NFL 2009

Sander said:
This Randy Moss shit is hilarious.
It's been hilarious since he got here. Actual professionals in the media say basically "yeah I know he quits on routes and dogs it sometimes, but it's part of his strategy. You see, he's resting for later and/or lulling the DBs to sleep for when he turns it back on and scorches them."
He's Randy Moss and you got him for a 4th round pick. Dog or not, he was well worth it. Who do these numbnutz think they can bench him for? Not happening.
Sander said:
I'd love to see that show, but it's hard to get it over here. I basically have to wait for ESPN America to decide to air it. They haven't so far.
It's a whole series. I'd call them kind of drama-mentaries.
TwinkieGorilla said:
the already existing and phonetically simpler "docu-drama" isn't good enough for you?
Not really, I'd sooner call them docu-tainment. Like I said, the ones I saw (USFL, The U, the one on Lenny Bias, Jimmy the Greek) were sappy, homer-driven, nostalgic trips down memory lane. Pretty romanticized, jock sniffy - typical ESPN fare.
There's one upcoming on the Raider Mystique by Ice-Cube - looks like he's going to suck off Al Davis for 2 hours, throw in some superfluous cultural shit about how he Raiders bring a racially diverse community together yadda yadda yadda - some bullshit socially conscious shit ESPN has to inject to give it a false sense of gravitas. Becasue that's what ESPN does.

That being said they are fun, the ones I've seen so far are all from the 80s it seems, so for me it's nostalgic and fun to watch the old footage, interviews and whatnot of dudes I followed growing up.
Like this one on the U - it's totally one-sided, almost a fluff piece if it's possible to approach such an edgy subject matter like that. There was no conflict or confronting of their ghetto shenanigans. It's just a celebration of the U without regard to all the times that their bravado and taunting and classless behaviour backfired big time. They skipped that shit.

Ultimately it's ESPN and their success is directly tied to the popularity of sports, so when it's all said and done it seems like more of a reminiscence than a documentary. And reminiscences tend to get embellsihed - do I really want to hear the story of Michael Irvin as told by the crackhead himself?
Just play me the footage and let me decide myself, I don't need to be forcefed how the U were just good natured fun seekers. The more I watched, the more I remembered how much I hated those assholes. That's just from seeing the old footage, I don't need the extraneous, congratulatory circle jerk that is your typical cable-TV docu-tainment.
Cimmerian Nights said:
He's Randy Moss and you got him for a 4th round pick. Dog or not, he was well worth it. Who do these numbnutz think they can bench him for? Not happening.
Yeah, that was a great deal.

My theory on Moss, after watching him for many years in Minnesota, is first that he has unbelievable talent - greatest receiver in history talent. If he had a Jerry Rice work ethic to go with it he'd end his career with every major record for WRs. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a Jerry Rice work ethic, but he's still so good he can make up for it. The second thing is that he's actually pretty dumb. In interviews he comes across better than he really is. Not that he sounds like a genius, but he can talk to the press and sound like a reasonably intelligent human being. Really he's dumber than that though. He did and said so many idiotic things...

At least he's not malicious. He's not a locker room cancer like TO.
Yeah, I think his problem is more that he's got a somewhat fragile psyche. It's funny, because BB and Brady are always talking about how football smart he is, and to tell the truth, it's not really evident to me. He doesn't talk much at all since he came here, and if he does it's in those canned Belichikian answers...

UniversalWolf said:
He did and said so many idiotic things...
You immediately made me think of this:
Straight Ass on the Packer's colors Homie!
Also, screw Joe Buck, a putz then, a putz now.

And man, if there's one thing I'm sure of in the NFL, it's an AFC south team blowing leads to the Colts. Jags, Texans, Titans - you suck. Look forward to what you can accomplish after Manning retires. With bated breath. :wink:

Also, is Caldwell the missing piece to the puzzle? He takes over an Indy team light of their defensive MVP, and has them undefeated? Time to reevaluate Dungy? Also, the guy is the most wonderful human being around, but he creeps me out, the blank stares, the head reminiscent of the original hills have eyes guy, the awkward chemistry with Rodney Harrison. Go away both of you please.

I actually like Matt Millen calling games now. For a guy that was such a failure as a GM, he has a lot of insight and knowledge and calls a damn good game.

