NFL 2010

Sander said:
In other news, Jevan Snead is a sobering prospect. He was being projected as the #1 QB by some people before his junior season. He then had an absolutely horrific junior season, came out, and he was picked up by the Bucs as an undrafted free agent to compete for the third QB spot. What a drop.
That guy got some horrible advice about turning pro this year. Shows how bad a player can screw up his career. Then again, maybe he was never that good to begin with.

Denver's LT, Ryan Clady, apparently injured his knee in a non-football incident. If he's done for the year so are the Broncos.
Wow, Clady tore his patellar tendon. They're claiming he's back before the final training camp, but there's no way that can happen unless the tear is an injury from 2 months ago or so. Patellar tendon tears are really fucked up injuries that require a lot of time to recuperate from.

That's a huge blow for the Broncos, too. I really don't like their chances next year.
Sander said:
Wow, Clady tore his patellar tendon. They're claiming he's back before the final training camp, but there's no way that can happen unless the tear is an injury from 2 months ago or so. Patellar tendon tears are really fucked up injuries that require a lot of time to recuperate from.
I read somewhere that no NFL player has ever returned from that kind of injury in less than 6 months.

Toot! Toot! Here comes the annual Favre speculation train!
A stuff it, Udub. The last Tecmo Superbowl player in the NFL just retired, as did the greatest LT of all time, and you want to talk about mr fake-out? No one gives a crap about the Vikings, and we're all tired off hearing about Mr Fuhvre. It's already bad enough I have to dig through NFL sites that stack all this irrelevant Favre speculation no one gives a shit about to get to real news, can we please keep it out of this thread?
The guy had one of his best seasons ever, MVP worthy really, and his championship run ended in such a way that the league modified the rules to prevent a recurrence. I could care less about all the drama, but on the field, he's as relevant as any player.

Speaking of Tecmo, I'll issue an open challenge to all comers.
Well then, let's assume he'll be back and be done with it. I hope he returns to have a terrible year, I'm fed up with him and his douche-baggerish remarks about how he now loves Minnesota more than Green Bay (classy), or how much he is forcing me to loath a franchise I always respected like the Vikes, as their smugness went through the roof.

Screw it. He'll no doubt be back, it's just not worth wasting anyone's time for. Much like the Broth bruahaha, the tendency of American football sports pundits to just chew and chew and chew on one topic when there's so much interesting stuff going on is very, very annoying.
Brother None said:
Well then, let's assume he'll be back and be done with it. I hope he returns to have a terrible year,
I wouldn't let it occupy my mind one iota until camp ends, I think his stance on that is pretty clear. I don't see why the media or the public need it spelled out everyday.
I'm fed up with him and his douche-baggerish remarks about how he now loves Minnesota more than Green Bay (classy),
I wouldn't pay that any mind. The fact that he holds residence in some backwater swamp in East Bumfuck Miss. says it all. He plays football in those towns and that's where it ends for him I'd reckon.

Every word these guys say is hyper examined by Mike Florio and the like. I'm quite beyond the "OMFG did you hear what X said about Y?" "Santonio Holmes was caught at a restaurant with his elbows on the table" style of schoolyard tattle-tale B.S. Seriously, can you imagine making a career out of such a thing?
TMZ is opening a sports section to it's site. I'm always one to completely avoid patronizing schlock like that. It probably makes no difference, but it's all we can do. If you don't like it, don't patronize it.

Is he any less of a douchebag than these guys that invoke divinity all the time? God bless this and that. Never hear his name mentioned when they lose though. "Jesus made me bite on the double-pump".

George Carlin has a great bit on this somewhere if I can find it...
edit: ~:28

And of course, one of Carlin's classic bits:
Brother None said:
...the tendency of American football sports pundits to just chew and chew and chew on one topic when there's so much interesting stuff going on is very, very annoying.
Agreed. That extends to all sports, though. You have no idea how sick I am of hearing about the feud between Shaq and Kobe, Tiger Woods generally, the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry...there are five or six "stories" that dominate sports media all the time.

