New Gameplay video

Seriously, the door that leads to the outside, the whole sequence is pretty much EXACTLY like oblivion.


dig the music though, and the enviroment is not that horrible.

textures need some work though
Realistically, how much do you think they're going to change in the next two months (or less).

Not much, I would say.
this is the most hopeful thing i've seen thus far...but i'm far from wasting the energy it used to take to cross my fingers.

i really feel like the most fun i'll get out of this game will be for the exact reasons i make fun of Oblivionites and dungeon nerds. only real difference being that i'm a desicated wasteland nerd, and that sucks to sit and feel like that's as good as it'll get.
TwinkieGorilla said:
this is the most hopeful thing i've seen thus far...but i'm far from wasting the energy it used to take to cross my fingers.

i really feel like the most fun i'll get out of this game will be for the exact reasons i make fun of Oblivionites and dungeon nerds. only real difference being that i'm a desicated wasteland nerd, and that sucks to sit and feel like that's as good as it'll get.

You make it sounds like Bethesda is forcing you to buy it.
Uhn... anyone got any idea how the guy go out of the vault, i mean if he go out with a mission for the vault people or he just stole the keys of the car, sorry vault and go out...

I mean it will not make sense if he go out "sneak" and no one notice that the door was open...
Drakehash said:
Uhn... anyone got any idea how the guy go out of the vault, i mean if he go out with a mission for the vault people or he just stole the keys of the car, sorry vault and go out...

I mean it will not make sense if he go out "sneak" and no one notice that the door was open...

I am betting on multiple paths out... talk..steal..hack..fight probably. Since it is in the main story arc.. I am sure they have at least a few solutions to it.. not saying I believe all the quests have that many solutions.. but if I were a betting man I would say they probably have many ways to get out because it's the first "quest" you get and they will want to emphasis "options".. even if later it gets more constrained.
BowserJesus said:
You make it sounds like Bethesda is forcing you to buy it.

first, i'd like you to look closely at the moderately confused look on my face.

ok seriously...what now??? this is a game which for all intents and purposes is one that i've been hoping to play since news of VanBuren first began. meaning, Fallout 3, a successor to the series that i love. who said anything about "buying" or "forcing" (really though...aside from you, who?)??? i'm saying...this is the best we have to look forward to right now as a new "Fallout" and the best looks pretty goddamn "meh" worthy.
Xenophile said:
Drakehash said:
Uhn... anyone got any idea how the guy go out of the vault, i mean if he go out with a mission for the vault people or he just stole the keys of the car, sorry vault and go out...

I mean it will not make sense if he go out "sneak" and no one notice that the door was open...

I am betting on multiple paths out... talk..steal..hack..fight probably. Since it is in the main story arc.. I am sure they have at least a few solutions to it.. not saying I believe all the quests have that many solutions.. but if I were a betting man I would say they probably have many ways to get out because it's the first "quest" you get and they will want to emphasis "options".. even if later it gets more constrained.

This mean the security of the most important thing of the vault (the door) is just zero?? this mean, in 200 years anyone could go out when he want... kinda weird, i was thinking that the overseer is the only one with the key code and there is to be some BIG security protocol for protect it, also knowing that someone recently scape from the vault mean there have to be more security on the door. Also as a new player lvl 1 going out of the vault you lack of BIG numbers of a skill on most expertise soo how the hell he go out, lets wait the review :D...

This game is beginning with the left foot...

Sorry for my English, i hope someone understand my point :D
TwinkieGorilla said:
BowserJesus said:
You make it sounds like Bethesda is forcing you to buy it.

first, i'd like you to look closely at the moderately confused look on my face.

ok seriously...what now??? this is a game which for all intents and purposes is one that i've been hoping to play since news of VanBuren first began. meaning, Fallout 3, a successor to the series that i love. who said anything about "buying" or "forcing" (really though...aside from you, who?)??? i'm saying...this is the best we have to look forward to right now as a new "Fallout" and the best looks pretty goddamn "meh" worthy.

If i were you, i were beginning to think and pray that someone take this game and do a good mod that resemble something near to the fallout world, i am sure you will find lot of stuff in this game that will make you think that is more a elder scroll game than a fallout game... it is clear that this game is made for those who love oblivion, soo if you are one of those, be happy, if not cross your fingers like me.
TwinkieGorilla said:
this is the best we have to look forward to right now as a new "Fallout" and the best looks pretty goddamn "meh" worthy.
LIAR!!! You have Age of Decadence to look forward to, and you have vapor-ware Afterfall! Of course those two are independent, but so what? Does it means they'll be worse games?
Drakehash said:
Uhn... anyone got any idea how the guy go out of the vault, i mean if he go out with a mission for the vault people or he just stole the keys of the car, sorry vault and go out...