Separated at birth?
Off the top of my head I can remember a couple Moss gaffes. Buying over $2000 in lottery tickets was one. Hilarious. Then there was the time the Vikings played an exhibition game in the Alamodome when Red McCombs owned the team and was talking about moving them to San Antonio. After the game Moss started talking about how great the Alamodome was and how it would be cool if he could play there all the time. :mrgreen:

Those are just a couple.
Randy Moss totally gave up on the Pats there, man he's in trouble.

Also, Bucs win! Again! Hurray!
No Ndamokung Suh, though.

Also also, the Colts are now the only undefeated team, and they don't look like they're slowing down for the last two games. I don't like the Colts, but seeing the Colts cap off a perfect season would be kind of cool.
The Colts continue to find ways to win. They haven't been nearly as dominant in their wins as the Saints, and frankly I thought the Colts would be the team to lose first. Too many unlikely 4th quarter comebacks, and too many glaring holes in their team. You can only string so many of those together before the ball bounces the other way.
The Saints are still the more complete team. The Colts are built for a specific purpose

I think the Jets D will give the Colts lots of trouble - Darell Revis is probably the best corner in the game, thrown in Kerry Rhoades, Jenkins, Ellis, Bart Scott, David Harris, Leonhard - that's a smart, nasty defense. They won't lay down for Manning.
And if the Jets have any brains whatsoever (which they haven't shown to in the last 30 years) they can run Thomas Jones down their throat all day on the Colts inside. This is a bad matchup for the Colts. The Jets will fuck it up some how though.
The Jets would've beaten the Saints too if Sanchez only threw 4 INTs instead of 5.
If it comes down to it, I don't even know if the Colts will want to go balls-to-the-wall against the Jets.

Also, Bucs win! Again! Hurray!
No Ndamokung Suh, though.
Nice to see that teams like Cleveland, Raiders, Bucs haven't packed it in yet.
The weird thing is it's not really Favre's fault, or him melting down or breaking down physically. And it might be just me but I think ESPN is making a much bigger deal out of it that it really is (Favre audibled out of some plays at the line :shock and chagrin:).

NFC playoff picture is a mess. AFC is too with all the 7-7 wannabes, that will probably be cleared up this weekend.

Weird thing with the NFC.
You have GB Vs. AZ and PHI vs. Dallas in week 17.
Those are fairly likely to be the NFC wildcard games right there. Same game two weeks in a row.
Which means Dallas will have to beat Philly 3 times this year to get that elusive playoff win.
Giants aren't going quietly into the night either...

Should be a good next couple of months of football.
To say nothing of #1 Alabama vs. #2 Texas.
The predicted Favre falloff has happened, contrary to what I thought. It's kind of strange though, since the whole team seems to have fallen off. How could anyone predict how bad ADP's been in the two games they've lost? The o-line has been really bad lately. They don't seem to be able to pick up the slack when Favre isn't playing well.

This weekend in Chicago should be interesting. It isn't going to be that cold, but we're getting a huge snowstorm here in the midwest over the next few days. Where I live we're supposed to get 12-20 inches. And I have to plow that crap.

I think the prevailing opinion in Minnesota is that Favre preemptively talked to the media and used them masterfully to lay all the blame on Childress. That's what the reporters themselves seem to think, anyway.

I'm happy to have Aaron Rodgers.
UniversalWolf said:
I think the prevailing opinion in Minnesota is that Favre preemptively talked to the media and used them masterfully to lay all the blame on Childress. That's what the reporters themselves seem to think, anyway.
I think this says more about the sports media being a bunch of jock sniffing hero-worshipers than it does about Favre's deftness in manipulating them.
It's funny how the media's flip flopped from adulation to derision and back again over the last few years. I'm no Favre fan, but I'm all for the media exposing themselves for being clowns.

Nice game on Christmas - Chargers/Titans. I expect the Titans to be their usual chippy selves. They'll lose, but end some player's season on the Chargers, that's how they play.
Rivers has 2 more weeks to state his claim to the MVP - he'll get shafted.

Heard a funny interview on the radio today with LT - he really lit into Romo, but what would you expect from an old Giant?
UniversalWolf said:
Chilly tried to bench Favre...and failed. :P

This worries me more than the mediocre play that he's showing, since mediocre play is what he had anyway, as a dink-and-dunk playaction QB whose teammates had to cover the shortcomings of. If the team's falling short and he's being a diva, then real trouble is brewing.

Whatevz. Other than giggle inanely at when he's failing I find the whole thing more annoying than interesting. It's once again overshadowing things that are of actual interest.

