Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

Couple pages back I see somebody had a quest problem with G from Rainbow with not being able to talk to Hog about it. I downloaded the patch, installed it into Steam Common Fallout 2. Started the game up but I still have the same problem. Did I download it to the wrong place or
Not to be a pain but where do I put these patch folders? In the Fallout 2 folder? In the Olympus folder? If either then where in either folder? Sorry for being a pain and thank you in advance for answering my question.
I have finished all the quests in Rainbow except for the one involving
Mate murdering the Hog
My reputation level is "Accepted", I have 133% speech and the Hog still dismisses me when I ask for work. Perhaps this is bugged?
In case anyone has the same problem, it seems that in order to get the negotiation quest from the Hog your chracter needs to be of Fox archetype, which means that during character creation you need at least 7 INT, at least 8 CHA and no more than 5 STR. If you put 6 or more points into STR during character creation, you won't be able to get this quest.
Speaking of Archetypes, does anyone have a guide to all the archetypes there are and what they do/what there affects are? Because my Character with:
6 Strength
10 Perception
2 Endurance
1 Charisma
10 intelligence
10 Agility
1 luck
Got the "Standard" Archetype
I have found the following requirements for archetypes on nuclear-city forum:
Bull\Tank: INT <= 5 and END >= 8 and STR > = 8
Foxes: INT >= 7 and CHA >= 8 and STR <= 5
Forrest: INT <= 3 and LUCK >= 9

Additonally, the pre-built characters follow the above archetypes.

The only effects I know are additional dialogue options, but there could be more.
Black characters also get more dialogue options than white characters. As far as I know, there are no benefits to playing this game as a white character.
Hi, I lost 1 point in strength when I travelled to another location. Using rad-outs didn't fix it. I also tried using a backup save and cured radiation before travelling but still lost 1 strength. Is this permanent? My rads are also below 150.
Hi, I lost 1 point in strength when I travelled to another location. Using rad-outs didn't fix it. I also tried using a backup save and cured radiation before travelling but still lost 1 strength. Is this permanent? My rads are also below 150.

It takes time to recover lost SPECIAL (couple weeks) and if you get too much radiation then the loss is permanent.

It's very annoying later on as there're only 2 doctors who will cure you (both very close to each other) which forces you to carry a lot of meds that will weigh you down.
hello im confused, i never got the to do list from douglas before completing livos and when i got the plasma rifle, it was so heavy that i sold it for batteries. i cant get the plasma rifle back from livos now and i dont know how else to get another one. did i softlock myself?
There is another way
You can use the elevator in Tartarus. You will need a key which the Herald will give if you wear a special robe and have a voice module.
2 more ways:

With Speech you can convince the officer that you need to rest in Olympus. You will be able to access the ground floor
and get an elevator keycard from Jock (guy in a jacket)

Plus you can just murder everybody and ascend the tower over piles of bodies which is also pretty fun.
Does anyone know where I can get another Paramedic's Suitcase, I was doing the Pearson town quest where you have to find Sunny and Becky but I used the Suitcase without knowing I needed it for the quest. Is the quest is unbeatable now?
I found the location of renaissance, but I can't seem to find it's entrance at the surface(?) area, it's a cliff with 2 metal signs around it. Where's the entrance?
I found the location of renaissance, but I can't seem to find it's entrance at the surface(?) area, it's a cliff with 2 metal signs around it. Where's the entrance?

One of the walls is fake and you can use it like a door. Just move your cursor around the cliff and you will get a prompt.
I have this problem , how do I inject the syringe to a chimera I tried using it on one but it just keeps saying " it does nothing " , I tried it on a mother chimera , same result, so I just killed her and the others, did I do something wrong? what was I supposed to do?
I have this problem , how do I inject the syringe to a chimera I tried using it on one but it just keeps saying " it does nothing " , I tried it on a mother chimera , same result, so I just killed her and the others, did I do something wrong? what was I supposed to do?

I was playing with a high Crit Unarmed build and KOd her by punching her in the groin and used it after combat ended from backpack (not weapon slot).