Opinions on the Elder Scrolls


I just walked on the water.
Because slaughterfish scare me.
I have a deepseated fear of "wild" water. Both in real life and In video games.
Amen brother, I fucking hated swimming so I walked on water and flew the shit. In fact, I even tried to climb the mountains rather then face... them... waiting in the deep...
Amen brother, I fucking hated swimming so I walked on water and flew the shit. In fact, I even tried to climb the mountains rather then face... them... waiting in the deep...

Remember the giant slaughterfish in oblivion? I nearly heart attacked!
Remember the giant slaughterfish in oblivion
It simply was the most anoying enemy of gaming history, or well close to it ... hard to hit, with an incredibly anoying and skreeeetchy sound, and ALWAYS(!) in the way, somewhere, when you wanted to rest, or attacking you from who knows where. It was simply a pain in the ass.
I liked Skyrim the most as a game, while Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind had excellent writing they were an absolute chore to me as a game to play through, I had much more fun reading about the lore then actually playing the games. Morrowind's world was too stale and lifeless in my eyes and its gameplay is quite terrible, Gothic II was released in the same year as Morrowind and that game did a much better job at world building gameplay wise (not lorewise), the world felt like it was alive and evolved as you progressed through the game, you had actual voice acting and dialogue (not particulary good dialogue and voice acting, but its cheesiness has a weird effect that its actually kind of charming and endearing) and the gameplay is still some of the best gameplay I have ever seen in a action RPG.

I like the Elder Scrolls lore and world, its just that none of the games have really succeeded as games in my eyes.
I'm going to say something that may be unpopular, but here goes. My order for the Elder Scrolls games is Daggerfall>Skyrim>Arena>Morrowind>Oblivion. Yes, I know, this must surely be heresy; morrowind as my second worst in the series, with the randomly generated Daggerfall as #1.

I had a massive post typed out, but meh. Couldn't get it to sound right. Just going to leave it at this.
Skyrim is a guilty pleasure for me, but I can't say that I "love" it. It's fun, the roleplay is good, there are amazing, truly amazing mods that keep it from getting old and I kind of like the lore. The map is good and the music is nice.
However, my issue with Skyrim is the complete lack of emotion. Nothing makes you care about someone. There's not a single moment that would trigger anger, empathy, compassion, sorrow or anything. Nothing is engaging, on an emotional level. Hell, even the Mad Max game had emotional moments, and I surprised myself by feeling empathy towards its characters.
Also, oh boy the biggest problem. Remember Dawnguard ? When you spare Serana for litteraly no reason except her boobs (thanks, Beth, but I play an old, straight female vampire hunter, so... Let me do my job?) and help her returning to her genocidal father, while giving him a freaking elder scroll ? Why on earth would a vampire hunter do that ? And are you killed on sight by the Dawnguard when you return to them ? You know, for high treason ? Nooo, because you're a special snowflake and responsabilities/consequences are not flattering enough for the audience. At this moment, you realize that you play a game that treats you like a child, and I dislike that. Same problem with the companions, the Empire, the winterhold college etc. You just have to be a decent, average person and you become their choosen one, and everyone just keeps telling you how important, strong and unique you are. I hate the messiah's syndrome in these games. It breaks my immersion, and I simply cannot progress in the game if I avoid these moments. Let me do something called "progress" before worshipping me, damn it ^^

BUT, it's a fantasy game, so this problem doesn't bug me as much as it does in "half realistic" games like Fallout. Also, as soon as I see an amazing mod, I'm guilty of reinstalling Skyrim. There's something addictive in this game, and something hard to describe that makes it a guilty pleasure. But it's a shame when the writing is so awkward that you decide to play the game like this :
Skyrim over Morrowind.
Arena over Oblivion.
Daggerfall at number one.
Yea, ok.

I prefer Skyrim as a game, but Morrowind as a story. I play these games for fun, and if I want to read the story, I have in-game books for that. As for Oblivion, I've hated that one since it came out. It's my least favorite Bethesda game, Fallout 4 is above it. Don't know why, but it always came across as a generic cut-and-paste fantasy. After the massive map of Daggerfall with great roleplay potential, and the amazing story and world of Morrowind, it just wasn't good for me.
I prefer Skyrim as a game, but Morrowind as a story. I play these games for fun, and if I want to read the story, I have in-game books for that. As for Oblivion, I've hated that one since it came out. It's my least favorite Bethesda game, Fallout 4 is above it. Don't know why, but it always came across as a generic cut-and-paste fantasy. After the massive map of Daggerfall with great roleplay potential, and the amazing story and world of Morrowind, it just wasn't good for me.
I hear you. I never, never even finished the introduction sequence of Oblivion, even if everyone told me that the game gets better after some hours. And this comes from a guy who loved Morrowind, finished Fallout 3 and considers Skyrim as a guilty pleasure. There's something deeply wrong about Oblivion that I can't explain. My body refuses it ^^
I hear you. I never, never even finished the introduction sequence of Oblivion, even if everyone told me that the game gets better after some hours. And this comes from a guy who loved Morrowind, finished Fallout 3 and considers Skyrim as a guilty pleasure. There's something deeply wrong about Oblivion that I can't explain. My body refuses it ^^
Shame, there's some great quests.