New Movies


Uhm, I removed your color tags, we don't appreciate random colour usage here, especially not when you fuck up the tags

Also, I think it'd be appreciated it if you try to type in normal English.

Dunno about Troy, but I am angered that Alexander appears to be the same cheap type of mass-spectacle film. Troy? Ok, it wasn't intended as anything else, but I'd expect more from Tone.

Pitch Black was good, the second will probably suck.
Kharn said:
Uhm, I removed your color tags, we don't appreciate random colour usage here, especially not when you fuck up the tags
Um, you did? :eyebrow: Still looks green to me. *Edit: Nevermind...*

I'm looking forward to seeing Harry Potter 3 myself. Haven't read any of the books, but the movies are quite impressive themselves.
I liked Troy a lot. Eric Bana and Peter O'Toole rule.

The Day After Tomorrow looks okay. I've yet to see anything from the actual movie, and refuse to judge on a trailer completely made of 5 second clips and stock footage.

Chronicles of Riddick looks like it will fucking blow.

I'm excited about The Bourne Supremacy and I, Robot.
I definetely liked Troy, although Malk, I'm gonna have to say that I don't like Eric Bana all that much. I actually fell asleep during the Hulk (whether it was because of him or not) and ever since then I've just associated the word boring with him.
As for Harry Potter 3, I'm very excited. This is supposed to be, according to the critics, the best one by far. It's much darker, and more mature. Not the happy go lucky, marchmellow and cocoa previous two.
Spiderman 2 looks amazing. I loved the first one, and I find that Sam Raimi is something of a personal God for me. I love everything he does.
I still wanna see Shrek 2 as well. I loved the first one, and the second one is supposed to be equally as good. I'll take my little cousins with me, I think.
Well, that's all the summer movies I can think of right now. More later maybe.
Malkavian, what is there that excites you about I, Robot? You haven't seen the extended trailer, correct? Where they explain the plot? It's a complete rape of Asimov's universe.
I've never read the book nor do I plan to. If I had I wouldn't really care. Movies are rarely like the novels they come from...doesn't make it a bad movie. Gotta think of it as a seperate entity.

I think it looks like a fun summer blockbuster. I like Will Smith, and it looks like it'll have some good production design and action sequences.
Eric Bana is great in most things (Hulk was terrible material). It is depressing that Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt are more pretty than Helen of Troy but oh well.

People claim that Troy tried to tone down the use of CGI but you could have sure fooled me.
I saw the trailer to I, Robot in theaters when I saw Van Helsing (great movie) and enjoyed the preview. Also saw the extended version to The Day After Tomorrow...meh...I'll see it but won't expect all that much from it. I snuck into Troy for about five minutes before this guy came in and told us to leave...that bitch, but didn't see all that much. I'm looking forward to seeing Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Terminal, and Star Wars Episode 3: ????
Troy sucked.
The number of historical incoherences in that movie, not to mention the Ramses II statue (supposed to be a Kuros but they don't fool anyone who's read anything about antique history) in the temple.

Meeeh. Not to mention Van Helsing.

I have to find some cash to go and watch the potentially good movies: "Monster" and "The girl with the pearl".
I refuse to watch Troy because I'm not going to support Hollywood dumbing things down anymore, and from what I've read they did dumb down this movie. I know it sounds a little pretentious, but come on, it's not like the Illiad is the most complex piece of literature ever written, and it would do this country a lot of good to have some literary quality in it's movies. The dumbing down thing is becoming more and more prevalent in every medium from movies to video games and I think it's ridiculous, especially in this case - why bother making a movie based on Homer if you're just going to make an action movie out of it? Just make a generic action movie and be done with it, leave the literature for someone who is going to make a faithful and worthy interpretation of it.
Montez said:
it would do this country a lot of good to have some literary quality in it's movies. The dumbing down thing is becoming more and more prevalent in every medium from movies to video games and I think it's ridiculous

My thoughts exactly. More content, less package please!

