Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
But Daggerfall is just ridiculous in its size. I think it's a good model how a large open world game could work: Make the map realistically large, add fast travel to known locations (with options for transport and resting and speed) but also allow the player to actually walk/ride everywhere in real time. It may take hours or days to reach the next town, but that's how it is.
Well, it's how I would do a first person Fallout, at least. It would also allow for more vehicles (I know people are very much torn about that, but I think it's ridiculous that there are no working cars around. It's a gameplay thing, not a lore thing) and whole new aspects of the game. Might be too much Mad Max, though...
I really like the idea of smart algorithms that procedurally/pseudorandomly generate content as you walk, but this would be a pretty big hurdle as one would need to somehow merge the random parts of the map with the unique ones seamlessly. It would also make balancing the game kind of hard (provided that you would encounter enemies in the random parts of the world), as if you would just decide to jog to the first town, the time it would take you and the mobs you would kill in that time would make you overpowered by the time you reach the new town. Not to mention a plethora of other issues.
There are walkarounds to all of these problems, but that would entail a very different kind of game design from the way bethesda is operating now, or any other developers who make open world rpg games.