NowGamer interviews Howard and Pagliarulo

The Dutch Ghost said:
Storage Space?
Why not have traders such as Moira offer storage space as well for your items.
The idea of the game was always that you are a wanderer of the wasteland, having no roots.

Actually I would have liked it a lot if you could get your hands on a... well something in the lines of a mobile home and Mad Max 2 Pickup's bastard child.
You find a pre-war relic or the dream of some old mechanic, a very solid frame of an ATW or 6+ wheeler. You hunt the damn parts for it. You sweat and kill for it and in the end you have your own mobile fortress. Hell maybe you could even have some "camp" followers like the old geezer mechanic, a young idealist punk to hold down the fort when you are gone bad man hunting...

Naah. Too rational. And requires likable NPCs to boot.
Actually cronicler, in Van Buren you could get a truck and later a trailer in which you could transport other vehicles as well as serving as a mobile laboratory/machine shop.
I guess it's a good thing I didn't take a deeper look into Van Buren yet.
The more I read of it, the more depressing it gets. (that it was canned and in the end we got FO3 instead)

But I like cronicler's idea. You could even build a quest into it.
Like if you forget to visit the trader for a long time, he assumes you're dead and sells of your stuff. If you had something important in there, you can track down the buyer and get it back via quest, trading, killing, whatever.
Good ideas are Dime a dozen if you are willing to take some basic needs and build upon them. Can you imagine trying to drive a vahicle in the FO3 rubble bonanza? Stuck/Reload/Stuck/Reload again.
I've never been a big fan of functioning vehicles in Fallout, a few with a logical power source makes sense but I'm not for a whole lot of them (as it is said the NCR had). Really the only power sources for vehicles that make sense to me are steam and electric, the latter of which requiring a power plant in the general area (you can't expect every vehicle to run off of fusion cells).

Actually what I think would be kind of interesting would be to have a town that used to be a trailer park so you have all of the buildings be modified RVs (mostly what I was thinking), mobile homes, campers, and the like. At the very least I'd imagine that the artists could have some fun with it.
I would actually find it more understandable for the NCR to have working cars and trucks than random villages and towns.

They span a large area so there is probably plenty of vehicles to scavenge.

But we are getting off topic.
Though I found Fallout 3 to be fun, this article was complete bullshit. He really just says: 'Best game eva' and ignores all the criticisms folks like you guys make.
Vehicles make sense. I think Beth dropped the ball by not having any Mad Max-style vehicle battles. Not too many vehicles, but quite a few. If you're going to use real combat, use it well, morons. Imagine yourself driving a retro-futuristic jeep while a companion shoots a pursuing vertibird.

Also, there's a VERY strange lack of bicycles. I think bicycles would be the main post-apocaliptic method of movement for most people. There's no need for fuel, there are a lot of them, bicycles are quite durable and a bicycle is not hard to make or repair with proper tools and equipament.
Just do those motorcycles that seem to be lying around everywhere, together with components.

Just make it run on Small Energy Cells.
“We always wanted to make another Fallout game, so we jumped at the chance. But while I do still enjoy playing the game – the basic mechanics are really fun – the key ingredient, to explore and be surprised, is lost on me at this point.”

This made no sense to me. I think they confused "exploration" with "experimentation" that was what I felt the surprises came from in Fallout. Not "finding new locations and items" but "finding new ways to use things/people"

Overall though it was mostly about the choices and story.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Vehicles make sense. I think Beth dropped the ball by not having any Mad Max-style vehicle battles. Not too many vehicles, but quite a few. If you're going to use real combat, use it well, morons. Imagine yourself driving a retro-futuristic jeep while a companion shoots a pursuing vertibird.

Dude, what the fuck are u talking about? I still can't understand insane amounts of live ammunition and working firearmz, leave alone laser and plasma scattered around, and why don't people pwn you on sight, given what a fucked up place Fallout wasteland is, how the hell would a car survive 200 years without maintenance? And "shoots a pursuing vertibird", the fuck? This isn't one of those faggy Michael Bay films, this is Post-Apoc universe we're talking about. Besides, it's irritating to just walk in Beth's WDC, where were u supposed to use the damn car? Hmmm, it could just be, that they'd give u a motorcycle in one of the future updates - Oblivion had a horse to offer.

