well spore was, because of the copy protection, issues, and other issues, didn't really sell that well, at least to my knowledge, Ea do have a lot of say when it comes to game, they wanted C&C4 like it is, because of the management, even though the company behind it would have done something different, plus budget cuts, so the FMV's and story was utter shit,
they do have a lot of power, but they do seem to be losing their grip, they have shut down a few developer companies over the years, plus their methods concerning DRM has been very bad, (but they do own a share in activision, and they are going the same way with DRM, includeing SC2 will be online only,
all in all, I think EA aren't that great, they killed off C&C universe, for unknown reasons, but I think a few may have ideas on why), we are getting into the cycle of remakes and sequels, hardly anything original now, and that is so damn annoying,
plus they killed off Tiberium (FPS) because EA said it didn't meet our high standards, (but plenty of people left, changed, EA had a big hand in that, so they killed the project and a few devs (anonymously) talked at their time there, again EA had a real hand in the way things went, I dislike them, C&C3 was a ok game to a point, until the devs killed it with unbalanced patches, then they drip support of it and moved onto Kanes wrath,, and left it at 1.02, which a lot of glaring bugs, then onto RA3, and left that with glaring bugs, C&C4, I doubt has any support now,, due to the lack of devs, if anything, EA has a lot to answer for, and they do like to kill games off,