NFL 2011

How can you analyze "veteran leadership" from watching them on the field?

Also Hardesty for Brown bounces. Hardesty failed his physical.

A 1st and 2nd that could turn into a 1st for Palmer is kind of nuts. Idon't like it, but then again maybe we do overvalue draft picks.
None, it's old but I think this is the site you always reference:

So high draft picks don't necessarily guarantee production, but they at least improve the chances. I guess Palmer provides some "guarantee" of decent production. Still, it has to be a kings bounty for a player that wasn't even active on his team.

EDIT: Turns out, Harrison isn't so funny as it was a brain tumor? Good grief, that's rough.
yeah, he never would have known about it if he hadn't been traded -- creepy.
sucking at football might've saved his life.
Brother None said:
How can you analyze "veteran leadership" from watching them on the field?
Short answer: because I've seen the same symptoms before.

The Rams are a young team for the most part and from watching them I can see that they have pretty good physical ability, but they lack the polish and attention to detail that comes from experience -- tons of dumb penalties and minor screw-ups. A team like that needs a few veterans to provide examples for the rest.

For the Packers, a guy like Donald Driver has been invaluable for Jennings, Jones, Nelson, and Randall Cobb. When they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing, he tells them and they listen. It's the same with Woodson for the DBs and Clifton for the OLs. I don't see guys on the Rams who can fill those roles.

Having Al Harris on the roster is a good move though. He was a guy like that for Green Bay before they released him.

The Rams receivers especially have been dropping way too many passes. I don't know whether Brandon Lloyd is the kind of guy who can improve that, but it's possible.
Yay, Miami collapses yet again. I refuse to get on the "Suck for Luck" bandwagon, but it feels like the players have bought into it... :(
SimpleMinded said:
Yea but it doesn't look like the Colts...

The Colts? The Colts are not going to do jack shit besides suck and lose. Did you see the ass stomping New Orleans gave the Colts last night?

62-7 is just plain humiliating...
Mich. State/Wisc. was the game of the weekend.
Some of those NFL games were just wastes. Saints and Packers are something to behold, but their counterparts occupying the opposite end of the league ... unwatchable, uninspired, unnecessary. Some real good matchups coming up though.

62-7 is just plain humiliating...
Brees is a fuckin' assassin. Relentless. Ruthless.

@DB - Who are you picking for LSU/Bama?
UniversalWolf said:
Short answer: because I've seen the same symptoms before.

The Rams are a young team for the most part and from watching them I can see that they have pretty good physical ability, but they lack the polish and attention to detail that comes from experience -- tons of dumb penalties and minor screw-ups. A team like that needs a few veterans to provide examples for the rest.

For the Packers, a guy like Donald Driver has been invaluable for Jennings, Jones, Nelson, and Randall Cobb. When they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing, he tells them and they listen. It's the same with Woodson for the DBs and Clifton for the OLs. I don't see guys on the Rams who can fill those roles.
That's "the players lack experience" not "there's not enough leadership!"
What, a rookie can't tell committing a penalty is dumb unless a veteran tells him it is?

Also hey, third time I go see a game in England and it's finally a good one. Too bad the Bucs lost, but it was exciting and lots of stuff happened. Still, I'd like to see a game where the quarterbacks don't throw a ton of picks.
LSU be #1 though. Probably game of the year, play-in for the championship game, and the right to beat Andrew Luck like a pinata for the title. I'd like to see Luck accomplish something against an SEC defense like either of theirs before we can(t)onize him. Running up numbers on inferior PAC-10 teams doesn't prove a whole lot.
Cimmerian Nights said:
LSU be #1 though. Probably game of the year, play-in for the championship game, and the right to beat Andrew Luck like a pinata for the title. I'd like to see Luck accomplish something against an SEC defense like either of theirs before we can(t)onize him. Running up numbers on inferior PAC-10 teams doesn't prove a whole lot.

The Alabama-LSU game will be the SEC and championship game rolled into one. It will be a close game. I predict Alabama wins by a field goal.


ps - Andrew Luck sucks donkey cock.
Sander said:
That's "the players lack experience" not "there's not enough leadership!"
What, a rookie can't tell committing a penalty is dumb unless a veteran tells him it is?
A player can know penalties are bad but still commit them. Maybe he gets jittery with two minutes left and the game on the line, or in the red zone. I saw that from the Rams. Veteran leadership can have a steadying influence, among other benefits.

DammitBoy said:
The Colts? The Colts are not going to do jack shit besides suck and lose.
Yeah, I agree with that. I don't see how you can pick Miami as being worse than Indy right now. The Dolphins are bad, but at least they're trying. Indy has just utterly collapsed. All you have to do is watch Reggie Wayne on the sidelines staring blankly into the void like he's thinking, "The horror..."

I'm officially sick of "The Andrew Luck Sweepstakes," and I never liked "Suck for Luck," so I'm switching to "The Andrew Luck Game of Russian Roulette," or TALGORR.
Reggie Wayne's contract is up and New Orleans is courting him to come back home.

That would be an awesome way to end his career.
UniversalWolf said:
Sander said:
That's "the players lack experience" not "there's not enough leadership!"
What, a rookie can't tell committing a penalty is dumb unless a veteran tells him it is?
A player can know penalties are bad but still commit them. Maybe he gets jittery with two minutes left and the game on the line, or in the red zone. I saw that from the Rams. Veteran leadership can have a steadying influence, among other benefits.

DammitBoy said:
The Colts? The Colts are not going to do jack shit besides suck and lose.
Yeah, I agree with that. I don't see how you can pick Miami as being worse than Indy right now. The Dolphins are bad, but at least they're trying. Indy has just utterly collapsed. All you have to do is watch Reggie Wayne on the sidelines staring blankly into the void like he's thinking, "The horror..."

I'm officially sick of "The Andrew Luck Sweepstakes," and I never liked "Suck for Luck," so I'm switching to "The Andrew Luck Game of Russian Roulette," or TALGORR.
You know what? This would make a fantastic band name. Talgorr. You could even use it as the acronym, to catch some of the obscure crowd.
Sorry Sander, that you traveled to UK just to see the Buc's play like piss. I went to the New Orleans at Tampa game, where we kicked the crap out of the Saints.. I would of given you a report but you banned me remember?
Syphon said:
Sorry Sander, that you traveled to UK just to see the Buc's play like piss. I went to the New Orleans at Tampa game, where we kicked the crap out of the Saints.. I would of given you a report but you banned me remember?
Wait, I did?


Oh. Whoops. That was supposed to be a warning, not a ban. Sorry. Unbanned!