Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

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News misgenders @KingArthur. More at 11.
How dare they

They were hornets.
A person worried about t'internet comments would do that. I showed the patina of the objet d'art regardless of the collected grime.

You sanitise your lips before kissing your boyfriend au revoir.

If you play a game with that controller, you should wash your hands before you play with yourself.
People in the US are forming gangs that are different than crips and bloods but basically the same thing. Either that or that is what we call a glownigger op.
I still don't get it. I mean what are they doing? Armed people wathing others at the ballot boxes or something? Or are they gags? I am afraid this is really a culture/language thing because I am totally confused.
I still don't get it. I mean what are they doing? Armed people wathing others at the ballot boxes or something? Or are they gags? I am afraid this is really a culture/language thing because I am totally confused.

That is why it is likely a glownigger op. Meant to make people think that armed gunmen will stop them from voting so better get rid of the guns and the gunmen and everything they stand for.
The fact that you don't know what that means is why you are clueless in 90 percent of our conversations over the years about such things.

Yeah. I am sorry that I haven't ben born in your culture.

So, the idea is that those people stand there posing with guns intimidating others with the intention to get people riled up against guns so they can push for gun legislation or something?
The idea is that the US government has been doing crooked shit like that since they probably killed MLK Jr. Yes, they are manipulating the smooth brains of all the people commenting on those videos. What is the goal? Yes, more gun legislation. Why? Because government. Is this the worst thing in the world when kids are gunning down each other? It is if they have to do mind games to get the people to vote a certain way.



Like these asshats do not realize they are both mentally ill.
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But here is the thing I don't get. And I am not trying to attack you or anything. But why is this a "government" thing if like, I don't know a lot of western democracies have relatively tight gun laws. But they are not really dictatorships or something.

I just don't get what the goal here is and why going to such lengths and risks to ... do what exactly? Spy on the population? Taking guns away to easier controll them? I am not saying governements don't do shady shit all the time. I just wonder why they would do it in that particular reason and that fashion. Seems a bit convoluted to me when you could achieve it much easier, with less risks. I guess. Infact I would even let people keep their guns. Make it about patriotism. Only "true" Americans have it and believe in it. I mean a lot of militant groups are also pro-gun. And they are relatively easy to controll. From a certain perspective and narrative. Not to mention that it's easy to surveil them. And if you feel someone is doing something "fishy" go repo on their ass saying, they might use guns/weapons/explosives to hurt everyone! No clue. I am not a spyops expert.

I just don't see what the "gobernement" would gain here - who ever that now is anyway since well, there is not "the" government. The FBI is not the CIA and the NSA is not the Pentagon and Biden is too old to climb the steps anyway so what ever.
But here is the thing I don't get. And I am not trying to attack you or anything. But why is this a "government" thing if like, I don't know a lot of western democracies have relatively tight gun laws. But they are not really dictatorships or something.

I just don't get what the goal here is and why going to such lengths and risks to ... do what exactly? Spy on the population? Taking guns away to easier controll them? I am not saying governements don't do shady shit all the time. I just wonder why they would do it in that particular reason and that fashion. Seems a bit convoluted to me when you could achieve it much easier, with less risks. I guess. Infact I would even let people keep their guns. Make it about patriotism. Only "true" Americans have it and believe in it. I mean a lot of militant groups are also pro-gun. And they are relatively easy to controll. From a certain perspective and narrative. Not to mention that it's easy to surveil them. And if you feel someone is doing something "fishy" go repo on their ass saying, they might use guns/weapons/explosives to hurt everyone! No clue. I am not a spyops expert.

I just don't see what the "gobernement" would gain here - who ever that now is anyway since well, there is not "the" government. The FBI is not the CIA and the NSA is not the Pentagon and Biden is too old to climb the steps anyway so what ever.

Oh I know you do not get it. You never seemed to really understand what the CIA, FBI, NSA, Alphabet soup black ops group - is really capable of or why it suits them to mold the minds of people. You do not seem to understand the way they see the world possibly due to your idealistic viewpoint of space communism being viable when in fact any space communism would have that evil what were they called? the special branch that was in Deep Space Nine? Those guys. Yeah those guys. How hard is it to park two guys with some guns near the voting booth to scare people? How hard is it to march a group of "militia" then load them up in uhaul and drive them to the staging point and then load them up and leave?

Why do that? Because it scares people like you into thinking people are out there with guns gonna attack when the best they can do is the Capitol Riot which was a joke.
Uhu. Yeah. I just don't "get it". Gotcha. I am not even saying that you're wrong or anything. But what makes you so adamant that you get it? That's the issue with such stuff. It#s all just speculation. Could be this. Could be that. Or could be something completely different. Or maybe it really is just what you see here, a ciggar is sometimes just a ciggar thing.

Who the fuck nows? That's my point.