OCC- First Mission

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SuAside is absolutely right. I just provide settings and story stuff for the most part. It's really up to you guys to what you will with what I put up. Now my idea is that Rosco could help with the getting the power up through the geothermal reactor that orginally powered the place. Not is not to say that yous can not come with own ideas like finding a battery lying in the rumble that your character hooks into the port for the orginal back up genrator on this level to at least bring up the lights. You can and definely should come up with your own things to do and solutions to the problams that may present themselves.
Hmm, maybe just make a hole in the floor of the elevator and decent thru that on a rope.

Have several people and ROSCO stay above while the others decend down the rope and explore the base.
the second floor would probably not be right under the first one. first floor would probably be a security checkpoint kinda thing before decending into the deeper vault (thats how i see it anyway :p)

Miles & i were planning on having thorgrimm & lance stay behind to guard the rear. (afk RPer & NPC)
Yeah, I did forget two details. One the second floor is 1500 ft underground and two, because the second floor is that far underground the elevator is the only way down. I put it in my last post so it is there now.

And as for your character BrotherhoodKnight. He has experienced something that is to not be understood at this point but will become more clear as the story moves on. None of the characters in role play have a clue as to what happened, or at least that is the way I planned it. I would think that your character is probably just little daze for a few hours and then a little confusied.
Well, Ive got us almost ready to go down.

The way I see it, powering something is a great strain on the dog, so we have to limit the weight in the elevator. That becomes null and void if we repair a generator below.

Alba, is this a vault, a storage facility or what ?
This was originally a nuclear waste storage site. Later on they built levels, where we are heading, above for storing FEV test records. There was also other things placed here as well.

It is a storage site and not a vault although much of its design is simular to that of a vault as it was constructed around the same time.
Well I don't know what everyone elses characters have but Rob has Combat Armor with an Assault Rifle and some extra stuff.

plus i think we shouldn't find any power armor or energy weapons cause then that just makes it reall easy.
Ok, there will be a generator down there that's just disconnected, and a few personel that were down there but are skeletons now.

All but one are in body bags, one is a skelleton on the tolit

My idea at least.
Glad to see you're back Kahgan.

Okay, everyone can come down now but there should be a couple of people left above. I think SuAside said something about leaving Thorgrimm and Lance (NPC) up there and that psycho was going to leave Tenal Ka. If this is correct, it should be fine.
Here is the list of possible items in the site.

Super Stims
Assult rifles
a laser/plasma pistol, maybe two
Geinger counter
Medical supplies (where approiate, i.e. med lab)
Probably some flak jackets and some other light type armors
and of course there will be ammo

If guys think of anything else let me known and we'll see if it applies.

Okay, you guys are free to explore this level as you please, except for psycho who has to try the fix the power. Note for the Armory: It is pretty picked over do to what happen after the bombs dropped (It is a secret that we get to learn later on.). There is still some stuff left though.
I personally prefer generic names, it saves on a lot of arguing , but you guys can come up with the real weapons if you want. You guys will also be free to hash out the arguments that may arise from such specific weapons. :)
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