Montez said:
why bother making a movie based on Homer if you're just going to make an action movie out of it? Just make a generic action movie and be done with it, leave the literature for someone who is going to make a faithful and worthy interpretation of it.

I had a really pleasant feeling when I noticed that 'Where art thou, brother?' was based on Homer. Based on Homer! Bwahahahahaha! The Coen brothers rock!
Montez said:
I refuse to watch Troy because I'm not going to support Hollywood dumbing things down anymore, and from what I've read they did dumb down this movie. I know it sounds a little pretentious, but come on, it's not like the Illiad is the most complex piece of literature ever written, and it would do this country a lot of good to have some literary quality in it's movies. The dumbing down thing is becoming more and more prevalent in every medium from movies to video games and I think it's ridiculous, especially in this case - why bother making a movie based on Homer if you're just going to make an action movie out of it? Just make a generic action movie and be done with it, leave the literature for someone who is going to make a faithful and worthy interpretation of it.

:rockon: Well said Montez.

I'm with you all the way here. I was interested in Troy until I read about some of the changes they made, with the biggest one being the complete dismissal of the Gods. The roles of the Gods were important facets in Greek mythology and I believe the stories are devalued with them missing.
Ditto I, Robot. I loved the book. I saw a preview for it and was thoroughly disgusted.
I think everyone here realizes Hollywood is creatively bankrupt, having rid themselves of original thought for franchise name value in the chase for profits. But are these supporting the printed media or supplanting them? How many of the younger generations will never read Lord of the Rings because of the movies?

King of Creation said:
I still wanna see Shrek 2 as well. I loved the first one, and the second one is supposed to be equally as good. I'll take my little cousins with me, I think.

It wasn't as good as the first one, but it was still very enjoyable. The spoofs really come fast in this one. The voice cast was chosen well.
I am inclined to agree with you Montez. Could Troy have been made into a trilogy like Lord of the Rings though? I kind of doubt it. In the end, I'll wait for the video.

I, Robot- Harlan Ellison wrote a script for I, Robot some years ago. I wonder if they have adopted it or whether the movie makers will fuck the story up.

I hear Van Helsing was a lot of fun though. Day After Tomorrow is getting a lot of media support. Haven't seen Shrek 2. Perhaps some flicks should not have sequels.
welsh said:
I am inclined to agree with you Montez. Could Troy have been made into a trilogy like Lord of the Rings though? I kind of doubt it. In the end, I'll wait for the video.

Lord of the Rings is a text-book example of this problem.

Jackson took the last two books and boiled them down to some random lovescenes and a LOT of fighting.

Swear to God, I vaguely remember Lord of the Rings being about more than gay man-on-man between Frodo and Sam coupled to large CGI battles. I'm never impressed by these battles either, I mean all the fighters are tiny, like ants, am I supposed to "OMFG epic"?

Not that it's not fun, sure it's *fun*, but that's the whole problem, isn't it? Everything has to be fun. Kill Bill has been stamped a classic because it's a fun movie to watch. Now some people may be confused and think it's always been this way, that movies are a gene of fun, but that's not true, before it moved to the States from Europe, cinema was an artform, even its comedic side was considered an art, there was pretty much no bland fun.

Troy, meh, don't care either way, but then I caught the trailer for Alexander, and that pisses me off. I expected more from Stone, but no, Alexander will also have "the epic battles". Is there something wrong with current-day audiences, that we need big battles and special effects to keep us entertained?

Another large weakness of such films? They have no target audience. Rather than making them strong, that just makes them weak and insanely popular. It's not that they're for everyone, no, they're not for anyone.
Kharn said:
Good stuff

Interesting interpretation. But to me the reason for this phenomenon is rather obvious. Americans at least are bombarded with so much information every day that they are desensitized to the subtle nuances in the great epics, like all the Charleton Heston movies. For anything to have an impact is has to be so over the top and sensational so as to be ridiculous in the eyes of those not blinded by the hype, like Orderites ( :wink: ).