No Mission Briefings or NPC dialog in Bunkers ABCD or E

I bought it from a local videogames retail shop, used copy for 7 euros... Ofcourse they have return policy and warrant for used games to work properly plus im a regular customer so I don't feel like being ripped off, intentionally at least ;)

Could you be more specific of the files im missing? I will run a thorough search for the loc-mis .bos files on my disks but I'd like to know what else I need besides loc-mis_D.bos.

Worst case scenario: Unless someone is willing to temporarily host a few quite big files (20-50 megs) on ftp or DCC send over IRC then my game is good as screwed... I will edit here once I've looked the files up.

EDIT: I found the files on cd3 loc-mis_D.bos and loc-mis_E.bos are the files but I get "data error crc check" when trying to copy em to HD. I suppose theyre downright corrupted somehow? The total filesize for these two is about 47 megs... Is there a way for me to use them from my cd or do I have rely on someone sending uncorrupted files somehow?
Yeah, the relevant files are on cd3 under the cd3/core/ directory:


There are other bos files on that cd which have sprites and entities. The bos files are probably too big to email or post - I'd have to check with Odin first to see if I can host them in my NMA folder. At the very least I could host the txt files and maybe the mission files if needed, at least temporarily. The sound files take up the most space and are not really necessary to play the game so I won't upload them. Either return the disk and find someplace where you can buy a good copy or live with it and download needed files to make it work correctly. Check to see if any other files are corrupted and post those in this thread.

Another thing you can try is to read the files on another cd drive. It could be that your drive is misaligned which happens on occasion.
Ok I see... There's just one thing? Do you use IRC chat program? There may be a very easy solution to getting the 2 missing .bos files without taking up ANY hosting space...

EDIT: I indeed have all the mis-core files (just checked), all I need is the loc-mis_D and E.
So far seems to work at least without the voices... I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve to make this fully work but thanks for all the time you spent on helping me with this issue, there it's said ;)
Can't interact with NCPs (Tactics)

All of a sudden I'm not able to talk to NCPs, or listen, or read, to new missions given to me, and the mini map info shows circles of locations, but no details of it.

I got this problem when I reached Buncker Epsilon. I believe its the last bunker. I can't do anything now. Can't trade or sell, swap members, etc.

Running Win2k, with latest patch.
I have since uninstalled and reinstalled (and applied patch), and problem still occurs. However it occurs everywhere now...

Misc info: No cheat or mod was ever used.

How do I fix this?
Anybody got a loc-mis_E.bos

That file is corrupted on my CD so I'm stuck at bunker delta where no one will talk to me.
I've seen that thread before, and I do have the same problem, but I still need someone to send me a copy of their loc-mis_E file or at least some of the text files within that archive.
I'm totally new hello! :D

I need this file too, unfortunately it's a pretty big file it seems...
like dooms i already looked at the other thread but still need the file :?
Can someone help, please?
edit: oh and i also had this 'no one is talking' problem in the peasant encounter...altough that does not prevent me to play the game.

If anyone is willing to send this big file i guess i can set up a carracho or ftp server. Thanks
About this bunker... Have you patched the game itself? The unpatched version of Fallout Tactics would not allow any dialogue in Bunker Delta, are you sure this is not the issue?
I don't think that's the problem, Silencer, but nevertheless: they could try downloading the huge FOT patch at

My guess? Bad batch. Corrupted files. No easy solution (check the other threads if you don't believe).

I did send the needed file once to a guy in this forum, but one can't expect me to still have FOT on my harddisc and be the good Samaritan.

The best solution would be this: JJ86 (where the hell is he anyway?) should make a sticky thread about this recurring problem AND (if that is possible - copyrights, copyrights, copyrights) NMA should have the file for download.

Now that would take care of these "Please help me I need loc-mis_E.bos or D.bos or whatever kind of threads".
That patch only fixes the a corrupted sprites file, the problem I had involved a corrupted loc file where the contents refused to extract and be read, thus causing NPCs to refuse to talk, give missions, or barter.

Luckily jj sent me a copy of the text files and it all works now.

The actual texts are very small, so if copyrights allow, there would be easy fixes for this problem. (The big files in the archives being the sound files)

A corrupted mis_core file would be trickier to fix, as the .mis files are larger, but you can grap improved versions of several missions (overlapping tiles fixed) at Cleaning House.
Blade Runner said:
The best solution would be this: JJ86 (where the hell is he anyway?) should make a sticky thread about this recurring problem AND (if that is possible - copyrights, copyrights, copyrights) NMA should have the file for download.

I won't be around here too much, after a little power struggle I was kind of given the boot. So all future questions will have to be answered at DAC.
Oops, sorry to hear that JJ... Now that you tell me, I might have read some posts about that here on NMA, but I didn't thought they were for real, or that maybe it was just a storm in a glass of water.


NMA can be really hard sometimes... :roll:
Fix for fallout tactics CD3 corruption

Hey everyone, I just ran head-first into the Bunker Delta CD3 corruption bug the other day. After some digging I seem to have found a fix that doesn't involve downloading the files again.

(All this was done using version 1.27, full install)

I'll try and explain what to do.

1. Go and download CDmage --

2. Rip CD3 to an iso image. CDmage supports just about any ISO format, but I used CloneCD for the job.

3. Fire up CDmage and open the image file.

4. Run "Scan for corruption" in the Action menu.

Note: my disc had a bunch of errors. Most were in "loc-mis_D.bos" and "loc-mis_E.bos", but I did have one error in "spr-character_E.bos". I believe I had 8 errors total, 1 was a "Low" priority and the others were all "Medium".

5. Run "Repair corrupted sectors" from the Action menu. This should fix the "Low" priority errors.

6. Select the "Medium" errors and then run "Rebuild sector fields" from the Action menu. I just clicked okay to rebuild all the fields.

If that worked then all the errors should have a green X or checkmark next to them.

7. Try and scan for corruption again (run "Scan for corruption" in the Action menu). When I did this after fixing the errors I had no corruption on the disk.

8. Close down CDmage.

9. Burn the ISO back to a CD or just mount it with Daemon Tools.

10. Copy the fixed files from the CD (which was repaired) to the "core" folder where fallout tactics is installed. On my machine this is "C:\Program Files\14 Degrees East\Fallout Tactics\core".

If you're not using a full install then just try and run it with the fixed CD.

11. Run the game and see if it worked!

Prior to this fix my game was messed up at Bunker Delta. No dialog, and no speech at all.

Results of the fix:

I now get full dialog and speech, bartering, and the briefing for the first mission in Bunker Delta. Everything seems to be fine now, but I suspect that the corruption I had was largely in the MP3 files of the briefings and other dialog, so the missions themselves seem to be okay. I anticipate that some of the speech files will have some corruption in them, but I haven't encountered anything yet.

I'll continue to play and let you guys know if this was sucessful or not. :D
Copying this to the stickied Troubleshooting thread. Thanks for the info, magic8bob.

Edit: oops, didn't read the last line. I'll leave it in Troubleshooting anyway for the time being, let us know if it works or not though.