Skyrim is a guilty pleasure for me, but I can't say that I "love" it. It's fun, the roleplay is good, there are amazing, truly amazing mods that keep it from getting old and I kind of like the lore. The map is good and the music is nice.
However, my issue with Skyrim is the complete lack of emotion. Nothing makes you care about someone. There's not a single moment that would trigger anger, empathy, compassion, sorrow or anything. Nothing is engaging, on an emotional level. Hell, even the Mad Max game had emotional moments, and I surprised myself by feeling empathy towards its characters.
Also, oh boy the biggest problem. Remember Dawnguard ? When you spare Serana for litteraly no reason except her boobs (thanks, Beth, but I play an old, straight female vampire hunter, so... Let me do my job?) and help her returning to her genocidal father, while giving him a freaking elder scroll ? Why on earth would a vampire hunter do that ? And are you killed on sight by the Dawnguard when you return to them ? You know, for high treason ? Nooo, because you're a special snowflake and responsabilities/consequences are not flattering enough for the audience. At this moment, you realize that you play a game that treats you like a child, and I dislike that. Same problem with the companions, the Empire, the winterhold college etc. You just have to be a decent, average person and you become their choosen one, and everyone just keeps telling you how important, strong and unique you are. I hate the messiah's syndrome in these games. It breaks my immersion, and I simply cannot progress in the game if I avoid these moments. Let me do something called "progress" before worshipping me, damn it ^^
BUT, it's a fantasy game, so this problem doesn't bug me as much as it does in "half realistic" games like Fallout. Also, as soon as I see an amazing mod, I'm guilty of reinstalling Skyrim. There's something addictive in this game, and something hard to describe that makes it a guilty pleasure. But it's a shame when the writing is so awkward that you decide to play the game like this :