Outfit Construction Discussion (I NEED FAN HELP...ALL FANS!)

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Well my friends its time for my long and very drawn out list of questions and propositions I have for all of you regarding the construction of my "outfits". Yes I did mean that plural...for clarity's sake I will tell you that I plan to have this in a very organised fashion for efficiency due to this long post.

Each topic will be italiced and underlined. Each question therein will be in bold and labeled with a title. Each point will therein will be shown by a "-" and separated. I hope to keep this as orderly as possible, because this will get complicated.

By the way I'm not telling you my personal opinion on what choices I want for two reasons. Firstly anyone sympathetic towards me would probably choose my choice to be nice. Second is that by leaving it to you guys I'm leaving it to the fans who I think represent the whole fandom better than me. I dont really represent well. (Did you know I often picked Outdoorsman as a tag skill when no one else here did?)

So out we go...

The Three Costumes (Outfits whatever)

I've heard that conventions tend to be a whole weekend which is three days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I've also heard that people often take three costumes and wear one each day. Considering this and what I wanted to do fit well. I already knew I wanted to have a "Vault Jump Suit", but couldnt decide on a neat "Fresh Outta the Vault" one (the character just before leaving and beginning the adventure) or one "Weathered Wanderer" with the character as they appeared in the ending. Since they both have the same clothing I figure it wouldnt be any harder to just get two outfits then alter the second for "Weathered Wanderer" and that would make two outfits. What about the third? I decided to do one that wasnt "The Vault Dweller", but some random NPC from any of the "Wasteland Themed" games as I like to call them. My first thoughts were of both good and easy costumes to make. One "Black Leather-Mad Max" outfit with the arm missing and another could be "Tribal" with tattered rag-clothes, bone necklace, and the trademark spear. However there seemed to be so many others...a robed "Child of the Cathedral", a combat armored "Brotherhood Ensign", and lots of others. Really there as many outfits as there are groups. I also always thought vividly of that one townsperson NPC with the green pants and blue hat for some random reason.

Ultimately though "The Vault Dweller" is certainly the single most recognizable person from Fallout, but I can only think of the two "Weathered Wanderer" and "Fresh Outta the Vault" outfits so the third being an NPC means I have way too many options...

...which is why I leave that to you. What do you think would be best looking and most recognizable as an NPC from the Wasteland?

>Question 1: The Third Outfit; Please suggest an outfit for an NPC from the game that you think is best. Some examples are "Tribal", "Mad Max", "Robed Child of the Cathedral", etc.

The Vault Dwellers Physique (Body Build)

Now as I mentioned before I am in at worst "moderate" shape to at best "above-average" shape. Like 5-7 Strength and 5-7 Endurance in Fallout I presume. However the thing is...how well-muscled and thin was The Vault Dweller?

Now considering that physically powerful characters (like the mostly played combat boy) would be bigger and in better shape however stealth or charisma boy's really would be at or slightly below average. Now one could consider that since everyone has played a combat boy and most have played that more often than the others that you could say the average Player Character was a combat boy...or you could say that if you average out all the characters that the PC would be only slightly vetter than average physically like having a 6 in Strength and Endurance.

Now if you consider that good then I think thats where I am. However if you consider the PC to be a combat boy then I have to do some more work on my body.

Here's a much better way to illustrate it and its summarized as a question;


-Positive Notes= All heroes always have to look awesome and this is the most awesome picture of all! It also is reminiscent of Fallout in that its a loading screen and creates anticipation.

-Negative Notes= Honestly unless I exercised like crazy (I dont think I could) I couldnt even get close to that. Not to say I'm lazy. In fact since the picture is so perfect one could say its not a good example since its unrealistic and unbelievable since many (like I) liked Fallout's realism.


