New Gameplay video

I'm glad they showed off some new areas..

I am really excited about the game.. but was I the only one that noticed there was a stat(or skill) boost on the baseball hat? I was expecting one on the welding mask like repair.. but nope.

Still doesn't suppress the fact the I am REALLY looking forward to this.. but I thought it might provide some fodder for those filled with bile.
I still can't understand why you need to walk everywhere the first time. From the video it looks like walking through a garbage site instead of a nuclear wasteland.
If people don't want big and empty, maybe the post-apocalyptic genre is not for you? Hm?

Anyways, is this the first video of them pulling back the third-person view? This is the first time I've seen it pulled past the over-the-shoulder perspective. I doubt you'll be able to approximate an isometric view, but at least third-person is sort of an option.
you know, this video made me realize a tiny part of me is looking forward to this game. Who isn't waiting to dump a ton of skill points into small guns, get 95% to hit on every limb, and then que up .44 magnum w/ speed loader shots on some raiders arms and legs, totally cripple but not kill him, and then just walk away... or maybe finish him with a super sledge depending on how im feeling...
Zacirus said:
gc051360 said:
Apparently, Fallout 3 is a shooter.......with a whole lot of wandering around aimlessly. Exiting the looks like Oblivion. Big, and empty.
There are plenty of games besides with big open worlds, take Fallout 1 and 2 for example. Lot's of open space between towns, camps, cities ect. I guess since Bethesda is making it, Oblivion seems to be the most overly used game to bash since Fallout 3 looks identical to the world of Oblivion, granted Oblivion is not a superb or even great RPG game, but damn people find new games to bash besides Oblivion and Morrowind, it seems like a Bethesda roast on every topic you read nowadays.

Spread this hatred around a bit, drop new names, its ok to think outside of your narrow based hate filled minds for Oblivion. I'm just saying, ya it's alright every now and then to repost the same shit, but starting a topic about one thing, then two pages later reading about how Bethesda is killing the legacy and good name of Fallout, point taken, now discuss what the main topic was about stop reposting what everyone else has said and think for yourself a bit.

Wow. You are the very first person to make a comment like this.

Thank you for your insights. You changed my life.

Fallout 1 and 2 had big open worlds. But they didn't force you to actually wander through the emptiness.

If people don't want big and empty, maybe the post-apocalyptic genre is not for you? Hm?
While theoretically it makes sense in a post apocalyptic world.

Wandering around an empty country side, in a video game, is not fun to do.

The world map mechanic in Fallout 1 and 2, works pretty nicely. Why not just use something like that?
Zacirus said:
I guess since Bethesda is making it, Oblivion seems to be the most overly used game to bash since Fallout 3 looks identical to the world of Oblivion, granted Oblivion is not a superb or even great RPG game, but damn people find new games to bash besides Oblivion and Morrowind, it seems like a Bethesda roast on every topic you read nowadays.
This is sarcasm right? You even refuted your own point. Bethesda is making it Fallout 3, these topics are about Fallout 3, and Oblivion and Morrowind are their Bethesda's two recent games of note. Why would any other games come up? Not to mention that Fallout 3 looks an awful lot (well, exactly, actually) like a big Oblivion mod...
[...] think for yourself a bit.
Love it when people say "think for yourself" but really mean "think like me."
the 10mm pistol model is terrible, maybe worse than the PPShotgun. there seems to be a hammer spur on the back of the slide but without an actual hammer? people who don't know how guns work should not design 3d models for them :(
Per said:
We've been speculating on this. I haven't been able to find out much using Google, so if anyone recognizes any of the presentation graphics please let us know.
It's from a show called 'Playr' which replaced on Bravo, like gamer tv there's actually three shows usually shown back to back Playr, Playr2 and Playr Guide. I watched Playr & Playr2 at the weekend and this wasn't on, so it was either shown the previous week or as part of Playr Guide. Playr Guide is on again 8.30 am this weekend (in the UK) though I don't know if it's a repeat or not.
I was astonished! In the video he shot people over and over again and their heads didn't explode nor did limbs fly off. I mean its not like they had bloody mess on all the damned time at E3 is it? They said the didn't when asked right??

That and the shifting from 1st to 3rd person is as much of a joke as it was in Oblivion.
Also, darkness didn't seem to have an effect on his hit probability in VATS.
Finally the only thing surprising and possibly good about this video. It showed the character actually missing shots.
Now if they could only convice me that the Fatboy wont appear until the endgame, I'll be happier.
I liked it.The emergence from the Vault really gives this feeling of...freedom + despair.Just about the only think I did not like was the "feel" when shooting, but hopefully thats because its played on an xbox controller.Todd could have showed more tricks with the camera though, and play it from third perspective instead of first.It was my favourite cam in Bloodlines and if it doesnt suck here, I will play it like that as well.

