New Fallout 3 Screenshots

nmasuxxass said:
lolz.. suddenly you fanboys complain about gfx, but if someone mentions FO1 or 2 then "nah, GFX doesnt matter".. you're teh funny!
*I* complained about shadows. Do you have a problem with that?

[edited out]

Sorry for feeding the troll. Can't help it.
Did anyone else notice all the screenshots they wanted removed had the super mutants in them? Is it possible that they're planning on changing them? (or already have)
I hope they are planning on changing it!

Their version of a Supermutant is completely without personality or character.

The supermutants in the Fallout world had a certain artistic flare that made them come alive. Even in 2d!

Not just things to shoot at with my gun.
I always disliked graphics made by Bethesda. Nothing has changed.

Fallout's graphics as a whole, is art in my opinion. Nearly everything fits together, it is just beautiful.

It is like the comparison between high class art with depth and some cheap copied picture you would put in some room to decorate it.

The stupid thing is, that this one made by Bethesda actually looks like crap :D
I sure hope that the player character in those screenshots has got a Small Guns skill of 30% or less because learning to shoulder the rifle is on page one in the book...

Bah - If they actually let the skill show - i.e. as the skill gets better the movements and animations look better I'd be amazed, but to me it looks like the player might as well be watering his lawn.

Yet another horrible sign that FO3 will be nothing but a bad joke.

The skullcollecting, raving Behemoth, the PA (?) looking like something from a bad costume party, the mutants from hell and a car going up in mushroom smoke?

Still crossing my fingers this game will come around halfway decent, but goddammit ...
to be honest i lost rest of my interest in this game

its just not the fallout i epxected, i see it yet
Bah. I vote to pool resources into a paypal account to sue bethesda... somehow... for.... something.
13pm said:
now that IS fun :)
they've removed screenshots but haven't removed this header pic made of one of those screenshots and a small icon for it :)
*picture skipped*

LOLZ :) They are really reading NMA. After I posted that, the picture in the header was changed to the old one.


Ssshhhhh, guys! Everything is sooo secret... Nobody should know that they have posted new screenshots. Keep silence!!! Don't tell anyone!
the PA (?) looking like something from a bad costume party
Looks like medieval armor with a power pack screwed on to the back to me. I thought PA was supposed to cover every inch of your body with metal, aside from the eye pieces. Why not wear the helmet!? You're fighting supermutants shooting 7.62mm rounds at you!

I can't believe this is the same engine as Oblivion. Why would they turn off all the eye candy for the demo? Don't they want this shit to look good? It looks like crap.

This shit is depressing.
Polynikes said:
I can't believe this is the same engine as Oblivion. Why would they turn off all the eye candy for the demo? Don't they want this shit to look good? It looks like crap.

This shit is depressing.

Come on now, oblivion looked far worse than this. At least the actual game and not the pre-release hype screenshots. They're trying to make it right and get all the colors, bloom and general disney fantasy look out of the engine, but, well... theres not much left then and it shows. Also keep in mind that their development platform is the xbox and these are xbox shots, the PC version will look better (or should..).
Briosafreak said:
No, they are gone from the server, they can be seen here at NMA.

no, they aren't. they were removed from the arcticle, but remain uploaded to the CVG's media library.

Take a look at BN's post, there are the direct links.
13pm said:
Briosafreak said:
No, they are gone from the server, they can be seen here at NMA.

no, they aren't. they were removed from the arcticle, but remain uploaded to the CVG's media library.

Take a look at BN's post, there are the direct links.

Edit: They are up again, they were unavailable for a while.
Tycell said:
One thing bugs me about the screen shots, particually the town one.

In F1, F2 and even Craptics the majority of the terrain was sandy desert with dirt and some trees, rocks and stuff thrown in. Where as it looks like in what beth is doing they have gone for a much more urban setting. Personally I think it makes it look to hectic. If Megaton is trying to be Junktown (supposidly) then why is there so much stuff in it? Everything is crammed in close together, it makes it look like the designer has tried to do their job well and put too much into a small space.

Remember Necropolis? That was a pretty major sprawling city in ruins that was never really fully explored. In fact, you really only got a tiny piece of it (the piece you needed for the game). We've never really gotten to see a city like Necropolis in Fallout ... which I think they are exploring here in F3

Some of you just need to accept the fact that this isn't the game you were hoping for. I think many here have unrealistic expectations about a game you haven't even played yet. And to call FO2 "ART" is pushing it. It was good for it's time, and I can still appreciate the graphics, but you overlook graphics with good gameplay and good storytelling.

So why don't we all take a step back for a moment and remember that these are just screenies .. not story. Until you've played it and experienced the story, you can't know that you won't feel the same way about FO3 and it's graphical impact that you did with FO2s.
Yeah, I think your right actually. I've been thinking about it a lot over the past day or two and basically I think Beth is doing a good job at converting an old title into a modern game. Its not going to be Fallout as we all know it but I think its perhaps... unrealistic to think a major company would risk doing somthing in turn based in todays market.

I would love it, lots of Fallout people would love it, but a lot of people (particually the new gaming generation) probably wouldnt jump at the idea of a turn based game.

Take away the turn based and add in all the new graphics and you've basically got what Beth have so far as far as we all can see. Maybe this game will be terrible but, as I said before, I think we should reserve judgement on it until we actually play the game. Yes exploding nuclear cars arn't very realistic but then a plasma rifle is? The car in F2 IS nuclear powered so... It would be nice if they took out the whole exploding car thing but in modern games one of the current "in things" is having exploding set peices to liven things up.

I still cant wait for F3, I've waited all these years and I'm not going to throw a big hissy fit now its finally here because its not exactly what I imagined. I think maybe we should give Beth a break?
Meh, I hate to break it to you, but Beth's story-lines are about as simple as a horse on anti-depressants, and have the dramatic caliber of an Adam Sandler animated comedy.