Allegations that Sean Payton was stealing Vicodin are much more interesting, even though I don't buy it for a second unless there's undisputable video evidence. And Santonio Holmes getting kicked off a plane for refusing to shut off his iPod is hilarious. This has been one of the most entertaining off-seasons I can remember.
UniversalWolf said:
Agreed. That extends to all sports, though. You have no idea how sick I am of hearing about the feud between Shaq and Kobe, Tiger Woods generally, the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry...there are five or six "stories" that dominate sports media all the time.
"Stories" are what's wrong with sports media. I can't think of a better example of this than Kornheiser's stint on MNF. He'd always be shoehorning people into these cliche, archetypal, kind of romantic Cinderella "story" type tales that proved nothing but how distanced and divorced he is from what is actually going on. He was always extrapolating and manufacturing from a few pieces to fit into to an already pre-existing mold. It's as if he wanted every game or player to fit a prepackaged soap opera archetype and he'd manipulate what was going on to conform to that. It was really transparent and thankfully Jaws was there to call him out.
You need more X's and O's Jaworski types to neutralize the Kornheisers of the world.

Unfortunately, I think this trend is market driven. Sox/Yanks is the crown jewel of MLB and a ratings bonanza, salacious shit like Woods (the media burnt us out on him before he even went pro) is like the goose that laid the golden egg for the media. Throw NASCAR and any women's sport in there for me as well, I wouldn't notice if those "sports" ceased to exist tomorrow.

This is the old tabloid argument though, aren't they just feeding public demand?

Allegations that Sean Payton was stealing Vicodin are much more interesting, even though I don't buy it for a second unless there's undisputable video evidence. And Santonio Holmes getting kicked off a plane for refusing to shut off his iPod is hilarious. This has been one of the most entertaining off-seasons I can remember.
This seems way overblown for 100 missing pills and a guy having his earphones on at the wrong time. People want excuses to hate the Saints and the Jets or whoever, and when they get it, they scream it from the high heavens.
The worst part is how the homer yahoos get ahold of this and blow it completely out of proportion.
Let's just put an asterisk next to every championship and record ever achieved. Crackhead. Wifebeater. Tax cheat. Pill popper. Jay Walker. Drunk Driver.

Who gives a shit, they're not driving my kid's schoolbus, they're football players, let 'em play. I don't care if they take 'roids or have 3 kids from 4 mothers in 5 time zones.
The only reason I have interest in them is because they chase around an inflated piece of pork bladder on Sunday. When the off field antics interfere with that, then it's an issue for me.

Seriously, a lot of this is grandstanding and homerism. If O.J. had another 2,000 yard season left in him, he'd be beating teams off with a machete.

All bets are off with Tiki Barber though, he's just a douchebag. Karma's a bitch eh Tiki?
As a Minnesotan and reformed Favre (I prefer to call him Fav-Rah!) fan I can understand the general hating. I would prefer he didn't spurn the Packers, and I'd prefer he didn't cause so much wasted ink in the national press. But I can live with that, as I can live with the general animosity of The Rest of the Country (and World evidently).

Because frankly I don't care. I like for once having a quarterback who's worth a shit. I like that the Vikes win. I like that regardless of the media fellatio he receives that he's fun to watch on Sundays. I like the drinking game the media gives us (drink everytime they say his name).

I like that the Vikings are winning, and give me something to cheer for for that other half of the year.

He'll be back this season, no question (or ankle injury) about it. And I'll continue to cheer for him, then win or loss this season I'll congratulate him as he goes to retirement. Or Arizona, or wherever. Say what you will the man loves to play football, and I respect that. And if he can't do it in his preferred Lambeau Field I'm happy to have him do it in the 'dome.

Now, how about those Twins? :mrgreen:
I don't hate Favre, I just want you to shut up about him.

I never hated the Vikes either, but too many Vikes fans are insufferably smug about this whole Favre thing. I'll get back to you when you dump him.

