New Fallout 3 concept art

The guys posing for the picture don't seem like raiders to me. They look more like redneck survivalists. If you've never lived in the MD/DC/VA area, I can tell you these are the type of yahoos you'd see in the post apocalypse. Still, I agree that they look a bit too "modern," though maybe it's just the style of art that was used, which looks a bit too 80s (and cluttered) for my tastes. The composition is not so great, but as someone said earlier, maybe the piece was cropped. Plus, as stressed by InfinityDUCK, this is CONCEPT art, not a screenshot or box art or what have you.

As for them looking too "weak," that's just plain retarded. Hell do you think these kind of guys look like in real life? (Have you ever lived in rednecky regions of the US?) Should their guns be bigger? Should they be working out at the gym more so they can look more bulky and muscular? Maybe they should be wearing meaner expressions?

The dead guy is definitely wearing some sort of heavy armor or "light" power armor. Hmm, just wondering if the Enclave will be featured in FO3.

Mr. Teatime said:
Agre with InfinityDUCK to an extent - we, as FO fans, have a justified right to be concerned, given the FO licence's rocky time, Interplay's lack of care for it (shipping it out to the highest bidder, FOBOS), and all that.

Well, I think he had some valid points and the whole banning thing is pretty bitchy and cliqueish. I mean, it gets to a point where you're nervous about the whole project and intense until you realize how nerdy and worthless wasting any more air on it is. How far away from pompous, whining Star Trek nerds can we be? And these poor guys slaving away on this game: well, fuck, I can understand how at this point they'd have nothing else to say but "fuck you." Regardless of how good or how bad FO3 is (yeah, probably bad), we will pick it apart to death, maybe rightfully so or maybe unfairly, but the fact is that the original creators of Fallout (Cain, Fargo, Boyarski) had nothing to do with this game, and so it's not going to be the same thing. It may have a similar look and feel, but it will not be classic FO. Will it possess all the magic of FO1, the cleverness, the profound sense of isolation and gloom? Probably not, and my expectations are pretty low. But what non-creative people don't understand is that you can't just take something that was created by one artist and expect a second to reproduce it to a T. It's just not how it works. I'm sure they're going balls out in an attempt to (it seems to me that guys at Beth like Pete Hines are getting older and more mature and now desperately seek artistic credibility, and a dark post-apoc game like FO is the chance to gain it after spending so much time with foofy fantasy crap), but any creative endeavor is in large part a matter of luck and timing and the reception of fans and to be sure they are fighting an uphill battle. In a way I feel sorry for them. Am I a Bethesda fan or a troll? Am I expecting FO3 to be good let alone the best game ever? Negative to both, but God if I'm not exhausted even debating anything at this point. In two weeks hopefully we will know a good deal more. I'm pretty excited about that.
i think mr mullins was in a hurry when he did the FO3 concepts, lots of pictures used (not that is something wrong with that, but it is not his style), the fallout retro-future style just isn't there anymore.

anyways, i like this piece, even if it is a total mess, no focal point, the whole composition is really bad placed..

still, we should not judge the game for this is just a concept piece meant to help the designers/artists get in the mood and be inspired.
As for them looking too "weak," that's just plain retarded. Hell do you think these kind of guys look like in real life? (Have you ever lived in rednecky regions of the US?) Should their guns be bigger? Should they be working out at the gym more so they can look more bulky and muscular? Maybe they should be wearing meaner expressions?

I agree...

Wasteland/Post-Apoc World...

= Less Food Sources & More work to get it
Mr. Teatime said:
Wait, he wasn't really banned? I thought that was a joke. Wow.

He was banned, he was trolling and derailing the thread.

You, too, are derailing the thread, and I'm long since done with "you guys are just being mean!!!"-discussions from people that haven't been around long enough to offer any real insights.

Leave this thread on track, please.
Someone noted earlier in this thread that there are plenty of guns in the pic. I wonder what will happen to Sledgehammer nuts like me in the game. It would seem pointless except you were *forced* to use melee against early opponents, which wouldn't do great for choice and consequence.

Has nobody noticed that the powered armor figure isn't armed in any way? They usually carry heavy weaponry, and I can't seem to find a minigun on that map.

It has a very strong Hogzilla feel to me. Seems intentional.
Zeb said:
My point was that not everything in Fallout was 50's style, which is what his beef with the clothes in the concept art seemed to be.
The combat armour wasn't retro it was futuristic, whether 50's inspired or not it's still nothing like real world current military issue or available hunting garb. Unlike the concept art.
SuAside said:
btw, that has to be the worst tactical place for an M2 i've ever seen in my life. you can be pretty much garanteed that the gunner will be the first to buy the farm if someone attacks.

