New game, Bioshock.

haha, poor Pip...

but you owe it to yourself Pipster (and to the forum policy)...
Yes, and any links to or descriptions of bypassing the security of Bioshock will be punished with a strike. No warez talk here.
Wow, that was hilarious!

I have yet to finish that damned game, but intend to this weekend!
Hmm, so have a few others.

The entire reason I haven't finished it yet is because I had a week of non-gaming due to my surgery, and just didn't feel up to even bothering playing. I started again this afternoon, and already up to the docks. I wanted to savour every moment of it, and not miss anything, so I started again.

But I really hope I won't be so disappointed...
i think you can find the dude's first reviews on youtube (from before he joined the escapist).

they're pretty funny too.
that guy is funny ! thank you for that review ..

the only thing i could wish for would be more reviews.
Of all games to be playing when my SECOND Xbox360 gets 3 red lights, it had to be Bioshock...

I feel your pain Duckman. I'm playing on my second 360... If and when it fails, I'll be up the creek without a paddle.

I still need to send in my first for repair! :roll:
Serious? Why didn't you get that repaired by Microsoft?

EB Games in the local area have no spare Xbox360's to replace mine, seeing I have a 2 year extended warranty with them. So I'm waiting til Tuesday or Wednesday, whenever they get their shipments.
Because at the time they wanted 180$ US in repairs, that's nearly the price of a bare bones console 360, sans Hard Drive.
I didn't want to wait around months on end for my fixed console to arrive.

And now I think Microsoft is repairing certain consoles free of charge, so I'm going to get in touch with them soon and have my old 360 sent in.
Noneoftheabove said:
I didn't want to wait around months on end for my fixed console to arrive.
I can't claim this as universal, but I had a great experience with sending my Xbox (original, not 360) to Microsoft for repair, surprisingly.

They sent me a box, I packed it in and sent it off, got it back, all in the space of about a week or so. Had to do it a second time too with about the same time frame, although this time, for whatever reason, my hard drive came back sans all my save games and data.
In an ideal world that is how it should work Kyuu. Except now with the 360 and everybody and their dog having problems, Microsoft is pretty backed-up I hear.
So, about Bioshock...
Just completed it again and got the bad ending. Anyone think the sequel could be...
post apoc??
This game was one of the best games I've played in a long time, the graphics are amazing when cranked up to the highest on the pc too, Also very good engine, no stuttering or hiccups whatsoever. Not to mention the awesome storyline and the great voice acting, top notch. I felt like I was playing a movie.

I hope Crysis can either be on the same level or pass it up XD