I like the drinking game the media gives us (drink everytime they say his name).

That's not a drinking game. That's suicide.

cogar66 said:

You're certainly making, uhm, interesting moves.
Are we talking about your average Vikings fan or the media? Most fans that I know are less concerned about Fav-rah and more concerned that the Vikings get to win again. Many fans I know don't really like that we are using arch-nemesis and all-around mediaboy Favre, but they like winning more than they dislike the Packers' former QB.

Not to redirect, but the media and it's narrative is the real rotten part of this thing.
Murdoch said:
He'll be back this season, no question (or ankle injury) about it. And I'll continue to cheer for him, then win or loss this season I'll congratulate him as he goes to retirement. Or Arizona, or wherever. Say what you will the man loves to play football
What the man loves is attention and media-whoring, so a story on whether or not he will get ankle surgery gets blown up and other, more interesting storylines get ignored. But it's the offseason, so eh. I just hate all the fawning whenever the guy shows his face.

Murdoch said:
Not to redirect, but the media and it's narrative is the real rotten part of this thing.
Peter King and Jon Gruden first and foremost.

On to more interesting things, season projections! The Redskins were offseason champs until the Seahawks came in and grabbed the limelight. But I think the Redskins are still in better shape than the Seahawks, at least if they can get an offense going - which should work a lot better with McNabb (whose skills are better suited to the west coast stuff than Campbell). The RB situation is really weird there, though.
Sander said:
What the man loves is attention and media-whoring, so a story on whether or not he will get ankle surgery gets blown up and other, more interesting storylines get ignored.
Yeah, I need to hear more about Dez Bryant's mother. Is she just a crackhead, or is she also a whore, or both? Please Dez, keep taking the bait, that's the best way to bury this story, you stooge. This from a kid who's never taken an NFL snap, hell, how many college games has he played lately? 3?
Brett Favre has only played in over 300 consecutive NFL starts and thrown nearly 500TDs. The guy has kind of earned some cache, no?

Attention whores? How about another Payton Manning endorsement? He shills shit that Krusty the Klown has too much dignity to endorse. Now that Billy Mays is dead, maybe Payton can pick up some infomercials too.
How long until we see one with him and Mrs. Manning walking down the beach in white linen where he says “Mom? Do you ever get a… ‘Not so fresh’ feeling?”. Meanwhile, Favre is hiding out in the Mississippi swamp like a Trappist Monk in comparison.
Media asskissery? The name Manning is synonymous with obsequious brown-nosing.
Favre's got no pedigree, and he paid his dues on the frozen tundra of Lambeau, not padding stats against expansion teams in a climate controlled dome with piped-in crowd noise.

It's a QB league now. Favre is a top 5 QB. He's the all-time leader in...everything. Evidently, that's what the mainstream wants, and we can't deny them that, can we?
Just be thankful he doesn't take up kicking and Blanda us all for the next ten years.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Yeah, I need to hear more about Dez Bryant's mother. Is she just a crackhead, or is she also a whore, or both? Please Dez, keep taking the bait, that's the best way to bury this story, you stooge. This from a kid who's never taken an NFL snap, hell, how many college games has he played lately? 3?
Brett Favre has only played in over 300 consecutive NFL starts and thrown nearly 500TDs. The guy has kind of earned some cache, no?
Both stories are bullshit. That doesn't mean Favre's story gets more interesting. Until he says whether or not he's actually coming back, all this coverage is absolutely meaningless and mostly just annoying. 'Ooooh, will he get knee surgery or not'? The fuck if I care, even if he does, it doesn't mean he's playing so screw it.

