MMkay, I enjoyed the story up until the so called bullshit of Lyons turning into a compassionate, but I'm not entirely dismissing of this. Now, the story remained true to the FO universe when the west coast cut them off and when a group of true to BoS left to do their own thing.. However it seems too arbitrary to call them BoS at that point, as some of you have already pointed out. A lot of design in this game seems just that, far too arbitrary.
I'm sure the BoS 'traitor' base of operations will have a large "No Mutants Allowed" sign on the front door and have bitchy and whiny members.
But seriously, the game seems to be flawed from the beginning initial idea (I dare not call it a 'design' at that point, as it doesn’t seem to be well thought through). Rather than ideate and brainstorm where the Fallout universe would be most interesting next in terms of geography, time, and context.. Some one high up said "HAY! Wouldn’t it be cool to have this in Washington DC? Yeah, lets do it there, I mean, it's practically our back yard!" Oookay... now as a game design team they are forced to pull those damn strings from Southern California and tie them to Washington DC. That's incredibly arbitrarily done. As a design principle, if things feel to arbitrary you need to change your design to be more convincing. Forcing contrasting elements together without solid purpose is rarely good design.
Some one wanted the BoS and super mutants there, so they got some one to figure out why they're there. Some one wanted the Brotherhood to have a valiant and 'good' alignment, so they got some one to fix it that way (thankfully with alternatives). It's like breaking your arm just cause you wanted to bend it backwards when there could be more practical solutions to be found.
I mean, Washington DC would technically exist in the Fallout universe, great. Would it have strong ties to the happenings in Southern Cali? Probably not strong ones, if at all. Therefore I'd be much more satisfied if they created a different story in DC that had no or little connection in the happenings in Fallout 1 and 2 rather than drafting elements from that location to ACROSS THE COUNTRY.
Tons of holes, such as what happened in-between Cali to DC? That's a long fucking trip not matter what form of transportation you take, something important happened that is being ignored to be forced into Washington DC.
But you know what? There's a lot of why's in the mix of this, these will be answered in the story of the game. But creating a journey from point A (Cali) to point B (DC) (which is incredibly important that Fallout 3 describes this transition well from the previous Fallouts) with severe concentration to B is poor story telling. Seems that there needs to be a few heads pulled out of a few asses if you ask me, but it’s a little too late for that.
As for the concepts? I like them, but as you guys have said, where the hell is the 50's feel?? These technologies were created in the 50's! From what I've seen, Beth wants a clear line of the past and the now and is incorporating that in their art direction. Which is sad, they could make a unique sci-fi FPS but decide not to.