Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

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When you don't believe in anything beyond materialistic bullshit that is the result.



When you don't believe in anything beyond materialistic bullshit that is the result.
Hmmm. I don't know. I don't mean this new age crap where you throw your possession away for enlightment or such bullshit. A certain level of materialism is alright. It's just ... eh, I don't know. I am kinda rambling. It's just it has been taken to such an extreme level where it's not only actually destroying the environment to a point where it will collapse and thus make it worse for our species but it actually doesn't even make us "happy". Like people slaving away in jobs they hate to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like with moeny they don't have sort of thing. It's crazy. We're all stuck in a hamster wheel and it makes us collectively sick.
@Crni Vuk Consuming. Is this really all there is?

I do not suffer from delusions of grandeur BUT if I was leader of the erf I would say " Tidy up NOW and fucking move it "
People who live and work within the money system cannot see any other way to go about things.

If food accommodation and R+R was provided vast numbers of workers could clean up all the shite we make. Not the sewage literally the garbage. Divers and trawlers working cleaning oceans and sea, coral reefs, beaches and the rest.

A global vacation staggered with all the necessary occupations still working and drawing pay if needed. But the majority on working holidays within or out of their country.

When cars are not running the air is cleaner no big panic for fuel. It only needs a bit of organisation pisss easy.
Hmmm. I don't know. I don't mean this new age crap where you throw your possession away for enlightment or such bullshit. A certain level of materialism is alright. It's just ... eh, I don't know. I am kinda rambling. It's just it has been taken to such an extreme level where it's not only actually destroying the environment to a point where it will collapse and thus make it worse for our species but it actually doesn't even make us "happy". Like people slaving away in jobs they hate to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like with moeny they don't have sort of thing. It's crazy. We're all stuck in a hamster wheel and it makes us collectively sick.

Just don't value material goods (talking entertainment and beanie baby stuff here) to where they are all you care about. I mean that all consuming mentality is what has gotten us to this point. "Enlightenment" is just a way to dismiss people like my grandparents that lived simple lives and never bothered anyone. It's important to not associate the desire for a life beyond what the corporate culture can provide you (CONSUME) as new age hippy crap. They read books that came out before they existed and sullied it up. I mean the Amish exist they are not new age. Also everyone watch Banshee.
I am not shitting on your grand parents, because that's their life style. Which is alright. Like the Amish for example. I am just saying, I am not one of those that believe we should go from one extreme to another. But less is definetly more. Less work. Less stress. Less uneeded products.
I feel ya and what I am saying is the megacorps/deep state reptile farms want all of that self sustaining lifestyle stuff to be labeled hippy counter culture stuff so it would be dismissed. That new age stuff you repeated is the modern version of CIA disinfo speak meant for people to dismiss anybody that for example wants to get a bunch of people together to survive THAT FUCKING COMET WHEN IT FOR SURE HITS.

That was such a bad shitpost I wish I could downvote it. Bad Morgan. Go to the corner.
I got banned from a leftist subreddit for calling someone dismissing elections and calling for armed revolution a brainlet, I even brought up the examples of the ELN and FARC here whose glorious communist crusade resulted in nothing but keeping the far right in power for 50 years, the drug trade thriving and teven enter left politicians becoming acceptable military targets and he told me they were good. Then when I whhy asked the mod that banned me if they were also gonna ban the guy that said the group that employs land mines on civilians were good the dude muted me lol so either Tankies or Feds. The guy got really defensive and angry 8 year old mode when I called him a fed so that might be it lol

As a self proclaimed leftist, I want to sincirely appologize for all of leftism that this happend to you.