Edit -

"No dogmeat armor, no brahmin armor..." : )
I assume it's the demo everyone will see soon during the Leipzig show.

The game looks nice, exceptfew things. VATS cinematic still bugs me, along with the wooden animations. Also, no shadows, that looks strange and breaks that 'immersion' they are talking about.

I don't like FP view still. The camera is low and it looks like you are ducking or smth all the time. ALso, there's no immersion, 'cause there's no peripherical sight available, which you have in real life. Third person view makes much more sense in this terms.
I usually don't like nitpicking but that 'blinding' effect was just the screen going white for an awkwardly long time. And the feeling was also pretty much destroyed through the fact that you went through a loading screen. Compare it to Half Life 2, where certain tunnels that end up bringing you into broad daylight have a 'blinding' effect, or rather, a contrast effect, where because of all the dark surroundings you can't quite make out what's in the light. But when you step out, you almost instantly can see the world.

And about open, empty worlds. While Stalker wasn't entirely open, its manner of 'emptiness' was quite well done. It felt like it was a pretty big world you were playing in, but it didn't feel empty. Neither did it feel overcrowded. Fine balance.

Perhaps the PC version will have shadows, though I doubt they'll actually add something once they've finished the console version.

Also, I hope they've got a flash-light in the game.
Yeah, they sacrificed the text-box for a bloom effect. Good deal.
Farewell text-box, we will miss you!
It's a suburban area, I'm guessing everyone hightailed it out and left everything a mess, that's why it looks like a dump.

Remember, the Vaults in FO1/2 are in the middle of nowhere. This one is in the outskirts of a city.

Looked pretty good overall, not perfect, but it's ok.
gc051360 said:
If people don't want big and empty, maybe the post-apocalyptic genre is not for you? Hm?
While theoretically it makes sense in a post apocalyptic world.

Wandering around an empty country side, in a video game, is not fun to do.

The world map mechanic in Fallout 1 and 2, works pretty nicely. Why not just use something like that?

Thats the reason why they put in fast travel.
Brother None said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Yeah but it reinforces my question of how the hell you leaves a vault which no one is supposed to leave when the overseer and his goons are chasing you, let alone leave it through the front door... They all hate you because you supposedly helped your father leave so now they just let you unseal the vault and leave? Methinks the devs need to watch the Fallout 2 introduction video again...

Our Fallout 3 preview describes it quite well:

Entering the password starts a door animation which is very different from the originals. A large, steampunkish robot arm with a pole/key extension is inserted into the upper-left corner of the door, and rolls it out to the right. As the PC leaves, the guards cry out "he's opening the door!" and call for someone to warn the overseer, draw their batons, but don't really do anything otherwise (not even moving).
Thanks, guess I missed that... The guards not following the PC and/or not even fighting him/her is a real problem for me. I'd be satisfied with some stupidly convenient but semi-logical explanation for knowing the password like the PC's father telling it to him/her but when the PC doesn't even have to deal with the guards, that's just plain absurd.
thenightgaunt said:
I mean its not like they had bloody mess on all the damned time at E3 is it?

Actually yes, they did.

That and a buffed up character. And teddy bears doing damage they'd normally never do. And the fatman being so readily available.

The demo does well in showing animations, graphics and combat mechanics. Representative of the game it is not.
Why they have to show Todd's face? It makes me wanna puke!

Heh, have you notice that when he gets out from the Vault, he goes through a wooden doors, just like in Oblivion's caves!!!??

What a cheap game!!! They didn't think when they were doing this game :D

So basically, when we get out from the Vault, the first think we do is to kill our way through the raiders?
Aww, our player is so good, to take all the raiders at once? :D Nice!

But probably he used cheats, coz Todd is too dump to play games without cheats.
Maybe there will be cheats available with the game itself, on the first Manual's page, with a title above it
"Use these cheats, to have more guns, and all available armour in the game, at the start of your jurney...THE GAME IS BETTER FUN TO PLAY WITH CHEATS!!"
with a signature on the button "Todd Howard"

Yeah, as the first post looks like a big dump yard!
Guys, how can anyone, honnestly, say that "this" looks pretty good ? It might be fun ( this video was more entertaining than the E3 piece of shit one ) though but it sure as hell looks pretty meh...
Anyone else recognize the "half-crouch-lean-slightly-forward-and-swing-then-resume-standing" melee animation cycle from Oblivion?

Kinda sad that they are reusing stiff and poorly done animations from their previous game. Not to mention unrealistic. I mean, who looks like that when swinging something? I sure hope I dont.

But then again, lazyness (read as: "cost effective") has seemed to be the theme for Bethesda during the Fallout 3 production.