Maybe, maybe not. :wink: What are the advantages of the 'ma Deuce'? Extreme firepower at extreme range. Now in a clusterfuck of a junkpile that 'ville seems to be, the last place you would set up your 'ma deuce' is on the street level.

If you were silly enough to do that then you lose both tactical advantages that weapon would bring, the ability to hit your enemy at long range with firepower lethal enough to kill at 2000 meters.

One thing I do take issue with their position is they left it unprotected! They should have at least fortified it with some sort of protection. That way an enemy would have to get close and use explosives or grenades to eliminate the nest. And while they are in the process of trying to do that the 'ma deuce' is spraying them with fire. Playing right into the M-2's strengths and they had best expect shitloads of casualties doing that. :D

As for the rest of the scene, I have no problems with the gents standing over their 'trophy'. But the rest especially the left side seems to have been stuffed with deco references to the past. Takes away from my enjoyment of the scene otherwise. :?

Cheers, Thorgrimm
FeelTheRads said:
I feel I should move away from the references of past games,

What what what?!

It's time center the visual cues on the new looks, the transition to a new world is just around the corner.

It's no better than the Vault Dweller one I think, but sure, go ahead.

Also, I took a quick look in your blog, and saw that bit about Ashley Chang wishing StarCraft in fist-person. Bwahaha... freakin' awesome.

Thanks, and nothing could beat the awesomeness of my current but soon removed banner pic, it's an extract from the Fallout promotional pic that you can find here at NMA.

The high-res version was given to me by the man that first made it, and he rules.
For those talking about the poor composition of the concept art, it appears to me that it is supposed to simulate an amateur-shot photo, in the vein of a hunting photo with hunters and the kill. I wouldn't expect a photo like that to be well composed.
FeelTheRads said:
Could someone just tell me how it lacks the Fallout feel?
Umm... the modern uniforms, the modern weapons, the colors... pretty much everything except the retro stuff is out of place and ruins it.
Mullins' work was created without a lot of input from Beth. Their in-house concept artist focused on the Fallouty details.
abbaon said:
Mullins' work was created without a lot of input from Beth. Their in-house concept artist focused on the Fallouty details.

You know this how? Since you're stating it as fact.
<MSFD> didn't take the Fallout fans long to find the source photo Craig Mullins used for that concept art
<MSFD> yeah
<MSFD> they even identified which carrier it was
<MSFD> it's funny because people are extrapolating all sorts of stuff from that identification, as though it has anything to do with the actual game...
<MSFD> nah, it was in Florida for a while but they sunk it in the Gulf to make an artificial reef
<MSFD> anyway all we did was ask "Hey Craig Mullins, make a painting of a carrier that's run aground on a river bank in a ruined city" (or something to that effect)
<MSFD> nah, he's freelance
<MSFD> he's done stuff for a ton of games
<MSFD> incl. Halo
<MSFD> he did some stuff for Star Trek for us, too
<MSFD> once the teaser countown is finished you will have seen the entirety of the work he did for Fallout
<MSFD> anyway we have an in-house concept artist who's done hundreds & hundreds of drawings & sketches & such for all the Fallout stuff
<MSFD> haven't shown any of that
Another conclusion: if we'll have seen all of it by the end of the countdown, there isn't enough of it for it to be the template for the entire game.
Good stuff. Though not really anything new, I don't think anyone (with a brain) was trying to extrapolate facts about the game from this stuff.

if we'll have seen all of it by the end of the countdown, there isn't enough of it for it to be the template for the entire game.

Like I said, the same could be assumed from MSFD's "made before Oblivion". These were either intended for this stupid countdown thing and/or meant to inspire their own artists/designers a bit, get the synapsis firing.
Brother None said:

Odd that I'm only seeing this now, but Sovy points out the supporting poles on the viewer's right of the Paradise Falls end when they meet the gun-mounted truck.

That means the sign is only held up by the ladder on the viewer's left.

Nice Catch, oh well being rushed and all that I'm sure this one mistake is forgivable? I mean if it took NMA this long to figure it out then it wasn't all that bad?

Rushed is unforgivable.

Its been illustrated over and over and over to the video gaming industry how haste makes waste, how a rushed game creates an inferior product and how games suffer for it in reviews. There is no longer any excuse for it but management stupidity.
Ziltoid said:
I get real tired of trolls real quick. Banned.

Risking myself getting banned (like I gve a shit!) I must say: what you did was so communist! Having different opinion = trolling = banned. Congratulations, man! Long live freedom of opinion! Indeed, this guy, who was daredevil enough to say Comrades from Communist Party of Fallout are wrong should be not only banned, but sent to Lager in Siberia. You're just too merciful.

From this thread:

Brother None said:
but people are entitled to their opinion.
