New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

Should the player use one or two hands when thrusting with the sword?

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THis are really amesome animations, i hope you will finish zhem os we can enjoy them in the game!

A question how make you these ? Because, it is very lot of work to edit ever frame. Or you use a specific tool?
Mr.Wolna said:
THis are really amesome animations, i hope you will finish zhem os we can enjoy them in the game!

Thanks Mr Wolna.

Mr.Wolna said:
A question how make you these ? Because, it is very lot of work to edit ever frame. Or you use a specific tool?

Mostly good old hard work. But i'm also using some shortcuts: the main one being that i am flipping all the NE, E, SE views to get the SW, W, NW views. The final result is not perfect (as the player switches between left/right handed) but i think it's barely noticeable. Also, i have not done the female animations .. yet. I also use a variety of tricks i learned from the NPC armour mod. I'll write a Wiki guide on mass FRM editing when these new animations are done.
ITs really amesome cause its really hard work( i knew it from my other projectts^^).
I was a few mounthts not here/RL Problrms) but now i hope i can continium my work, so sorry for this stupid questions.

Keep the work on, its really amesome!
Hey, is there any, even a rough, guess when these animations are so ready that they can be uploaded? I can't wait :P
nyibelunger said:
Nice. Could you share with us method you are using to create those animations?

I'll write a wiki guide on techniques i've been using. It's not difficult at all - take a look at Lisac2K's guide to get the basics down:

Mass editing is the same procedure x10. There's no quick and easy way to edit entire critter FRM sets i know of. It's long, sometimes tedious work but i rather enjoy it.

The new Sniper & Wakizashi animations will hopefully make it into Killap's RP 1.3 by mid-august or so. But of course when he releases it is entirely up to him. I'll post the new FRM's in a week or so for anyone who can use them before then. There'll also be some other graphical tweaks to come - watch this space.

Also, although the community poll votes for the 2-handed thrust, i'm going for the single handed. The main reason is that it's slightly easier and less time-consuming to do. I also think it looks like it hurts more :twisted: Thanks to everyone who voted,.
Hi Josan,

Did you ever take a look at the new attack animations that I made up?

It adds the following new attack types that the Fallout2 engine supports but were never used.
HK - Three Shot burst mode
HL - Toxic Waste spray mode (continious fire)

IL - Hand Flamer mode



LJ - Single Shot mode
LL - Riot gun, unlike other 'L' suffix this option allows does not include a projectile (continious fire)

MK - Two Shot burst mode
ML - Cannon 'Shot' spray mode (continious fire)

The engine also supports the this attack mode

JL - continious fire (Crossbow??)

Anyway, your work seems a whole lot better than mine so you could probably improve upon what I done, in particular the giant canon shotgun doesnt look fantastic (ML - Cannon 'Shot' spray mode (continious fire))

Also I never got around to making the crossbow. The crossbow needs to have the arms/bow flick out from the side during the firing sequence becuase at the start it still needs to match the regular rifle or the animations wont be able to work ingame correctly.

here's what I was working on:

I recoloured the flame effect to look green :)What do you guys think of these?

Pistol - Three Shot Burst

Pistol - Toxic Waste Sprayer/Toxic Gas Gun

SMG - Hand Flamer

Rifle - Auto Crossbow

Minigun - Single Shot

Minigun - Riot Gun - This will use the FOT Gauss gun projectile

Rocket Launcher - Two shot Burst

Rocket Launcher - Blunderbuss giant shotgun
Hey Josan12, your project's made NMA front page, I told you everybody would be looking forward to this stuff. Great work mate.
Small Framed said:
Hey Josan12, your project's made NMA front page, I told you everybody would be looking forward to this stuff. Great work mate.

Thanks matey :) and for anyone who missed the NMA front page here it is again:




@Qwerty: yeah, i saw those FRM's you'd been working on a while back. Some good stuff there. I particularly like the three shot pistol, which i would say is good to go as you've done it. In fact, if it was intended by BIS, then maybe Killap would be interested?

The new animations are almost done: i'm on the final stage which is the dreaded offsets (man i hate offsets). In case anyone is wondering what the PA helmet on-off thing is all about: the plan is that the Hero in PA will be helmetless when not wielding a weapon, and the helmet on-off animation will play whenever he draws or holsters a weapon.

All the others of the animations are cool, but I think you should make it shooting a bit longer; now it looks like he would try to save ammo and shoot too short bursts.
It would be great if when all done these got added to the community patch or something (the ones that aren't for weapons not in the game)! Have you done female characters also? Maybe could even add stuff for extra customisation at character creation let people pick their hair or something :)
The animation of the pc in leatherjacket with sniperrifle has a little error on it: in the fore-last frame or so the trousers change the the ones worn with the leatherarmor
Hyrulian said:
Have you done female characters also?

No. I'm afraid female characters will NOT be able to use these new animations. I have no sexist intentions, (though i wouldn't imagine there's too many feminists on NMA) it's just a crapload of work. I may do them at a later date in the name of equal opportunities.

Hyrulian said:
Maybe could even add stuff for extra customisation at character creation let people pick their hair or something :)

Wouldn't that be nice. See the 'NPC armour' thread for a discussion of creating a male hero critter set with the long haired head. Unfortunately, it's work for a whole team of modders. :(
could it be possible to make a shop in "fallout" that make clothes/armor different colors, this idea is based on other rpg that you can customise your colors while playing. somehow make like mr fixit mr chemmie, except this one is mr crayola.

also spray paint character would be good eventually one that drops tags n so forth roaming gangs could leave there mark! fonline would like this idea.
If something such great happened and someone continued in progress (all male, eventually female PC critters), I'd prefer 'em in this way:


(my project'd really appreciate this stuff :)


(quite realistic for once, I think)


(just because of its coolness)

Anyway, good that you digged it up again, Mr. Qwerty.
They are done and have been for some time, go to the downloads section and look for the hero attack animations pack, I done these a couple of years back now, but no one has really used them yet :(

The mingun does not actually have the fallout tactics gauss projectile effect added to it though. I should go back and add that effect since people seem to like it.

Oops - they are usable for ALL relevant types of armours / skins? Sorry, I'm really not certain of anything in this section of scary, dark, deep modding cave. :wink: If so, they'd be a GREAT ease.

The link is not needed, at least for me, 'cause I have nearly all modding-related stuff already on my endless lizardous HDD. :wink:
The FRMs are completed for every armour type the player can wear including the FOT environmental armour, but they are not done for the NPC models.

Like I said though I do need to redo the Riot gun to include that effect I were just going to add it as a projectile in the Misc art folder.

Other weapons you can add to your project are 'kick enhancers' so you can make hand to hand more useful and damaging by letting the players kick do more damage (think knuckle duster for your feet). No animations required but not done in FO/FO2
When I saw the bazooka based blunderbuss animation I started thinking: Shotgun animations don't have visible buckshot pellets. That'd be cool too. 12 gauge should maybe use double aught buck (IIRC either 7 or 8 pellets in a shot, less than 10 in any case) which is good vs larger game...