Spoken like a true NMAer!I honestly don't care.
Tim and Leo's new project aside, I stopped caring about Obsidian way before MCA exposed their dirty laundry. Last few of their games have been a resounding "meh" for me in one way or other, and it doesn't take a genius to realize that something was amiss behind the scenes.
While MS getting its dirty paws on Obsidian will almost certainly result in Obsidian's doom, I think that apocalyptic event was coming anyway, sooner or later. I just don't see how a company with such a poor managment and internal organization could be kept afloat for a long time, without help from the others and luck. As far as the former goes, we've already learned that Obs burned a lot of bridges, and the latter always screws you over when you need it the most.
Sure, Obs managed to hold it out for a long time, but there is a breaking point for everything.
It's a shame, really, because at the end of the day, Obsidian is a talented but horribly mismanaged studio which could have become a lot bigger, better and more relevant a long time ago.
But, like I've said, I don't care. I have already seen too many franchises/studios that I cared about go down the drain because of corporate greed/poor managment/stupidity/bad luck or all of the above. Another one added to that list, and nothing more.
That's the spirit.