Brother None said:
[As I said, I'm no fan of personal attacks on devs and do agree some NMA members are big assholes at times, but criticising either Pete Hines' or Todd Howard's speaking abilities? Nothing wrong with that. They're annoying to listen to, it just is what it is.
I'm not a fan of personal attacks either. However- I do fully support poking fun at Todd and Pete's public speaking abilities because they're well-paid PR guys.
As such, they're supposed to be the public faces and voices of their company. So when you've got an interview where they're constantly interjecting 'you know' or 'um', or when the presenter's voice is rather annoying, I'd say it's fair to point out how ridiculous it is to pay someone to do a poor job of presenting their company's product.
On topic: Maybe it was just my computer, or the small preview screen, but I thought the visual quality of the game was pretty poor.
It seems about on the same level as Oblivion minus all the bloom. As others have pointed out, many times, that level of graphical quality was quite good around the mid 2000s, but today? Just so-so.
It's also weird to see what's still standing after two hundred years of trying to rebuild (well... maybe...) Like that water tower looking thing. And random bits of wood from houses. Even if the wood was treated, or consisted of Redwood, it still would've rotted away decades ago. Assuming no major humidity changes, or bugs, of course. If that was the case, it would've crumbled even earlier.
Also- there's a lot of crap all over the place. I would think that random bits of stuff- except for masonry, and there seemed to be plenty of it- wouldn't be around much any more. Then again, I could be mistaken. As I said, the preview looked pretty lousy on my screen.