Slaughter Manslaught said:
Also, there's a VERY strange lack of bicycles. I think bicycles would be the main post-apocaliptic method of movement for most people. There's no need for fuel, there are a lot of them, bicycles are quite durable and a bicycle is not hard to make or repair with proper tools and equipament.

Nah, I imagine all the wastelanders go POGO-STICKS, mwahaha.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Just do those motorcycles that seem to be lying around everywhere, together with components.

Just make it run on Small Energy Cells.

With some quests attached to it. Like finding someone who could fix it. Kinda like it was in the second Fallout, but more complex.
To be honest, 200 years after the war, civilization should had begun advancing again.

Places like NCR for example, should have recovered enough technological information to begin manufacturing basic stuff at first and more advanced later. It's a nuked world yes, but you can still mine the earth for minerals to gain access for example to iron.

Finding laser weapons and working cars abandoned is stupid. Really stupid. Finding however one or two towns that have started to get things working and not just scavenging the desert makes some sense.

And no, i don't mean that there should be suddenly a vehicle factory and a nuclear reactor in a city :P But there should be something!

and why don't people pwn you on sight, given what a fucked up place Fallout wasteland is
It's a fucked place yes, but first, not everyone wants to shoot each other because then no one would survive. You can't solo the wasteland you know (solo as surviving alone, finding water/food alone etc). Secondly, it wouldn't make much of a game, even in previous fallouts if the first thing someone did when you met him, was to put a bullet in your head :P
Can you imagine reaching sandy sands and the guard blowing your head off immediately? Game over. Wtf? :P
I meant, In F2 caravans u could randomly meet were always heavely guarded, and they tended to make a hole in you if don't sneath your weapon. In towns there were lots of armed men and sometimes women who'd gladly feed your sorry ass with bullets and throwing knives (which usually made you to slaughter the whole town, but what the heck), now in F3 i met lonely merchants, with no guards but lots to loot, and nobody seem to object me pointing my gun in their face. It's been awhile since F2 and a lot of aspects could be improved and redone to stimulate immersion.

How many guards are there in F3? 1 in Megaton (how the hell did they defend against Rainders?) 3-6 in Rivet City (maybe more, but less than 10), that's all i can remember. And with raiders and mutties roaming around, when water and rations are fucking scarce, I'd shoot any fucker, who was approaching me with a gun or melee weapon. Life is tough, Post-Apoc life is HELL.
Pagliarulo enthusiastically dispels the misconception that an artist can’t be objective about their own labour.

“It was pretty late in production, when all the combat was balanced and VATS was working well, and my thoughts began to move from ‘This is pretty cool' to ‘Wow, this is, um, awesome’

Oh good fucking lord. Does this guy even know the meaning of the word objective? So Emil saying that the game is awesome is 'objective' because the game is...presumeably awesome? What rot.

“Honestly,” Howard concludes, unaware of our hopeful internal dialogue. “I can see how to improve all of it now.” We choose to read between the lines.

More explosions and greater munchkinism? Todd Howard's 'improvements' are generally geared towards Xbox morons and ADD kids. There is a reason he has earned the name "The Toddler".
What's even more funny is that he says the combat was balanced and VATS was working ok so... did they broke it later on? Because VATS and combat in FO3 aren't balanced and working well as hell so I'm wondering when did this happen.
Black what are you talking about? The combat is completely balanced. ping a mob, draw it to your corner and Vats it in the head with a pistol 4 or 6 times.
Rinse and repeat.
Haven't you ever played a MMO Nooblet?

This is the pinnacle of SP-A(ction)-MMOCRPG
All it lacks are General and Trade channels.
cronicler said:
Black what are you talking about? The combat is completely balanced. ping a mob, draw it to your corner and Vats it in the head with a pistol 4 or 6 times.
Rinse and repeat.
Haven't you ever played a MMO Nooblet?

This is the pinnacle of SP-A(ction)-MMOCRPG
All it lacks are General and Trade channels.

... barrens chat FTW >.>
I wish Todd Howard was my dad. My childhood would have been filled with great memories of blowing things up with fireworks and baseless excitement!