Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

PC Gamer? UK? Not surprising.
maximaz said:2) Why does it all look so crappy? Oblivion looked better than that.
xdarkyrex said:looks nothing at all like fallout.
that aside, looks fun, i will probably enjoy this as long as i remember that it ISNT fallout Smile
its not too hard to get past a name.
Actually, I'm basing it on mr. Todd "when it comes to super mutants, obviously dialogue isn't an option" Howard... or something like that.Jiggly McNerdington said:If you're basing your theory that all super mutants in FO3 are hostile and kill on sight monsters based on pictures showing combat and a heavily staged presentation where they attacked on sight, then couldn't you just as easily say that all super mutants in FO1 are hostile because if you encountered random patrols of them in the wasteland they would attack you on sight?
repbomb said:
No shit, the Capitol is art-deco? A dome with columns? He's only off in style by about 2000 years.Morbus said:Reading the comments on the pics makes me laff...