New Gameplay video

UncannyGarlic said:
Yeah but it reinforces my question of how the hell you leaves a vault which no one is supposed to leave when the overseer and his goons are chasing you, let alone leave it through the front door... They all hate you because you supposedly helped your father leave so now they just let you unseal the vault and leave? Methinks the devs need to watch the Fallout 2 introduction video again...

Our Fallout 3 preview describes it quite well:

Entering the password starts a door animation which is very different from the originals. A large, steampunkish robot arm with a pole/key extension is inserted into the upper-left corner of the door, and rolls it out to the right. As the PC leaves, the guards cry out "he's opening the door!" and call for someone to warn the overseer, draw their batons, but don't really do anything otherwise (not even moving).
I was impressed with this. The game looks pretty good (not top of the line, but I'm OK with that... Morrowind was ugly as hell but I loved the game despite this).

The VATS idea is growing on me a bit, as I'm not a huge shooter fan. Looks like a decent alternative to simple twitch gaming.
When you design a vault to nominally hold people safe from an uninhabitable nuclear wasteland, and in reality to keep them from ever leaving, you rig the door so it can be opened by a kid with a password.

Maybe it's your dad's super password?
It'd make sense for there to be some kind of override password, available to the Overseer.

How the PC gets it is unknown.
I... didn't like the sounds the pistol was making... They were too "soft" and didn't really give any satisfaction from firing it. Compare it to, say, .223 pistol.
Brother None said:
Our Fallout 3 preview describes it quite well:

... As the PC leaves, the guards cry out "he's opening the door!" and call for someone to warn the overseer, draw their batons, but don't really do anything otherwise (not even moving).

To insert completely applicable Simpsons quote..

"Oh no, they're very slowly getting away!"

Man, I played SNES games that had more intensity than that.

Per said:
When you design a vault to nominally hold people safe from an uninhabitable nuclear wasteland, and in reality to keep them from ever leaving, you rig the door so it can be opened by a kid with a password.

Maybe it's your dad's super password?

Haven't you seen the movie Hackers?

All passwords consist of only five words.

In this instance, I'm betting the password is Penis.
Brother None said:
Because it's funny.

Didn't Todd Howard's girly giggle convince you it is funny?

(sorry guys, you all know I don't particularly like slagging individual developers, but dude giggles like a girl)

His voice is so irritating. And the way he talks - so full of self satisfaction, i want to ki.... eh w/e.

Video looks ok. Still needs to see the RPG that he always like to say a lot, "You know this is an RPG" - so show us RPG FFS!
another question... you step out of the vault, jump off a cliff, and there you are on a road with an enclave floater bot...

why did the enclave never try to gain entry to the vault...
The ridiculous hate boners you guys have for people you've never met, and from all accounts I've heard are seemingly pretty nice, is probably the worst feature of this site.
Anani Masu said:
The ridiculous hate boners you guys have for people you've never met, and from all accounts I've heard are seemingly pretty nice, is probably the worst feature of this site.

As I said, I'm no fan of personal attacks on devs and do agree some NMA members are big assholes at times, but criticising either Pete Hines' or Todd Howard's speaking abilities? Nothing wrong with that. They're annoying to listen to, it just is what it is.
It's nice to see a demo that isn't a repeat of the bridge area and doesn't have the God Mode cheat enabled just so we can see how much gibs we can produce. I am thoroughly satisfied that the experience of watching a single shot take a man's head and half his torso has been fully ported to the new medium.

I hope they've been holding back the actual opening sequence and that it hasn't simply been released in the promos. Then again, I hope they'll still decide to use I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire. That would have been my choice, though I would have loved to see the unreleased version of Just Suppose by Lee Andrew and the Hearts as well.

radnan said:
first time i could bear to listen to Todd alltho i did cringe when he repeated the bit about the eyebot.
I'll bet Todd is sick of the spiel, too.
Apparently, Fallout 3 is a shooter.......with a whole lot of wandering around aimlessly. Exiting the looks like Oblivion. Big, and empty.

And that VATS.....come on. 10 minutes of playing, and that shit will get annoying. Can you disable all the slow-mo stuff, and all the camera angle switches?

Speaking of the I-Bot, wtf? Why is the Enclave blaring propaganda through miles of empty wasteland?
Brother None said:
[As I said, I'm no fan of personal attacks on devs and do agree some NMA members are big assholes at times, but criticising either Pete Hines' or Todd Howard's speaking abilities? Nothing wrong with that. They're annoying to listen to, it just is what it is.

I'm not a fan of personal attacks either. However- I do fully support poking fun at Todd and Pete's public speaking abilities because they're well-paid PR guys.

As such, they're supposed to be the public faces and voices of their company. So when you've got an interview where they're constantly interjecting 'you know' or 'um', or when the presenter's voice is rather annoying, I'd say it's fair to point out how ridiculous it is to pay someone to do a poor job of presenting their company's product.

On topic: Maybe it was just my computer, or the small preview screen, but I thought the visual quality of the game was pretty poor.

It seems about on the same level as Oblivion minus all the bloom. As others have pointed out, many times, that level of graphical quality was quite good around the mid 2000s, but today? Just so-so.

It's also weird to see what's still standing after two hundred years of trying to rebuild (well... maybe...) Like that water tower looking thing. And random bits of wood from houses. Even if the wood was treated, or consisted of Redwood, it still would've rotted away decades ago. Assuming no major humidity changes, or bugs, of course. If that was the case, it would've crumbled even earlier.

Also- there's a lot of crap all over the place. I would think that random bits of stuff- except for masonry, and there seemed to be plenty of it- wouldn't be around much any more. Then again, I could be mistaken. As I said, the preview looked pretty lousy on my screen.
gc051360 said:
Apparently, Fallout 3 is a shooter.......with a whole lot of wandering around aimlessly. Exiting the looks like Oblivion. Big, and empty.
There are plenty of games besides with big open worlds, take Fallout 1 and 2 for example. Lot's of open space between towns, camps, cities ect. I guess since Bethesda is making it, Oblivion seems to be the most overly used game to bash since Fallout 3 looks identical to the world of Oblivion, granted Oblivion is not a superb or even great RPG game, but damn people find new games to bash besides Oblivion and Morrowind, it seems like a Bethesda roast on every topic you read nowadays.

Spread this hatred around a bit, drop new names, its ok to think outside of your narrow based hate filled minds for Oblivion. I'm just saying, ya it's alright every now and then to repost the same shit, but starting a topic about one thing, then two pages later reading about how Bethesda is killing the legacy and good name of Fallout, point taken, now discuss what the main topic was about stop reposting what everyone else has said and think for yourself a bit.
All of those oblivion with guns jokes suddenly aren't funny anymore.

So this is what they've been working on all this time? Looks like fucking oblivion. With guns.
No one notice that game is a shooter???.

I don't like it, what most dislike about the video was when he was fighting, the raiders just move the same as the guys inside of the infinite number of clone ruins of oblivion world. Also it feel exactly as oblivion, just a different theme...

Sad thing it looks exactly as the videos that ppl make months ago showing oblivion engine with a gun...