I really doubt that combat style is a minor point of the setting, though.
As for the feeling of nationalist pride and fear of Commies, etc., if you missed the propaganda in the game itself, not my problem. Also, not my fault if you missed that it has been pointed out that the fiction is styled to be written in the eyes of a 50's science-fiction author, pulp, written, and with some later works of note alluded to as nods the same setting,
as they fit within the Fallout universe and not for the hell of it. Hence there were also points of racism and that sort of thing. It might not have been in the Fallout bible because then, MCA didn't have a clue as to what the Fallout setting was. The Art Director seems to have a better clue about the setting, as he puts it "
the future of the fifties".
MCA had to be corrected repeatedly, and later admitted that New Reno, while an okay town for a gangster RPG, didn't really fit Fallout's setting. The same with the "yakuza" and similar, which weren't even given an explanation, and the presence of numerous lame easter eggs made it even more obvious that these people didn't know what they were doing and somehow managed to appeal to puerile tastes by using pathetic writing talent, inserting in easter eggs ad nauseum to hide the poor design of Fo2.
Katanas, at best, would be an easter egg, having little use in the game other than "it would be kewl". Pugilism, melee brawling, and gunslinging are the combat types made a bit popular by earlier space operas and then later by greasers (Junktown for a good example), especially with ray guns and large weapons common to that type of fiction. Fiction, and in an alternate timeline, so that makes it clear that we're not going by history, but rather the universe as it was created.
Therefore a katana and related material would be useless to work on, and as a result, useless to discuss. The baseball bat is
brilliant and immeasurably more suitable towards the setting compared to the baseless Japanophilia, probably one of the good ideas from Fo2 that did fit into the setting. That is, unless someone is going to pull a katana out of their ass into the setting just like BIS pulled the yakuza from
their collective sphincter. Hence why I do praise BIS for
the game they got right, Planescape: Torment, but when it came to Fallout, it almost was a disaster.
That is why we are trying to avoid concepts that have no purpose other than to appeal to some 12 year-old with a boner for TMNT. We actually want some hope of a Fallout 3 to fit within the setting, versus FOT, F

OS, and quite honestly, the first bug-filled near catastrophy SLAM DUNK! by Feargus' hands.
Munchkin Ninja Boy said:
i don't care if it is a katana, or a cavalrysword or a medieval sword as long as it is a sword!
So you'll go for White Trash Ninja, than try to suggest something that fits within the setting. Well, if you're not going to bother to put thought behind your post, go where mindless posting is not just coddled, but encouraged, the BioWare forums.
You have done a pathetic job of faking having played the Fallout games. I don't care if you're reading a walkthrough to try and fake it, nobody who has played Fallout would even remotely mention compact discs nor metal for combat music, nor much of the other unbelievable stupidity you keep posting. Either that, or you're trolling, and I can fix that if you can't.
do i need to send you my yellow card?
No, you need to eat it, along with your modem. In addition, your .sig image is a bit too large.