-Positive Notes= This picture shows the real toll of the adventure on the PC. He's been wounded physically as seen by the bandage on his arm and emotionally as you can tell his head is hanging down as though ashamed. This picture is reminiscent of Fallout in that its the ending move and perhaps the single most searing event of the whole story. I'd like to point out more than anything that its very real. The person therein is in good shape, but is no bodybuilder, charming party-goer, or anything like that. He looks like a real person who's just been through Hell. Also note that his body is in shape moreso in being lean than heavily muscled. I'd say that's super-realistic since food would be either hard to come upon being that the character either had low outdoorsman or didnt have enough money to buy much and even if he had either of those he would only get the bare essentials to save time and money in a desperate bid to save the Vault in time. Under the circumstances someone large would require so much food they'd probably go hungry whereas someone smaller and lean would be a more likely survivor.

-Negative Notes= The PC sure doesnt look like anyone special...like someguy who wandered out of a trash compacter delirious. I would really wonder if anyone would take notice of me in a good way if I looked like that.


-Positive Note= The in-game PC is the one representation the player sees most and hence would probably remember. Considering that the loading picture character is only seen for a short time a few times, and the ending character is only see a few times for a short time, this character is seen for about 50 longer than the others. The muscles are the size of someone who works out alot and you'd see at the local gym.

-Negative Note= The size is just a bit too big for you to think of the character as "real". He appears somewhere in between the comic book PC and the ending PC in terms of shape and realism. Still more "real" than the comic book PC.

>Question 2: Bodily Appearance; Which of these 3 pictures seems the best representation of the player character? Note the points that I put below each picture. In particular try to think of it as "Idealism Vs. Realism". What would you more prefer the ending game PC who looks like he could be a real person just like you or the comic book PC who looks dramatically awesome and entertaining, but totally out of reach to yourself as you could look?

Honestly guys I think the answer is obvious and I'm so nervous someone will choose the bad choice on purpose to be an ass that I really want to tell you that I've already decided, but as I must re-iterate you can decide better than me...

The Vault Dweller's Face (Hair length, stubble, and maybe a Gas Mask?)

This is probably the hardest topic to discuss...its quite complicated.

Now everyone who's played Fallout has played the game at least once imagining the character as themselves. Both, because its easier to make decisions that way and being a hero is a fantasy we all have. With that in mind I should go as myself. The way I look would be the way my character "The Vault Dweller" would look much like anyone else thought the character looked like themselves.

However there's a problem. One also has to consider that though they imagine the character as looking the way they do in-game. That is with short, dark hair and white. Considering that most of America is white and most players chose the PC to be male, and most American males have brown hair in some shade really what the in-game PC is supposed to look like is your average American (male, white, dark haired) in adventurer form. This makes sense since this would feet most the "Its me" character of most of the player audience. My problem is that I dont look like that much. I have skin that tans easily which is usually light brown in the winter and dark brown in the summer. I also have long hair which is not only unlike the PC, but also seems highly un-post-apocalyptic since living hard wouldnt give you the time to have extravagantly long nice hair. Last, but not least most would imagine any character to have a very hard facial outline. Living on barely enough to eat wouldnt leave any facial fat and I suppose constantly grimacing would strengthen the muscles there. I however have rounded cheeks. I can express this in the fact that people often say I look much younger than I am. When shaved most people guess my age as 17 when I'm actually 22. Kinda hard to look grim when you look pleasantly young. (Picture for reference.

I have remedies for these, but the bring up interesting circumstances. As for the skin color I can do a good job of spending enough of my spare time indoors to stay pale. In fact I only really tan if I choose to be outside for long periods of time like when I read outside as often happens in the summer. As for the hair I can cut it...though I may have taken over a whole year to grow it long and it tends to bring me good attention the amount I care about that is only a fraction I care about doing this cosplay. Besides...the hair took a year to grow, but the exercise to get myself able to cosplay took two years and the hour of exercise every other day is certainly longer than the 10 more minutes a day I spend grooming my hair to keep it nice. I must note however that if you prefer me to go in the third outfit as "Tribal" that having long hair would actually be good. As well there's a chance significant chance that with long hair I could be mistaken for an anime character whereupon people would ask "From what show?" and I would get an opportunity to tell them about Fallout and PC CRPG's. (Note that being noticed and recognised is probably the main point of this project) As for the soft face...well I can purposely not shave for a month before hand. The facial hair will make me look older and certainly more rugged as though I didnt have time or care to shave.

