NMA Brotherhood of Steel Writing Contest

Question: is it allowed to illustrate the story?
The rules don't mention anything about that, so I'm curious.
I don't think illustrations count as plain text :P .

I sent my submission XD . 1050 words XD .
alec said:
Question: is it allowed to illustrate the story?
The rules don't mention anything about that, so I'm curious.

Allowed? Sure, I guess so, but we don't really give bonus points for illustrations, and they don't count either way for the text, which should be able to stand on its own.
Hello Gents,
Long time reader, but forum virgin.
This competition has spurred me into action, as the Prize is as good as the cause!

A Question regarding "Fallout Canon"; am I correct in believing that the entire Fallout Bible would be considered Canon? Or should I consider only the In-game text and lore of F1&2 to count?

The Fallout Bible does contain a lot of the In-game lore compiled into one handy source, but the fact that gaps in the story were filled by a single developer (who wasn't an original Team member) rather than the complete team may mean on some plot points he may have shifted from what we call the "core design" and philosophy of fallout that we wish to be "pure".

My question is starting to be a bit picky and I may be starting to ask a bit much now, But what parts of the Fallout Bible would be inadmissible or Non-Canon?

Hmm, it may be just easier to say/use "Games Only!."
Not all of Fallout Bible is canon. Some of it was made up by Avellone on the fly and later turned out to be inconsitent with what's said in the actual games (e.g. the description of the BoS in FOB6 is based on the description from... Fallout: Warfare, the tabletop wargame from FOT's bonus CD, with many details referring to the Midwestern BOS only, not the original one).

Generally, the consensus is more or less that anything in the Fallout Bible is canon only if it does not contradict what's said in the actual game. And stuff quoted in the Fallout Bible that comes from FO1 devs is considered to be more canon than stuff by Avellone (and other FO2 devs).

If you need canon info on the Brotherhood of Steel, The Vault is your best source, since we've included all the info from the Fallout Bible in the Brotherhood of Steel article, corrected all parts that were contradictory to the games, and then added much info from the actual in-game sources.

The part of the Fallout Bible I'd say is definitely canon is the timeline (since it's based on the one by Scott Campbell and Brian Freyermuth) - the version from Fallout Bible 0, after corrections of place names changed during the development, but there's an updated version of that at The Vault as well.
Generally, the consensus is more or less that anything in the Fallout Bible is canon only if it does not contradict what's said in the actual game.

Like, duhh.

Guess Wikipedia's inability to understand the pathetically obvious got to you, eh? ;)
Well, not necessarily. I mean, in some fandoms, the consensus is that a later version always replaces the earlier ones. In the Fallout fandom, it's clearly the other way around - FO1 is treated as the ultimate canon.
The actual judging won't start until March 3rd right? Seems kinda silly to submit a piece almost a month early, but to each his own.

Also, where are people getting the 1400 and 1800 word limits from? It's plain as day, crystal clear, 1000-1200 words on the rules page.

This is a fun idea, NMA.
Soulforged said:
welsh said:
No problem. Don't forget that you can still submit your story to fan fiction. I would do both- revise for the contest so its down to 1400-1450. You can still submit the original to fan fiction.
Thanks for the proposition but I've already managed to reduce it from 2000+ to 1450. As soon as I'm able to spell check it manually and check for logical inconsistencies and inconsistencies with the cannon , which I probably missed.

Sorry I cannot remember numbers well. The manifest of the contest says that the limit is 1200 (with a margin of 50+) but on the quoted text, in response to mine, welsh says that he'll "...revise for the contest so its down to 1400-1450...". So is it one or the other?
nobuo said:
The actual judging won't start until March 3rd right? Seems kinda silly to submit a piece almost a month early, but to each his own.

Well, we are already reading them now. But we, also, are thinking some of these submissions could do with more polish and are being submitted too quick.
Well I thought I would take the plunge and submit a story. And I think I have a good reason why the Brotherhood would want to head east. :D

1007 words.

One question though, is the van Buren stuff considered canon by NMA?

Cheers, Thorgrimm
A quick question about the contest: If you guys got consent from the writers (that is, if they don't do it themselves), would it be possible to post the best entries up in the Fan Fics section? I know I for one would like to know what some folks have come up with to one-up Beth's story.
Thorgrimm said:
One question though, is the van Buren stuff considered canon by NMA?

Not necessarily. I mean you don't have to fit in with the Van Buren story. However, in as far as it doesn't contradict Fallout (and it doesn't), you can use whatever you want for Van Buren. You're the one determining the post-Fallout 2 canon, after all.

But wasn't Van Buren mostly way after the time this stuff happens?

Nology said:
If you guys got consent from the writers (that is, if they don't do it themselves), would it be possible to post the best entries up in the Fan Fics section?

The three best entries will be posted as features articles, as explained in the rules.

Beyond that, we don't own the entries and don't determine what happens with them. Preferably once the contest is over people can post their stories in a big ol' fan fic thread. We're not going to, though.
Ausir said:
But wasn't Van Buren mostly way after the time this stuff happens?

No, it was way before. Van Buren started in 2253, FO3 starts in 2277.

Well yeah, but I was thinking of Bethesda's timeline, in which the BoS trip started somewhere before 2257.

Then again, that's not really relevant to this contest, that's true.
I don't know if anybody read my last edited post so I'll repeat:

Sorry I cannot remember numbers well. The manifest of the contest says that the limit is 1200 (with a margin of 50+) but on the quoted text, in response to mine, welsh says that he'll "...revise for the contest so its down to 1400-1450...". So is it one or the other?
Soulforged said:
The manifest of the contest says that the limit is 1200 (with a margin of 50+)

Your reading is a bit off. The limit is 1200 words. It says we're not likely to crack down on 1250-word entries, but then again we could if we wanted to. If the limit had been 1250 words, it would have said so.

Soulforged said:
but on the quoted text, in response to mine, welsh says that he'll "...revise for the contest so its down to 1400-1450...". So is it one or the other?

What the rules say is true. I don't even know if this "welsh" you speak of is on the jury.
Brother None said:
Not necessarily. I mean you don't have to fit in with the Van Buren story. However, in as far as it doesn't contradict Fallout (and it doesn't), you can use whatever you want for Van Buren. You're the one determining the post-Fallout 2 canon, after all.

But wasn't Van Buren mostly way after the time this stuff happens?

The three best entries will be posted as features articles, as explained in the rules.

Beyond that, we don't own the entries and don't determine what happens with them. Preferably once the contest is over people can post their stories in a big ol' fan fic thread. We're not going to, though.

Thank you for the info BN.

Cheers, Thorgrimm
Per said:
What the rules say is true. I don't even know if this "welsh" you speak of is on the jury.

welsh who?

Yes, my bad. Thou honestly, a 1400 limit might have been better.