New Fallout 3 concept art

wamingo said:
Does it matter though?
Do you think people would think differently if it was meant to be photoreal when fo1/2 were so cartoony?
Frankly? To me cartoony has it's own charm and I don't like everything going photoreal - even if they intended Fallout to be photoreal, there's "something" in "cartoony" Vaults, cities, car wrecks etc. that photoreal graphics will never have.
King of Creation said:
So basically, this artist isn't anything more than a ripoff artist?

Judging from some of the artwork he's done, I would say no.

It seems to be more of a case of just doing quick work for concept art.
Good work, Tannhauser

I'll post it now, because DaC already image, though I think there's more to find. We'll edit in later, I guess.
I believe the sign next to the Unisphere is Le Baron, in fact that entire little strip, you can also see the "Steaks" sign and the smaller sign on a pole next to it along the roofline.
It is! Notice the "steaks" right next to it, which is also in your image and the sign.

It looks slightly cropped, but it might even still overlay. give it a try
Tannhauser said:
I believe the sign next to the Unisphere is Le Baron, in fact that entire little strip, you can also see the "Steaks" sign and the smaller sign on a pole next to it along the roofline.
Imho its the exact same thing, nice catch.
Some other things, then I'll work on overlays.

I believe this is the picture of the cinema sign he used, though flipped. At first I thought the red spike on the left might be a sign, but on second thought I believe it a part of architecture. This is close, but not exact.
Did the overlay with the 2 new findings.


On the Le Baron part, if you look really close (with zoom) you can even see the roof of one of the cars from the original photograph.

Well, looks like soon we'll be rebuilding the whole thing.
Should we invite mister Mullins to paint over it after that?
FeelTheRads said:
Really, was there in Fallout, anywhere a symbol taken directly from the real world? I'm pretty sure there wasn't, but I might be wrong.
But anyway, my point is they should make their own symbols in Fallout's style, not take them from the real world. It breaks the atmosphere, I think.
Buxbaum666 said:
FeelTheRads said:
Really, was there in Fallout, anywhere a symbol taken directly from the real world? I'm pretty sure there wasn't, but I might be wrong.
But anyway, my point is they should make their own symbols in Fallout's style, not take them from the real world. It breaks the atmosphere, I think.
really the problem for me is now i can tell that those separate objects are real world objects of somewhat fame (maybe not to everybody but here we have almost the entire decomposed image).. and adding them together into a composition makes it a bit ... wierd if not ludacris ...

the style is nice, the lighting is nice, the brushwork and paintblots are nice .. but it seems limited by directly painting over ... :(
Good work, FeelTheRads.

As far as I can see, it's ready to be published, not sure if Tannhauser wants to look further
Brother None said:
As far as I can see, it's ready to be published, not sure if Tannhauser wants to look further
I'm not seeing much left that is identifiable, and I scanned through the entire Googie Architecture Online gallery without finding anything else (though obviously other people should look through it). I say we publish it.

Googie Architecture Online Sources:
Googie Photo Basement - LeBaron's, Highway 191, Idaho Falls, Idaho (postcard)

1964 World's Fair - Seimons Pavilion

Anaheim Resort Area - Satellite Shopland, Katella Way, Anaheim, CA (Near I-5 Freeway and Haster St.)

Miscellaneous Googie - Edwards Cinema, Adams Ave. at Harbor, Costa Mesa, CA
very nice work, photoshop i guess

well, if you start drawing conclusions, fact could be, that Bethesda ordered their art designer to draw in short time an concept art that would satisfy the community and fit the setting, just to settle them down. On the other hand...that would be extrem unprofessional and risky after setting up an countdown

On the OTHER hand, it's Bethesda :lol:
Bagge said:

The big dead guy is definately wearing a gas mask of some sorts. Also he is friggin' huge!

If that looks like how I think it looks like, I really hope that isn't Power Armour... it reminds me too much of the Power Armour from Fallout: PoS..