New developer diary at Bethesda

The gun concepts are well done, but they don't fit the retro fifties setting. Werl, maybe the middle gun, which looks like a lame re-hash of the PlagueMaker. The rest is utter SHIT. Even Fallout Tactics artwork looks good in comparison.

Just have a look at the VB concept art.

Note the difference?

Bethesda, you guys should have commissioned Mullins for more artwork. His concept art photomanips/mattes are the only good thing I've seen about this game so far.
Well, it is some change for the better. Mainly because the last news was a little... discredit.

Also, certain arts must be a joke. A bad one. The buildings looks fair.
i'd recommend an art history class to the whole Bethsoft art dept. oh .. and reason .. finding that might help.
Heh, what I can I say?

Bethesda is at it again, finding new ways to aggravating people who have kept the flame alive for so many years.

They must have really got to you Brother None, I have never see you write this much anger down, or I haven't been around long enough.

Also, is it me or did these guys just stole a page from Fallout Tactics? A game they claimed wasn't canon in their opinion.
Actually, I think the Midwest Brotherhood is even better than these guys, "We will protect your villages and give you some knowledge and equipment but in return we want food supplies and your best and brightest for Brotherhood training. You're not interested? Well help yourself when raiders or other factions attack you."

Hell they didn't even pretend that they were the salvation of the wasteland, they were in it for themselves and were allowing others to join for a price.
Vault Boy said:
Hey guys this concept art and change in the brotherhoods actions can all be explained.

Maybe, just maybe, on their flight to DC they were all abducted by... aliens! This is why the scribes were all given futuristic super chastity belts, and why they have alien blasters, and why they have those weird looking mind control helmets on their head, which probably explains the change in their directives, philosophy, objectives, etc.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that sums it all up. :D

The abductors were Canadians! That explains it much better

Even though the BoS acting like noble knights sounds bad, there might be a plot-loop where you can join the Outcasts and restore the real honor of BoS.
Now that would be a nice self-ironic poetic justice from Beth.
the art looks like like : fantasy, steam punk, and some cheesy sci-fi mixed together resulting in something that looks quite generic and boring because of its simplicity.

Lol, it's like they had to add the arts of destructed towns to the arts of the steam punk magician guy there and those steam punk weapon, so there is at least SOME relation to post-apocalyptic style, also if it that only exists because of those obviously not at all related post-apocalyptic art.
It's by sight just wrong, unauthentic, boring, stupid, some-guy-wants-to-do-his-own-game-and-now-forces-the-style-of-art-which-would-have-fit-well-to-that-game-into-this-one-ish and makes me wanna puke my lungs out.

That looks like something, but definitely Not Fallout.

Worst thing I've seen of Fo3 since the super space orc with metal hammer and metal+leather -medieval-fantasy-armor which covers 3% of its body.


I think I've figured out why they insist on using the "Brotherhood of Steel" and the "Enclave" in this travesty of a spinoff:

Nobody told them that power armor was available throughout the US military and it's installations, and they couldn't make a Fallout game without the shiny-est of armors to cover in bloom, or rubbish.

It's perfect for their simple medieval hack-n-slash mindset..

"Eeeviiiil Shiny Armor = Advanced Power Armor"

"Goody2shoes Shiny Armor = T51b (made of junk)"
syllogz said:
Even though the BoS acting like noble knights sounds bad, there might be a plot-loop where you can join the Outcasts and restore the real honor of BoS.
Now that would be a nice self-ironic poetic justice from Beth.
You'll most likely be put in a situation where you get to choose between the so-called Outcasts and Lyons' BoS and choosing the Outcasts will make your karma drop faster than my pants in a whorehouse.

As much as the DnD alignments are inadequate, this would be a good place for some Lawful/Chaotic points instead of 'ZOMG U SIDED WIHT TEH EVIL GROUP'.
Also has someone already mentioned this or is it obvious in Fallout 1.

The brotherhood is not division sized. Maybe company and thats if you really push it and go with the idea of mass recuitment. Thanks to their reclusiveness, they never really went gungho on recruitment either.

So with this in mind why would the brotherhood, already lacking in numbers and making up for it with advanced technology send out a large contingent of men into the unknown for the purposes of technology (if they thought the glow was dangerous enough, sending men thousands of miles away is foolish at best). Also, the supermutant threat was serious enough and all th ebrotherhood was willing to send was one squad and that was only to the entrance.