And yeah, Cimm, the media are always hilarious in being hysterical, flip-flopping or trying to encourage and heat up problems within teams because that makes better stories. I don't think too many sportreaders are critical enough to be fed up with it any time soon, tho'.
Yeah, and in no small coincidence the 'Sota game is on ESPN this week. I'd wager that's the genesis for a lot of the hype and "stories" this week leading up to it.

Pitt/Baltimore should be a friggin' war this week. Rematch of last year's AFCC game with lots of ramifications.

Wait, so Dallas signed Shaun Suisham to replace Keith Folk. The week they play Washington? The guy that blew the Saints game? With Romo holding? In December? Given the wacky shit that's happened in this (once the NFL's greatest) rivalry, why do I see a collision course with disaster?

And then you have Dallas waiting to see if Wade can win a playoff time, by the time they find out, all the big name coaches out there will already be shored up on the non-playoff teams who can start working on offseason moves.
3-12, going for 4-12 next week.

Seriously, Bucs beat the Saints on an overtime FG after the Saints miss their 35-yarder in the last seconds of regulation time. Missed field goals must be the story of the Saints games this year.
And how do we win? Special teams, and by committing to the run, something we've done all of two games this season (last week and this week).
And hell, Freeman looked decent. One INT wasn't that bad, other one was bad, but he's a rookie and he'll learn. He needs to start erring on the low side on throws instead of the high side, though, that'll save him a lot of picks.

We'll just settle for Gerald McCoy or Eric Berry in the draft instead of Suh.

Also, Cowher here next year? This win might save Morris's job, though it's unlikely to. It'll give him leverage to remain on board as a DC, though.

However, looks like I'll be losing the Fantasy championship. :( Buttplug has 5 players vs my 1 (Arizona D) to close 43 points.

Also, you have to love Michael Spurlock. Guy recorded the first Bucs returned kickoff touchdown, gets released at some point. Gets resigned this week, and immediately returns a punt for a TD.
Check out the Saints owners celebrating the (missed) Saints field goal:

Also, I almost can't believe I'm about to lose this game. I need McNabb, Celek and the Eagles D to lose 1.2 points. So ehm, lose a fumble please, McNabb?
OK, I'm a NEP homer, but...

Colts are fucking cowards.
16-0, 15-1, 14-2. One week rest, two weeks, two weeks and a bye.
What's the fucking difference when San Diego tears you a new asshole in your own building? All for naught, Polian. You can't hide Manning forever from his date with choker destiny.

They're too weak to handle the pressure, and they know it.

Why sit him? Manning's only the least sacked, startingest (2nd only to Favre) QB active (ever?). He's a lock ffor the MVP. You telling me he's not smart enough that, given the unlikely prospect of injury, they don't have some quick release shit in their fucking playbook, to instead laydown like bitches and give GIVE the Jets a playoff spot on a silver platter? With a lead? Way to respect the inegrity of the game.
"well we lost the battle so we could win the war"
Oh yeah, like all the other times you rested and went one-and-done huh?
Given the parity era chapionship history of teams catching fire out of nowhere and riding the momentum, the Colts are amazing in their stubborn, one-size-fits-all approach to the playoffs and game planning in general.

It's like they're hedging. Well, we choke so much we can't go 16-0 and choke again. Let's pussyfoot through the rest of the season, stumble smack into some insanely hot, hyped, hungry, healthy veteran team with the momentum of a freight train.

The only thing better would be if the Pats beat them in the div. round. They'll probably have a fighting chance. Took a shitty spot on a sketchy call without the benefit of review for the Colts to win by one point as time expired. I like the Pat's chances to even the score.

OMFG bench Brady, he might hit his finger on somebopdy's helmet! Hurry get Belichik on speed dial! His knee! Infections!
Fucking wrap Brady in bubblewrap now and seal him in a hyperbaric chamber until the wildcard round!

Sander said:
Check out the Saints owners celebrating the (missed) Saints field goal:
Priceless, like somebody stole the presents out from under his Christmas tree. I love the clueless sycophants around him that are still oblivious to the miss. It wasn't even that close, WTF were they thinking?

Gonna hurt even more when the Iggles or the Cards come in your house and end your once perfect season just like that.[/quote]
Ahman Green scored a touchdown yesterday, which was cool. Might be his last Lambeau Leap ever.

I think the Colts have bad juju now. Manning will win MVP, and Rivers will knock him out of the playoffs again.