Cimmerian Nights said:
Attention whores? How about another Payton Manning endorsement? He shills shit that Krusty the Klown has too much dignity to endorse. Now that Billy Mays is dead, maybe Payton can pick up some infomercials too.
How long until we see one with him and Mrs. Manning walking down the beach in white linen where he says “Mom? Do you ever get a… ‘Not so fresh’ feeling?”. Meanwhile, Favre is hiding out in the Mississippi swamp like a Trappist Monk in comparison.
Media asskissery? The name Manning is synonymous with obsequious brown-nosing.
Favre's got no pedigree, and he paid his dues on the frozen tundra of Lambeau, not padding stats against expansion teams in a climate controlled dome with piped-in crowd noise.
Yes yes, we get it Cimmie, you hate Manning. Interestingly, this whining you do about Manning every time his name gets mentioned (and apparently every time Favre's name gets mentioned too) only makes Manning more sympathetic. Funny how that works.
Sander said:
Both stories are bullshit. That doesn't mean Favre's story gets more interesting. Until he says whether or not he's actually coming back, all this coverage is absolutely meaningless and mostly just annoying. 'Ooooh, will he get knee surgery or not'? The fuck if I care, even if he does, it doesn't mean he's playing so screw it.
It's not the same at all, one guy is the grand-daddy of all NFL QBS and the story calls his health into question (health that has led him to an NFL record in starts). The other is a rookie that played 3 games last year and the story is about his messed up home life, and he's the one that keeps taking the bait and keeping the story alive.
What stories are being buried by Favre-mania, we're just in rookie camp?

Dude, Favre only bothers you if you pay attention and let it bother you. I'm only vaguely aware that he needs surgery and I have no interest in pursuing it beyond that. Case closed, see you in September Brett.

Cimmerian Nights said:
Yes yes, we get it Cimmie, you hate Manning.
Yeah but I don't think you know how many ways I hate him.

Hey, you have your villain, I have mine.
Difference is Favre never throws his O-line under the bus. Favre never had anything handed to him. Favre never throws hissy fits like a sweet 16 debutante when someone calls out his shitty, self-serving play calls. Favre doesn't do this at the line of scrimmage every freakin' play. I don't even need to mention the lurid details of his out of court settlement, I never heard of Brett Favre doing anything close to that. Have you?

Sympathetic you say? Only because people feel sad watching him.

If hating Manning is wrong, I don't want to be right. I'm just busting balls. Somebody has to.
Whoa. I was going to stay out of this, but holy heck, Cimms, you're actually playing up Brett Favre as a high-character guy over Manning. This is Brett Favre we're talking about, right?
Cimmerian Nights said:
It's not the same at all, one guy is the grand-daddy of all NFL QBS and the story calls his health into question (health that has led him to an NFL record in starts). The other is a rookie that played 3 games last year and the story is about his messed up home life, and he's the one that keeps taking the bait and keeping the story alive.
Yes yes yes, I hate that bullshit story too. Can't I hate two stories at the same time?

Cimmerian Nights said:
What stories are being buried by Favre-mania, we're just in rookie camp?
Long-time D-line assistant line coach Karm dying. Darren Sharper returning after he had microfracture surgery (a hell of a lot more risky than Favre's ankle that may not even need surgery). LP Field being flooded. Anything but Favre and whiny controversies like "Roethlisberger had sex with a drunk chick! THROW HIM OUT OF PITTSBURGH" or "Dolphins asked an inappropriate question HANG THE BASTARD WHO DID IT"

Peytonhater said:
Hey, you have your villain, I have mine.
Difference is Favre never throws his O-line under the bus.
Unlike Polian.
Wait, I thought you were hating on Peyton here? Are you now hating on Peyton because Polian threw the O-line under the bus?

Peytonhater said:
"Being a fiery leader" is what you'd be calling it if that clip showed up about Favre instead. And Peyton and Jeff Saturday seem to work just fine together.

Peytonbrokemydream said:
Favre doesn't do this at the line of scrimmage every freakin' play.
Seems to work fine, doesn't it? Can't stand it when something you don't like is succesful?

Favreisawesome said:
I don't even need to mention the lurid details of his out of court settlement, I never heard of Brett Favre doing anything close to that. Have you?
I've heard about Favre's addiction to alcohol, his addiction to painkillers, his addiction to media coverage and his newfound love for his previous arch-nemesis.