As to the weapons, they look way too advanced for me. Personally I liked the black and white picture with the man holding this bulky black prop I am assuming to be retro 50s laser gun.
MMkay, I enjoyed the story up until the so called bullshit of Lyons turning into a compassionate, but I'm not entirely dismissing of this. Now, the story remained true to the FO universe when the west coast cut them off and when a group of true to BoS left to do their own thing.. However it seems too arbitrary to call them BoS at that point, as some of you have already pointed out. A lot of design in this game seems just that, far too arbitrary.

I'm sure the BoS 'traitor' base of operations will have a large "No Mutants Allowed" sign on the front door and have bitchy and whiny members. :wink:

But seriously, the game seems to be flawed from the beginning initial idea (I dare not call it a 'design' at that point, as it doesn’t seem to be well thought through). Rather than ideate and brainstorm where the Fallout universe would be most interesting next in terms of geography, time, and context.. Some one high up said "HAY! Wouldn’t it be cool to have this in Washington DC? Yeah, lets do it there, I mean, it's practically our back yard!" Oookay... now as a game design team they are forced to pull those damn strings from Southern California and tie them to Washington DC. That's incredibly arbitrarily done. As a design principle, if things feel to arbitrary you need to change your design to be more convincing. Forcing contrasting elements together without solid purpose is rarely good design.

Some one wanted the BoS and super mutants there, so they got some one to figure out why they're there. Some one wanted the Brotherhood to have a valiant and 'good' alignment, so they got some one to fix it that way (thankfully with alternatives). It's like breaking your arm just cause you wanted to bend it backwards when there could be more practical solutions to be found.

I mean, Washington DC would technically exist in the Fallout universe, great. Would it have strong ties to the happenings in Southern Cali? Probably not strong ones, if at all. Therefore I'd be much more satisfied if they created a different story in DC that had no or little connection in the happenings in Fallout 1 and 2 rather than drafting elements from that location to ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

Tons of holes, such as what happened in-between Cali to DC? That's a long fucking trip not matter what form of transportation you take, something important happened that is being ignored to be forced into Washington DC.

But you know what? There's a lot of why's in the mix of this, these will be answered in the story of the game. But creating a journey from point A (Cali) to point B (DC) (which is incredibly important that Fallout 3 describes this transition well from the previous Fallouts) with severe concentration to B is poor story telling. Seems that there needs to be a few heads pulled out of a few asses if you ask me, but it’s a little too late for that.

As for the concepts? I like them, but as you guys have said, where the hell is the 50's feel?? These technologies were created in the 50's! From what I've seen, Beth wants a clear line of the past and the now and is incorporating that in their art direction. Which is sad, they could make a unique sci-fi FPS but decide not to.
I usually like to take walks in the wasteland at 5 so at 7 I should even be able to eat radioactive goo and grow a sixth toe and 5 more teeth.
WTF? Is that a joke?
Ugh why is it every time something new comes out its almost complete and utter drivel? The art work is pretty shoddy, hopefully those wont be identical in game weaps.

Seriously this has to be Bethesda's' design philosophy....
"Something something something...Brotherhood of Steel....Something Something Something.....Super Mutants" I could go on but jesus christ .

I can guarantee that when this game is released the good ol' Jolly Roger will be flying mighty fuckin high.
Yeah, BOS never send a squadron anywhere outside of it's territory.
NOT =they did!!!
IF BOS was in the pits on west coast, and heard of some advanced tech (or better tech) available in the east they would certainly send someone to investigate/obtain it - but not a full division of soldiers, maybe 30-50 people max. For that number to hold out for years in DC...that's pretty week, Beth - just sloppy writing.

Then trek across former USA, without roads would take.... what .... 12-15 months, so it's not like they were teleported to DC.
Lot's of sh.t would happen on that trek plus add the following years - it is feasible that some of the officers would mellow especially when confronted by people from DC. For the "Christian monks" feel they described it's total BS - that would not happen. But a drop in discipline certainly.
I fear for the supertech McGuffin, and Super-Mutants, but look of NonBOS weapons would certainly be different from WC, because of different parts available, no contact with WC, etc, so this is borderline acceptable (not the Nuke slingshot though - that's plain idiotic)
In best case it's 50:50 good/bad. What's scary they do much stuff even though they know it's against the FO1&2, because "we like it" and that's a road to dissaster
GandalfRed said:
IF BOS was in the pits on west coast, and heard of some advanced tech (or better tech) available in the east they would certainly send someone to investigate/obtain it - but not a full division of soldiers, maybe 30-50 people max.

