NMA Caption Contest.

Last submission, then. Never before had I wasted so much time on such an obvious joke, damn your mind-numbingly thorough wiki timeline for triggering my OCD, Ausir :).

aenemic said:
most aren't that funny at all

Humor is a particularly subjective thing, but from my experience, the best to be found in Fallout 3 is involuntary. Damn, do those guys at Beth know how to fuck up. Some of these sound awesome as well - that eye glitch for the PS3 must be the freakiest shit ever.
Typoteus said:

Guess shes too drunk to notice that her dear Butch has "left the building"...

Okay these are not even funny, no idea why Im posting these...

Actually, that last one there is pretty funny. It doesn't need a caption, though.

first serious bug i encountered. he was waving his arms back and forth like a conductor ceaselessly while his head spun around 360 degrees twice before settling in this position. i lol'ed.
Brother None said:
What's with some of you guys just posting screenshots? This is a caption contest.

Then I think a "Boom Headshot" is in order. :lol:

With this one as well:

(I've been roasting up Super Mutants at Lvl 3 thanks to my twitch FPS skills.)
Still not grokking the point of the caption thread, huh?


Hiroshi didn't take the news too well about the Fallout IP sale to Bethesda.
well, Dark Legacy is the only one i can see not posting captions. who the shit else are ye talking about, Khorndog?

(heheh. i just realized...does Dark Legacy suppose this is a "capture" thread? dude. CAPTION. not CAPTURE you 'tard.)

Just thought I'd share the first image I found in the net of this abomination. Turns out the AntAgonizer is way dumber than I'd ever thought possible, he looks like something out of a freaking tokusatsu instead of a deranged wastelander.

Nice job on keeping the Fallout atmosphere there, Beth.