New Fallout 4 gameplay released


First time out of the vault

So, you get power armor and a minigun within what appears to be the first hour of gameplay. Seems like their target audience just can't handle the oh so boring task of actually putting in effort to acquire the pinnacle of pre-war weapons technology. Unless they use a plot railroad of some sort, you won't even have to give it back. You can just say "no" and only an idiot (AKA Bethesda writers) would try to stop you.
Just seen it. Awful. Absolutely bloody terrible. I was looking forward to play the game, but now? Not so much. Fallout 3 already annoyed me with omnipresence of highly sophisticated energy weapons, but power armor right from the get go? That's pushing it.
I can't be the only one who noticed him look RIGHT AT the camera at the start. that was cute.

First impressions...

-looks bloody lovely but what doesn't these days?
-Pip-Boy I like. Looks good, interface looks better but I couldn't tell you why. I like it.
-skips between significant sections - is the wandering THAT boring? c'mon (this is a petty point, I know. I want my lawyer)
-characters are more organic. No more cardboard cutouts. Good.
-running animation better. Head bob would be nice.
-slo-mo vats = better.
-raiders don't seem to carry quite as many wazer wifles.
-why do you build up to a critical? how does that make sense? adrenaline?
-weapon spread without iron sights looks much wider. this is pleasing.
-less emphasis on quest markers/more unmarked quests initiated by listening to NPCs? YES PLEASE
-power armour HUD = good. I never understood how you could have such advanced tech without some sort of HUD
-in power armour, deathclaw standard attack takes 1/5 of health - good, considering the char had 10 STR and seems to be quite high level
-deathclaw does seem to take a lot of damage, but not as much as I'd hoped. I'd have to see what it does without any armour on, and how resistant it is to less powerful weapons.
-deathclaw headbutt does very little damage, but there should, imo, be a penalty to AP, or weapon spread, or per, for that, as that would disorientate the fuck outta you even in armour
-raiders go down easily but they are against a PA+minigun so I guess it's not TOTALLY unbalanced, plus the protags are always shown to be a cut above the rest. still questionable
-but the gameplay looks quite easy. I'm not seeing much need to plan or prepare if you're this much of a walking tank.
-larger settlements but very large, sparse wastelands - good, but depends very much on what they do with the sparse wasteland. Hopefully not tons of copy-pasted environments with little to nothing to see at all.

Yeah, I'm sated for the moment. Providing there's a hardcore mode and the gameplay supports and informs the story, I can expect reasonably good things from this.

As said, it hinges on whether this was just a tech demo or whether you only get a small taste of the armour before it's taken back off you, or something. To me, this looks like a thinly spread tech demo. If they were renting out that armour, or had a contingency for theft as part of the 'there's 5 of us' quest, that could be good. Get a taster for it and then crave it for later in the game.
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So after thinking that only the voice would improve their writting, now they think that only the voice will cover the lack of facial expression of their npc...
My student Project had better facial animations.... And it's not like they needed to hand sculpt every single one, they could just use morphers that are shared by all the faces and move sliders.... I mean come the fuck on....

Is it just me or did Mr 111's voice changed? Doesn't sound like Troy Baker anymore like in the E3.
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Is it just me or the response the mr.handy gave to the player character was the same as the one in the E3 presentation despite he choosing a different dialogue option? If that is so it looks like they are going to skimp on voice acting by making the different player choices not impacting NPC dialogue too much.

Also, the fact you get the power armor (which is probably going to be a main feature of the game due to all the related customization) from what it seems like a not totally neutral questline (you get into it to save a group of strangers, which is means altruistic player) stinks of painful linearity and lack of player freedom to roleplay.


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And it implies a Wildcard type scenario too.

At the very least it shows they're thinking about it. Though it looks like we may have no choice but to help Preston Garvey, I suppose we couldn't help the Fiends against the First Recon either.
I suppose we couldn't help the Fiends against the First Recon either.

It's difficult to help someone who tries to shoot you on sight. The same way you couldn't help the Jackals or the Vipers. :)

I really hope "attack on sight" enemies are the sort of thing that are purely the cause of a technological limitation and are something we're going to be able to grow out of with new technology. "Attack the PC no matter what" is easy to code, but "that guy has power armor and a minigun, so maybe our ambush with baseball bats is ill-considered" or "I know that guy, let's not kill him" or other sorts of AI behaviors are far more interesting.

The sorts of Raiders who attack heavily armed people and continue attacking until you die or they do probably will not survive very long in the wastes, so most of the ones you meet should show some discretion.
I mean, just in general Raiders that charge at people while they themselves are holding guns aren't likely to last long.

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Kinda funny how they spend so much time explaining to the players before the release that Super Mutants will not be generic enemies and that there will be a reason for them.

Turns out they have been just your generic enemies and and had no real point in the game except to serve as bullet sponges.

I suppose we couldn't help the Fiends against the First Recon either.

It's difficult to help someone who tries to shoot you on sight. The same way you couldn't help the Jackals or the Vipers. :)

I really hope "attack on sight" enemies are the sort of thing that are purely the cause of a technological limitation and are something we're going to be able to grow out of with new technology. "Attack the PC no matter what" is easy to code, but "that guy has power armor and a minigun, so maybe our ambush with baseball bats is ill-considered" or "I know that guy, let's not kill him" or other sorts of AI behaviors are far more interesting.

The sorts of Raiders who attack heavily armed people and continue attacking until you die or they do probably will not survive very long in the wastes, so most of the ones you meet should show some discretion.

Actually there is not really a limitation here. AI is all about scripts. So it would not be the most difficult thing in the world for a developer. There are already mechanics where enemies flee in Fallout 3, I think. It all depends how much effort you put in to the AI.