Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

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You can tell that fighter dude wanted to flail but the internet is not his arena.
I dislike how they act like the oil industry is some evil player in all this when the US government is going along with them the whole fucking time from the beginning.

Oh and we have not been investing in renewables enough quick enough? You mean the renewables that are not supporting the power demand? How about Texas RUNNING OUT OF POWER? It's more complex than "oil is bad" which these docs always slant that way...

The one guy they have talking is great. Mentions the whale embargo then how that translated to more more more...

I like how they did not even know shale could be processed in such a way. We are still so clueless to what we can do with this planet.

At least they admit they are trying to kill coal entirely.
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Wasn't the Texas thing because of their outdated closed off power grid system failing and having no back up from the national grid?
Yeah which is funny since they are one of the main oil providers. It means the power companies have a big role in all this too. It's not just about oil. It's also about inbred backwards ass dumbfucks that think they know better but their power keeps going off.

Basically our entire infrastructure needs to be modernized, and people need to stop laser focusing on one issue and look at the bigger picture. It isn't the 50's anymore.
I like how they did not even know shale could be processed in such a way.

Governments like to act naive when it suits them. Fracking was started in Lancashire my county, the government veering like an out of control car, good then bad then it went ahead and caused a small earthquake.

I knew the technique had faults but never knew the extent methane escaped.

Also I just watched Newsnight on BBC2 and they say Britain is sliding into recession !!?? Well fuck me, I had not expected that.

And with an earlier programme showing plastics fucking up wildlife big style I feel somewhat depressed today :scratch:
Everyone will be going into a recession soon because anytime one of the players steps out of line and starts a war there is a recession soon.
I dislike how they act like the oil industry is some evil player in all this when the US government is going along with them the whole fucking time from the beginning.
What government? It's close to an oligarchy at this point where there is almost no difference between corporations and government officials anymore.

Oh and we have not been investing in renewables enough quick enough? You mean the renewables that are not supporting the power demand? How about Texas RUNNING OUT OF POWER? It's more complex than "oil is bad" which these docs always slant that way...
I'm firmly in the camp that says we have been doing as much as we possibly could have been minus when Trump was president and he reversed the dumb Paris Accords which would not have solved the problem either but it made lefty types feel good like Greta. We have electric cars. Nobody can afford to buy a car. We have solar panels. Nobody can afford to have them installed. We have NUKE POWER but retards want to build them in areas where hurricanes devastate the entire region or they do not maintain them. It's all about money and not having the money to invest in something at a loss to protect people 100 years from now that WILL BE DEAD BECAUSE THAT COMET IS FOR SURE GONNA FUCKING HIT ANYWAY!
Everyone will be going into a recession soon because anytime one of the players steps out of line and starts a war there is a recession soon.

Yeah it's payback time. Maybe a few nukes will make this winter even bleak.


:dance: Lol : Voice of DOOM. I thought George W also told them all to fuck off over the drilling for oil in Alaska.

The guy in that film said the "natural gas is clean and good "mantra was all just kidology.
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I'm firmly in the camp that says we have been doing as much as we possibly could have been minus when Trump was president and he reversed the dumb Paris Accords which would not have solved the problem either but it made lefty types feel good like Greta. We have electric cars. Nobody can afford to buy a car. We have solar panels. Nobody can afford to have them installed. We have NUKE POWER but retards want to build them in areas where hurricanes devastate the entire region or they do not maintain them. It's all about money and not having the money to invest in something at a loss to protect people 100 years from now that WILL BE DEAD BECAUSE THAT COMET IS FOR SURE GONNA FUCKING HIT ANYWAY!
Well. I guess it really isn't doing a lot of good to cry about spilled milk. But I do believe we had some really good chances to make social and economical changes. Not only to "advert" climate change or what ever. But to actually improve society. To make things less misserable for everyone.

Like, think about this. Kinda the Carlin Way. In all of human history we have probably never seen as much technological achievements and increase in wealth like in the last 100 years or so. But what have we really done with it as a species and societies when you think about it? People can not get "green" cars? Fuck that anyway. We're like stuck, all of us. What have we really created? One big fucking giant shoping mall. That's what most of our lifes are these days. Consuming. Is this really all there is?