New Fallout 3 Screenshots

Even Briosa is going to be kind of a subversive element and making fun of Bethsoft?

The last bastion of tolerance has fallen. :dance:
Heh, the fact that that dude on the Bethesda forums doubts whether or not he can still directly link to NMA is hilarious.

This is almost as hilariously bad as the community relations were surrounding F:BoS. Perhaps worse, because we didn't really care about that game as much as we care about this one, since this one is pretending to be some kind of "true sequel" and "true interpretation", when anyone with glasses on can see it's not.

(sorry, it's that simple. It can be many things, including a good game, but "true sequel"? Heh)
Brother None said:
It can be many things, including a good game, but "true sequel"? Heh

Do they really claim to make a true sequel? Never heard them say this actually.. (they can't be this stupid, right?)
star said:
Brother None said:
It can be many things, including a good game, but "true sequel"? Heh

Do they really claim to make a true sequel? Never heard them say this actually.. (they can't be this stupid, right?)

They'd never use the term "true sequel", it doesn't fit in their vocabulary.

But if you read interviews or diary entries from Pete and Todd, you'll notice how they're basically saying this franchise is theirs now, which automatically means that their take on Fallout is the true take on Fallout regardless of the originals. It's not a surprising attitude, considering with how little respect they've treated Weaver's Elder Scrolls legacy.
star said:
Do they really claim to make a true sequel? Never heard them say this actually.. (they can't be this stupid, right?)
You would think...
Brother None said:
Briosa: let the good people at the BethSoft forum know, will ya? Just in case they're afraid of coming here because we'll face them with nasty things like facts and reasoned arguments.


Strike for cross-site trolling.

(wait, I can't issue strikes to admins? wtf bullshit! Banned!)
now that IS fun :)
they've removed screenshots but haven't removed this header pic made of one of those screenshots and a small icon for it :)

BTW, this preview is for PS3
lolz.. suddenly you fanboys complain about gfx, but if someone mentions FO1 or 2 then "nah, GFX doesnt matter".. you're teh funny!

this game will be miles better than brotherhood of steel (made by interplay.. lol)...
this game will be miles better than brotherhood of steel (made by interplay.. lol)...
Uh-huh, right.
Better game than PoS, yeah, it sounds like something I'll believe
Okay .. it's not a Fallout 3 sequel like I would have wanted .. but it's still Fallout and I have always respected Bethesda's work. I can bitch all I want and say that this sucks or that sucks, but I'd just be lying to myself if I said I wasn't going to buy that the second it hit shelves.
One thing bugs me about the screen shots, particually the town one.

In F1, F2 and even Craptics the majority of the terrain was sandy desert with dirt and some trees, rocks and stuff thrown in. Where as it looks like in what beth is doing they have gone for a much more urban setting. Personally I think it makes it look to hectic. If Megaton is trying to be Junktown (supposidly) then why is there so much stuff in it? Everything is crammed in close together, it makes it look like the designer has tried to do their job well and put too much into a small space.

If the town were more spread out with big open pathways rather than medievil styled cramped dark ages villages I think it would really improve the feel of the game. It would also make navigating a lot easier.

At the moment, from all that I have seen, it looks like they have taken Fallout and dipped it in a Vat of Hollywood. Super mutants could really do with being less orc like and more lumbering and hulkish -but still recogniseable as once human. The simpletons who worship a nuclear bomb? I cant see it happening TBH. Perhaps some twisted form of Christianity or some other religion sure. But worshipping a nuke is too... cheesey. Whats more somone (like the brotherhood) would have come allong and taken the nuke long ago. There is a reason F1 and F2 are so barren - the big boys take EVERYTHING of value to them.
Just from looking at the screenshots...

This looks like the OPPOSITE of the kind of game I would buy.

The Mutants have absolutely none of the artistic feel of the Fallout world, and neither does the Dweller. For that matter, neither does the scenery.

All images are of COMBAT, thus we can expect a combat-dominated game world.

I know many of you are planning on buying this game just to see how it turns out, or just because you love Fallout.

But if this game was going by a different name other than Fallout, nobody on this forum would probably have uttered a single word about it by now.

It looks BLAND, uninspired, boring, unoriginal, not unique... ahhh. Not fair.
There would be no reason to bitch about it if it wasn't for the name.

As for the graphic, nmasuxxass (is this suppose to be funny? I mean, the name and suppose-to-be-noob language?) when it comes to Fallout 1 and 2 it really doesn't matter. Why? Because the story and gameplay make up for it. In this case, story, gameplay AND graphic will probably suck, so that IS a reason to complain. Brotherhood of Steel sucked, true, but why even remind of that shit? Fallout 3,if completed by BIS, wouldn't.