I can't be the only one who noticed him look RIGHT AT the camera at the start. that was cute.
First impressions...
-looks bloody lovely but what doesn't these days?
-Pip-Boy I like. Looks good, interface looks better but I couldn't tell you why. I like it.
-skips between significant sections - is the wandering THAT boring? c'mon (this is a petty point, I know. I want my lawyer)
-characters are more organic. No more cardboard cutouts. Good.
-running animation better. Head bob would be nice.
-slo-mo vats = better.
-raiders don't seem to carry quite as many wazer wifles.
-why do you build up to a critical? how does that make sense? adrenaline?
-weapon spread without iron sights looks much wider. this is pleasing.
-less emphasis on quest markers/more unmarked quests initiated by listening to NPCs? YES PLEASE
-power armour HUD = good. I never understood how you could have such advanced tech without some sort of HUD
-in power armour, deathclaw standard attack takes 1/5 of health - good, considering the char had 10 STR and seems to be quite high level
-deathclaw does seem to take a lot of damage, but not as much as I'd hoped. I'd have to see what it does without any armour on, and how resistant it is to less powerful weapons.
-deathclaw headbutt does very little damage, but there should, imo, be a penalty to AP, or weapon spread, or per, for that, as that would disorientate the fuck outta you even in armour
-raiders go down easily but they are against a PA+minigun so I guess it's not TOTALLY unbalanced, plus the protags are always shown to be a cut above the rest. still questionable
-but the gameplay looks quite easy. I'm not seeing much need to plan or prepare if you're this much of a walking tank.
-larger settlements but very large, sparse wastelands - good, but depends very much on what they do with the sparse wasteland. Hopefully not tons of copy-pasted environments with little to nothing to see at all.
Yeah, I'm sated for the moment. Providing there's a hardcore mode and the gameplay supports and informs the story, I can expect reasonably good things from this.
As said, it hinges on whether this was just a tech demo or whether you only get a small taste of the armour before it's taken back off you, or something. To me, this looks like a thinly spread tech demo. If they were renting out that armour, or had a contingency for theft as part of the 'there's 5 of us' quest, that could be good. Get a taster for it and then crave it for later in the game.