UniversalWolf said:
There's definitely a double standard between football and, say, baseball when it comes to 'roiding. And I think that's appropriate, actually.
I think so too, for a couple reasons. The correlation between steroids and an increase in power hitting is evident, and not only that, but the league buried their head in the sand due to the boost in interest level that all the power hitting and HRs created. The HR is the money shot in baseball. It really sparked national interest again and I'm sure filled a lot of pockets. I don't think more 'roids in the NFL translates into more points, and even if it did, if that it that would generate more revenue. It's a QB league and I don't see QBs gaining a lot from 'roids (HGH for speedy recovery maybe).
Also, baseball is all about numbers and stats and records. The eternal, sacred numbers. Which of course have been forever ruined by the juicers.
Football's never been about that, even with the advent of FF, but even that's a by-product of football, that, like gambling, is on a peripheral, dependent domain to the sport, but not having any effect on the game itself.
There's no point in comparing Jim Brown's 12 game season's production to OJ's 14, or Barry Sanders' 16, and soon we'll have 17 or more. Football has distinct eras, and it's really pointless to cross-compare.
Baseball hasn't really changed in the actual playing of the game over 100 years, where football is almost unrecognizable from it's roots.
Cushing got caught, suspended four games, and everyone knows he's a juicer now. And his nuts will shrivel up like raisins. Good enough for me.
That's why I don't need to see the kid crucified or publicly flogged. He will pay the price for what he's done to his body. It won't be pretty, and no lawyer or appeal is going to stop that.
Cushing doth protest too much though.
I think you're about as old as I am U-Dub to remember Lyle Alzado's final chapter and how he basically wasted away before everyone's eyes all the while decrying 'roids, he was like a walking PSA. Well, limping really. He was a hardcore juicer - shooting some kind of natural HGH type hormone harvested from cadavers. Fucking Vampire. I remember him coming out on Aresenio Hall (dating myself) like a dry husk of the robust dude he was in his playing days.
It's funny how people forget so fast.
The only issues I have, is due to their illegal nature, you wonder if these guys know what they are doing, and how they are doing it. Steroids and HGH are legally prescribed under doctor supervision, but you put this stuff in the hands of some hyper-competitive gym-rat muscle-head who'll exploit any edge (Bill Romanowski).
Also, it's not the right message to send to our kids, that taking a pill instead of working hard is what's going to get you to the top.