New Syndicate Game

oh god, will it never end? will yet another of my childhood memories be tarnished by money-grabbing hands?

I can see how they could make a somewhat interesting online game in the Syndicate world to be honest. but am I ready to hope for something good? not likely.
I'm surprised they didn't do a reboot of Crusader: No Remorse, another of my favorite childhood games. The settings are somewhat similar and the Silencer has omg power armor.
Brilliant. Now someone wants to fuck up the Syndicate franchise as well. WTF is wrong with these people? Can they not think of something new themselves? What?


Ah, the good times...

As for a sequel? I'm not adverse to it, even if chances are fairly high that it'll suck. At the rate they're ripping through oldskool franchises, they are bound to eventually make a good game, right? RIGHT?
Of course what you wrote is going to happen Guiltyofbeingtrite.

You forgot to add that it will be First Person or Third Person.
As your characters becomes more and more a cyborg he or she will get super powers through the special combat drugs.

Didn't you hear alec? Fans who do not know they are fans are screaming for sequels/remakes of classic game franchises that are being denied to them because they aren't flashy or Halo/GoW/GTA like.
I'm still waiting for the Dungeon Keeper FPS. (Notice that there was FPS in DK :P )

I don't know, wasn't there already a FPS craze in the 90s as well? Where FPS were original games actually?
that for sure. FPS games have been more or less always around. In one way or another. And thats no issue. I love FPS games. But its just more or less a recent evolution that they take a lot of "known" old RTS / Tourn Based titles tourning them in to mindless shooters. Thing is its hard to come up with a own setting AND making it good. Hence why they all just buy a already developed setting and just ad in their known formula (coooooooooooooood, regenerating health while you sit behind cover motha ... ! Fuck challenging gameplay!). It takes more skill to develope a good tourn based game compared to a shooter.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I'm surprised they didn't do a reboot of Crusader: No Remorse, another of my favorite childhood games. The settings are somewhat similar and the Silencer has omg power armor.

If this comes to pass I will blame you and hunt you down.
I've been wanting a sequel for a while and Starbreeze is a decent company. Darkness was a very underrated game IMO.
the way I see it, first and foremost, it will be console first, probably a FPS (most likely as EA have pretty much killed any RTS / RPG games out there, C&C4 is very bad, look at dragon age, I still say BG and 2 was miles better, unless it something like mass effect 2, even then that no where near as good as mass effect, so I seriously doubt it will have any tactics to speak off,

another good serious murdered by EA, like they have murdered so many games recently, it will be a poor game,
i think that dragon age was far better then mass effect 1 and 2 and their "tactical" fights and lack or content.

matthewfarmery said:
another good serious murdered by EA, like they have murdered so many games recently, it will be a poor game
i think that new titles are in a different world of production value and gameplay wealth compared to the old ones and that the game companies knows exactly what they are doing, the difference is that times has changed, once we was main stream and now days we are not...

just look at the sales list, super mario franchise sold more copies than your top 10 list together.
iirc in the all time top sales you'll find only arcades gta sims and near the end finnal fantasy and starcraft
that why we got pissed on this year on E3 with barely something for the "hardcore" gamers going with peripherals for causal gamers and that nintendo 3d toy.

btw speaking of bad production and ruining games, anyone seen mafia 2?

also iirc for those looking for "old school" games, i think that King's Quest 9 should be around the corner
This is one of my favorite games, I still play SW yearly through Dosbox, have the OST permanently on my mp3 player...
I do hope they don't fuck this one up. (One can dream and be very disappointed (again), and lose some more faith in mankind etc...)

PS everything Syndicate / Wars:
Sorry PainlessDocM, but I am pretty sure that they will mess it up and make it either a FPS or 3rd Person Shooter.

At best they will include some team mates depicting popular movie stereotypes of course who will banter amongst themselves when they are not shooting anything.

