hey guys i'm back from my little festivalthingy and i'll make an entry in this story some time tonight (CET). This is more or less what i came up with inbetween gigs (still a bit rough around the edges, but i think you'll understand if i say that making up an RP character isn't your main concern during a 4 day rock festival

First name: Mike (aka Scorpio)
Last name: unknown
Race: Human, whitey with a tan
Age: 27
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 100 kg (but not one ounce of fat)
Hair: Bald, dark brown/black goatee
Eyes: Brown
Fysical appearance: A real bruiser or brute. His body is filled with tattoos which reflect his character. On his left (upper) arm you can find a big swastika, on his right (upper) arm you can find a skull with a dagger stuck through it with a snake crawling out of the eyes. On his back he has a huge radscorpion that is ready to lash out. On the left side of his chest (just above his heart) he has a confederate flag. When he makes 2 fists, the tattoo on his knuckles read: Fuck Pain. For every gunshot or other serious wound he has got in his life he has put a tattoo next to it stating the calibre of the bullet that hit him.
Clothing: He wears a light woodland camo army pants, a green flakvest with protective collar, green army backpack, black brahmin leather army boots. Knife worn on his left hip, pistol holstered on his right hip. Partially for show, he wears a bulletbelt (sling) going from his left shoulder to his right hip. This is mainly as backupammo when he has trouble reaching for a full pack and for intimidation purposes. The ammo does not cover his right shoulder so he is still able to easily put up his SAW against his shoulder to take proper standing aim if needed. Usually he wears nothing underneath his flakvest, the wastes are usually hot enough as it is. In the rare moments of bad weather or storm he has a green poncho to protect him from the elements if needed.
Character: A jack of all trades: he has had many jobs and he will take any if they involve voilence. He has been caravan guard, raider, slaver, gun for hire,... He has no remorse for any distasteful acts he has done in the past: he has killed children during raids, he has murdered people just for looking funny at him. His idea of a fun night is being involved in a good brawl, cashing in the spoils of a raid or cleaning his guns. He has a fetish for belgian weaponry. He absolutly adores his FN M249 SAW. He is a notorious racist, who views all other lifeforms except white humans as animals and he uses them that way. Mutants, ghouls, hispanics, blacks,... their lives are worthless to him and he just might kill them off just for the fun of it.
ST 9 Excellent: He views his body as the most destructive tool he can find and loves it. He works out a lot and he brawls almost on daily basis...
PE 7 Very good: All his senses are finely tuned for battle.
EN 8 Great: He has given and taken a lot of beatings, his body has learnt to deal with it.
CH 2 Bad: He says what he thinks and most of the time he isnt thinking nice thoughts... He trusts no one and likes no one. He only respects the authority of the strongest.
IN 4 Fair: He has a good understanding of military tactics and such, but it is obvious that he is a nitwit on most other subjects.
AG 9 Excellent: Fighting has hightened his senses and therefor his reactions are lightning fast.
LK 8 Great: A raider, brawler, hired gun that lives this long in the wastes without getting capped has surely something to do with luck.
Gifted - Bruiser
Main skills: Big guns, Unarmed and Outdoorsman.
Other skills: First aid, Small guns and Demolition.
FN M249 'Minimi' with SPW barrelcooler, Para retractable buttstock and foldable bipod
spare barrel for quick change if original barrel overheats
3 boxes (100 round mags) of standard SS109 5.56mm ammo
1 box (100 round mag) of L110 5.56mm tracer ammo
1 sling (100 rounds) of standard SS109 5.56mm ammo
FN P9-M handgun with tactical light
3 clips (15 round mags) of standard 9mm ball ammo
green army backpack
extra pants
leather belt
green flakjacket
standard combatknife
2 brass knuckles
food & water
flashlight + some batteries
PS: In no way do i support any views of this character, but since i've got 2 farely good natured characters going (and this is generally also how i play the game) i'd like to try something else. This is somewhat against my nature but i'll give evil a shot in this RP.