Still Mildly Glowing

Also, the earlier point with Saint's Row is done, I know, but my couple of views. I enjoyed both Saints Row: The Third and IV quite a lot, Saint's Row 2 was really the best balanced in the series. I miss having ones like them, and hoped Volition would turn back to trying their hand at their classic Saint's Row formula someday, even if it gets decried as a GTA rip-off. But hey, at least their turnaround with the theme didn't fail. Saints Rows after the second one held up very well even if the original fans of the first two didn't appreciate the change. I guess that's kinda like the situation here - Fallout 3 and 4 were good games, but they don't beat the original two, plus aren't even in the same league of overall tone.
The difference between Saints Row and Fallout is that Saints Row has been made by the same people since the beginning. Fallout has changed hands after a gap of 7 years (Ignoring BoS for this, it really departed from the "normal" games). Games evolved and the capabilities of consoles and computers changed. When Fallout 3 was developed, Bethesda had a working engine and used it to revive the series. Even if they made Fallout 3 90% of what people here wanted and made it contemporary with Fallout, it be derided for that alone. Not to mention lore inconsistencies that come with a series changing hands like that.
Which comes down to what I always say about Bethesda, they can make good games. Oblivion despite its mechanical failures was a good game. Even if Fallout 3 was that caliber, it still wouldn't be an isometric game. Which wouldn't really sell to people who aren't hardcore fans. Hell, I wouldn't have been interested in it if it were an isometric game. Games need to evolve and there will be growing pains. Lets hope they don't kill the series in the mean time, or hope that Bethesda cleans house on the development team. That isn't likely because of the hype induced sales, but here's to a social media campaign.