I doubt the game will have anything Cyberpunk related in it, or not done very well.
Yes.. "unfortunately" I am not naive enough to believe that this will turn out somehow great or even 'ok'. Perhaps I should get some kind of lobotomy to forget the "parts" that made 'those great games' great and thus acquire the ability to enjoy modern FPS dumbed down incantations / rip offs of the great games of times long forgotten to the bewildered masses without remembering what actually made them great.

alec said:
Brilliant. Now someone wants to fuck up the Syndicate franchise as well. WTF is wrong with these people? Can they not think of something new themselves? What?

plus the publisher is EA people, the same EA that released spore, wasn't that great, C&C4 (basically WTF were they thinking of when they wanted this game, plus they fired pretty much everyone behind it, and apoc is leaving too, (even though I always thought the guy talked out of he ass whenever he posted, plus he defended C&C4 to the hilt even though I doubt he has played it or other games from the series,

EA have done a long line of fucks ups with most games going, which is why, I have no hope this will be anything like the original, (one thing EA are very good at doing is messing up great franchises, so they killed of C&C universe, as it wasn't selling that well for the consoles, (RA3) and now they set their sights on this franchise (syndicate) and will mess up there, and dumb it down, and yes it will be a FPS or a third person, and will be conosle first before anything else, if the PC owner is lucky, it will be iffy, if not, very bad indeed, that is how EA work, you can't expect anything less then game and franchise killing from this company now

PS they have brining back medal of honour, and that lools very much like any other FPS wargame, (at least from the footage I have seen)
EA is to big to put everything at their foot step, in most cases they dont even active participant in the development and only publish them, in spore case Maxis was the developer, the same guys who made simcity 2-4 for them and the best selling PC franchises sims 1-3.

also i know everyone likes to say 'dumb down' but the way i see, it the same as turning to the kids channel and saying it...

also for EA works the guys from bioware who made Mass Effect 1-2 Dragon Age Origins and developers and other titles.
over all i think that EA has the best overall(not those we like) game quality among the 5 biggest publishers.

but hey, dont let me interrupt that rant of yours ...
well spore was, because of the copy protection, issues, and other issues, didn't really sell that well, at least to my knowledge, Ea do have a lot of say when it comes to game, they wanted C&C4 like it is, because of the management, even though the company behind it would have done something different, plus budget cuts, so the FMV's and story was utter shit,

they do have a lot of power, but they do seem to be losing their grip, they have shut down a few developer companies over the years, plus their methods concerning DRM has been very bad, (but they do own a share in activision, and they are going the same way with DRM, includeing SC2 will be online only,

all in all, I think EA aren't that great, they killed off C&C universe, for unknown reasons, but I think a few may have ideas on why), we are getting into the cycle of remakes and sequels, hardly anything original now, and that is so damn annoying,

plus they killed off Tiberium (FPS) because EA said it didn't meet our high standards, (but plenty of people left, changed, EA had a big hand in that, so they killed the project and a few devs (anonymously) talked at their time there, again EA had a real hand in the way things went, I dislike them, C&C3 was a ok game to a point, until the devs killed it with unbalanced patches, then they drip support of it and moved onto Kanes wrath,, and left it at 1.02, which a lot of glaring bugs, then onto RA3, and left that with glaring bugs, C&C4, I doubt has any support now,, due to the lack of devs, if anything, EA has a lot to answer for, and they do like to kill games off,
truth is never liked their work very much, i loved Dune2(pre EA) and red alert (not the last) but that's it. (i prefer games like SC or COH)

also i am huge fan of DRM (btw steam is also DRM), in my opinoin its one of the reasons why big companies stopped making games for us.

i just think that all this "money whores" and "developers who actually play games" and "dumbing down" is highly exaggerated theme on this forum to me its sound like whining about us been pushed out from the main stream...
we can also whine about today music main stream quality, rating worshiping "news", movies,tv shows or even internet porn... i just dont see the point

btw for those who look for non FPS games stealth like games always keep an eye on the Asian market, for example: