"realistic" with too much spikeyness(sic) going on and misproportioned extremities
Disproportionate extremities? Have you seen pictures of the original deathclaws? Maybe you should look them up.
UncannyGarlic said:Bramen(sic) look like they've gone to(sic) far with the whole mutatation(sic) thing with the worms coming out of the face and the FEV-like lumpyness(sic)
When trying to discount an argument, most of the time you don't agree with it.
welsh said:Attire strikes me a bit too much Mad Max.
Wait, was Fallout not supposed to reference Mad Max? Someone might want to go back in time and tell the original developers before they directly referenced it numerous times.