Is the FO bible considered canon? I remember this troglodyte with an anime profile picture on the official forums. He flip-flopped between it being canon and non-canon when it was convenient.
Who did? Chris Avellone? I think Chris plays a careful hand in trying to keep us happy and keep his freelance workstyle ready for if Bethesda ever wants to hire him again. He won't ever openly shun what Bethesda has done if that's the issue at hand.
I think the Fallout Bible always was supposed to serve as an idea center of sorts. And some clarifications of things that needed it. I've always been told it's semi-canon. Bethesda apparently used it for inspiration for their games in some manners or something. I'm sure the Van Buren team used it as a reference when creating the game as well. I haven't fully read it myself, just bits and pieces here and there. I just happened upon that question one night and was very fond of his response. An admission of fault.
He pulled this stuff all the time. Like how in FNV the disguise system was shit because of a bug (putting on an NCR uniform in front of Legion makes them instantly hostile). In contrast to the immaculate Fallout 4 where you can stealth kill every BoS member on the ship without consequence. That is until you do it to Maxson where it makes sense that they know you were the one that did it.
Honestly, I'm not sure what you're saying here. Are you saying this or is this something Chris said? I think Chris is more critical of the work he's been involved with than anyone else's. That's for sure. He takes pride in what he has done but he never seems to want to be fully credited for things and likes to discuss things he wished games he worked on had done differently. I do know he said he really didn't like Mothership Zeta so there's that as a bonus (and thank god for that).
I do think Legion seeing you and knowing your alliance with them should have an effect on what happens if you plop on NCR armor right then and there. Hard to program/code? Maybe. But if you were neutral or only slight in with them, and you switched armors, I think they should definitely attack you as a oh shit this guy was NCR all along or a spy. But if you're in really good with them and have crippled the NCR alongside them, then that shouldn't be happening. Stealthily taking out the faction members, if done well, shouldn't affect your reputation. Doesn't matter who. If you take out a guard and no one witnesses it or sees you in the vicinity then there should be no cause to blame the PC for such a thing. Even if it's the leader. If you eliminate a witness before they call it in on the radio or shout it down a line of command somehow, then it should revert any lost faction reputation. Both systems have flaws about them, just differently.
I generally like Chris but I think he does play a more neutral/friendly face in the public space no matter what. Maybe that's just who he is, maybe it's so that other publishers and developers don't see him critiquing the hell out of their games. If they were to hire him, they'd probably be upset to find out he hated 85% of their last game or something and no longer want to offer him that contract.