Except that:

1. The BoS isn't primarily about vacuuming up tech.
2. By the end of Fo2 they had non-scavenged tech on the West Coast to last them a good long while.
3. From the story it seems they didn't know of any particular tech, but rather figured "it's Washington, something's gotta be there", which isn't exactly logical or good strategy.
4. 30-50 people in power armour is probably a significant investment, at least if we take the BoS decline in Fo2 as canon.
i thought it was an interesting read. nice to get something worthwhile from them. and i personally like the art direction. i don't want to play a 3D mod of f1/f2.

certainly i'd like to know more about the trip to D.C. that's a lot of miles to cross for a contingent of men. and a little girl..... [what?!]

can't wait to get my hands on this though.
Per said:
Except that:

1. The BoS isn't primarily about vacuuming up tech.
2. By the end of Fo2 they had non-scavenged tech on the West Coast to last them a good long while.
3. From the story it seems they didn't know of any particular tech, but rather figured "it's Washington, some thing's gotta be there", which isn't exactly logical or good strategy.
4. 30-50 people in power armor is probably a significant investment, at least if we take the BoS decline in Fo2 as canon.

For discussion sake, let's imagine that BOS declining power in the years between FO2 and FOxx (xx - fill with what you like this new game to be called). It's positions and garrisons are compromised, and have trouble defending. Wouldn't you want some edge over your enemies? so 1. potentially does not stand 100%
2. Yeah but this is not just after FO2, but some time later - could be reasoned with different things (less brethren, some losses... You can have 10.000 guns and no soldiers, or 1 Nuke and 5 soldiers to launch it - who would win?)
3. True - sloppy writing, no organized group would send soldiers so much in the dark, therefore Beth's bad writing. Let's imagine they have some rumors about it, then it would be feasible .
4. That's what I think, the group sent East could not possibly be big enough to form BOS Core on the EC, and they would have to plan to rely heavily on support, since they do not know the situation in DC - look at Vietnam War for examples, and BOS could not send choppers every 8-12 hours
Shows that Beth has some brains, just not enough for FO game
Bethesda really are managing to nicely undermine the IP they spent so much money on. This kind of thing just stinks of the lack of subtlety and wit that has been my worst fear all along; I could have coped with bland dialogue, inconsequential quests, and simplistic morality much more easily if I thought there was some well-written trace of Fallout DNA running through the game.

The in-game writing would have to be pretty spectacular for this to be anything other than a complete retro-con, and I feel that is simply another fool's wish. I always said that I would rather have a shitty game and continuity than a great game dressed up in the false trappings of Fallout, because at least there would be hope for somebody to make a faithful sequel.

As it is, this is shaping up to be neither a great game, nor continuous.
I think Emil is thinking, ´Ok this is Fallout 3 and I don´t get it, so let´s see.... mutants.. .yeah.... BOS.... ah hunh.... vault... yeah... oh and let´s do it in DC because its cool because Bethesda is Maryland.. yeah... it can fit... now with a little glue, some duct tape..... a little spit here..... ah... a story. So what it its full of holes.... its a console game essentially and as long as its like, way cool, they´ll buy it.´

I am curious- did they use big blimps to cross the country?
Did they drive?

Divisions? Hmmm.... that´s a lot of people for a post-apocalyptic world full of monsters, radiation and burnt to a crisp....

The smart thing would have been-
(1) Another type of mutant monster that looks different than FO1 and FO 2´s supermutants.

(2) A different military/technological organization....

For example- DC gets hit with a mixture of different types of weapons during the war. Those who survived evolved some really nasty mutations. At the same time, US military and civilians felt it necessary to rebuild the country from DC. THe two factions have been fighting ever since.

Instead we get a half-assed paste and stick approach to story creation. Foolish.

Actually- an even better way to do this game would have been to drop out Fallout from the title and give it a new name entire...
I can guarantee that when this game is released the good ol' Jolly Roger will be flying mighty fuckin high.
Ain't that the truth.

3. From the story it seems they didn't know of any particular tech, but rather figured "it's Washington, something's gotta be there", which isn't exactly logical or good strategy.
I know there's about 4,539,234,666 military installations with some sort of scavengable tech between California (hell, there's a few IN California, for Christ's sake) and DC.

Oh, I almost forgot, what about that big radioactive dustbowl that Cassidy refers to occasionally in FO2? You seriously think a huge bunch of people could stand MONTHS of traveling through that wearing power armor? Where would they get food?