NMA Brotherhood of Steel Writing Contest


Oh shoot, was this supposed to be canon?

I wrote this as a fun story, not as a "book report". It barely makes sense but I think it's pretty funny.

Maybe I'll resubmit it before Sunday.
I hope I could finish my story in time, It seems I procrastinated too long. My problem with it is the complete opposite of what others have posted, my story is too short, have to stretch it a bit more to make it past the 1,000 words mark.

It doesn't help that english isn't my first language, speaking of which, I don't live in the States or Europe, can I still join the contest?
Anyone can join, we don't care where you live.

To be honest, some of the judges - most noticeably me - are a bit behind on reading anyway. I'm not going to make any promises, but there's a chance you can turn it in a bit late and we'll still accept it. The default is still that if you're late it's no good, though, so try to be before the 2nd
welsh said:
@ Rommel-
Is this a new submission or the old one?

I've only submitted one story.

So, from this comment I am taking that you've already read my submission? How was it?

I am considering writing another one that gives more background to the story, but I have a lot of University homework...
Ravager69 said:
Shit, 2 days left and I still haven't written anything...OMG

I'm sure the NMA will appreciate your last minute spam. [Insert reference to Spam encounter in Fallout.]
Brother None said:
Anyone can join, we don't care where you live.


Just submitted mine, decided to go ahead with it. If I delay anymore, I'd chickened out.

It clocks in at around 1240 words (hope that doesn't disqualify my entry) meh! and that after having trouble raising it past a thousand words, then I suddenly found myself going past 1500 words and had to scale back.
Sorry heh. The internet was slow so I clicked stop and hit sent again. I had hoped it wouldn't send it twice.
Its still worth a try. Who knows maybe bethesda would use some of our ideas (although they wouldn't mention it of course due to legal stuffs).
DarkCorp said:
Its still worth a try. Who knows maybe bethesda would use some of our ideas (although they wouldn't mention it of course due to legal stuffs).

Actually rather not, I wouldn't trust them with any of our bad ideas, let alone the good ones.
I sent in mine, I suppose it'll have to do... There is however no way I could do what I wanted to with this little room for detail though. I'm the kind of writer that uses great detail to bring flavour and ambience, but the wordcount limit forced me to cut everything down to the most barebone storyline (hell, my introduction alone was already over the wordcount :roll: ). Not to mention it's been a crazy few weeks for me with very little spare time.

Oh well, no poster for me.
A stroke of genius hit me. Now I will write the best story ever. :D

Edit: Story submitted. :lol:

Edit2: I'm going to win some sort of national award for this story. :P