As already noted, this is described in the NMA preview:

Hines announces the PC's father, who was always there for him, has suddenly disappeared. This "is pretty jarring to me, because it's my dad." It's also jarring to the residents of the vault, because in 200 years nobody has entered or left the vault. So you must leave the vault on the dual motive of figuring out why your father left and because the Overseer heavily suspects your involvement, sending "his goons after me."

The PC uses a terminal. Normally it would require finishing a quest to get the non-random password. I assume that you can't type in the password even if you know it, as console controls have no typing, meaning you'll always have to figure it out even if the player knows it (because the PC doesn't).

Entering the password starts a door animation which is very different from the originals. A large, steampunkish robot arm with a pole/key extension is inserted into the upper-left corner of the door, and rolls it out to the right. As the PC leaves, the guards cry out "he's opening the door!" and call for someone to warn the overseer, draw their batons, but don't really do anything otherwise (not even moving). It is to be noted that it is possible to review and change some things about your character when you leave the vault, a kind of "finalization" procedure.
TwinkieGorilla said:
BowserJesus said:
You make it sounds like Bethesda is forcing you to buy it.

first, i'd like you to look closely at the moderately confused look on my face.

ok seriously...what now??? this is a game which for all intents and purposes is one that i've been hoping to play since news of VanBuren first began. meaning, Fallout 3, a successor to the series that i love. who said anything about "buying" or "forcing" (really though...aside from you, who?)??? i'm saying...this is the best we have to look forward to right now as a new "Fallout" and the best looks pretty goddamn "meh" worthy.

Dude, where have you been in the last 10 years? :shock:

If the game is called "Fallout 3", and even if it's made by some other game developer (not the one who made the originals), it doesn't mean it is a true "Fallout 3" because it's called like that.

And yes, you sound like they are forcing you to buy this game. Probably because it's named "Fallout", and maybe you think you should accept the way the new Fallout looks.
But dude, you don't have to.

I would be happy to play this game, if there is no "Fallout" title on it... coz I like shooters! But I'm sick of shooters. We have loads of them on the market :evil:
Public said:
Dude, where have you been in the last 10 years? :shock:

ohhh-kayyyy??? you guys are all missing my point and have maybe joined the message boards in my recent bout of silence over this abortion of a game or are just n00bs to my posts. i've been perma-banned from the official site twice in the past year...i think i'm pretty well aware that i don't like the game and i don't have to like the game.

anyway, again...fallout 3 as the "officially" titled successor to fallouts 1 & 2 has the appearance of a horribly sub-par successor, and this is a travesty. what i am upset about is the fact that we will most likely never "officially" see a true successor. i'm not talking about mods. i'm not talking about fan-made anything. i'm talking about a publicly released game you see in stores. get me?

nobody's talking about buying it. nobody's talking about being forced into anything. i'll go ahead and say i am in NO WAY considering purchasing this game. ok? and yes, i'm sure i'll play it to satisfy some base curiosity if nothing else but right now i should be pissing my pants with anticipation...not shrugging my shoulders, which is exactly what happens anytime i see new screens or footage. how hard is it to comprehend a fan of the previous games being bummed out that he cannot find the effort to get excited about what bethesda is showing so far? not really the point and it's kinda disappointing to see a simple sentiment get so misinterpreted.
Look, this is a fascinating discussion and all, but drop it already, ok? Not that isn't a great talk, but it's not really going anywhere. Take it to pm's if you think it's of interest to anyone.
Didn't like it.

In regards to the vastness of the world here is my take. F1 and F2 had vast worlds but they didn't inundate you with it. Thats why the world map, although big, didn't have anything going on. It was when you hit a "encounter", that the game would open up part of that empty world to let you explore.

In the end the biggest problem I have is the fact that no matter how vast of an environment you have, it won't mean shit when everything in it does nothing. I mean sure its fucking great to see a realistic forest the first few times but then it gets fucking boring cause we have all seen forests, rocks, mountains or what the hell ever. The NPCs are dumb, the quests were dumb, and gameplay in Morrowind was pretty basic. No matter how good things look, shits going to get old fast when graphics is the only selling point for a game.

And yes VATS to me looks like Beth trying to sound like they created something original when shit like bullet time was already done to death with the matrix and max payne. If anything its some cheesy pause scheme for players who don't excel at twitch gaming who need some sort of chance to survive. Not turn based at all but a simple pause to allow those who are less adept at FPS manage to get something done before getting mowed down by gunfire from every nook and cranny.

Come to think of it with a birds eye view like iso you can see where shit is coming from. In first person its just a reaction fest of looking all around you hoping to get a glance of the shooter while hes camouflaged with the rest of the boring looking rubble.
DarkCorp said:
but then it gets fucking boring cause we have all seen forests, rocks, mountains or what the hell ever.
And the only alternative for this that Bethesda is putting in is a fast travel system which basically amounts to a slow teleport. No encounters, no danger, just some time instantly passes. Yep, straight from Oblivion. It's for the people who apparently like the game but dislike going to the trouble of actually playing it.