Then we have one more option. This one can solve all of the problems with me trying to look like the character in-game or looking realistic without having to anything unnatural...however this option is highly controversial.

What if I were to go in a gas mask? Now consider that such a thing isnt in Fallout and so The Vault Dweller wouldnt wear a gas mask yet at the same time a gas mask seems perfectly representative of post-apocalypticism perhaps more than any other single piece of gear. Also on the one hand this means all of the above facial considerations arent a problem yet at the same time people may not think well of me if they dont see the generalised PC face that they would expect. The gas mask is will also make me completely anonymous. This could be a good thing since anyone seeing me who's already played Fallout will think "Hey its The Vault Dweller...what does he look like though? Oh I guess he could be anyone." or they may prefer to think that the person underneath looks like them. Its quite a strange concept of how someone would respond.

So here's my actual question with some sub-questions;

>Question 3: Facial Appearance; Should I go with me looking as-is, with myself altered to look like the generic PC (no tan, short-cut hair, and unshaven), or wear a gas mask?

-Second Option Sub-question: If you chose the second option (to look like the generic PC) Do I need to do all of the alterations for looking like the PC or are some acceptable without? Mind you though the character is white it never made any sense to me that he didnt get a tan spending so much time outside and in the bright sunlight. Also though he definitely was shown to have short hair and its realistic since short hair takes no time to manage, long hair appears more rugged since apparently the PC is too busy to do any grooming and it would also fall in well with the anime crowd. I'm not asking about the facial hair since I'm almost certain everyone will say to go unshaven instead of shaved.

-Third Option Sub-question: If I go in a gas mask is it relevant what type? Should it be a 50's era gas mask to help fit the theme (though it wasnt in the game) and if so where can I get one? If no one has any advice I'll try looking online and in military surplus stores which have lots of cheap and plentiful gear. Also Roshambo if you read this I think you would have the most to say on this subject.

The Vault Suit (Is it spandex, a jump suit, pajamas, or just a long sleeve shirt and pants?)

Now this is a very nitpicky topic.

Looking at pictures of The Vault Dweller and seeing the PC along with all the other people of the Vault they all wear a special pair of clothes as recognition. Perhaps as a uniform or perhaps just to show off they are the lucky few who got to survive the war so easily. However what is it made out of exactly?

Use this picture as a reference.
Many people think it may be spandex like the type you'd see Superman wearing. Considering that the clothes are very tight fitting and that spandex is something reminiscent of superheros (you could say the PC is a superhero) this could easily be what the material is made out of.

At the same time spandex is very impracticle. Its very tight fitting probably so thin that it would do little to help survive adverse weather. It would also make the "vault treasury" stand out in a very inapropriate way...

I've heard it called a jump-suit, but what would that be made out of?

I would like to point out that the clothes themselves are very weather worn. This makes sense since the Vault Dweller travelled so long in any conditions. I believe I can get the sunbleaching effect (the lightening and dulling of the colors) by simply leaving it out in the sun. The mildly browned patches are just dirty areas that I can get by simply rolling a bit in the dirt before I show the outfit off. In fact I currently plan to leave the entire outfit outside many days during winter and summer in full sun and raining clouds to make it real.

I also have something about the boots. Now expecting the kind of stuff you'd do in the game I'd easily expect combat boots. There durable and perfect for any climbing, running, etc. However if you look at the boots in the picture they seem very strange. They look just like wading boots that you normally see fisherman wearing. (Note: Remember saving the trapper trapped in the toxic caves in a quest in Klamath? The boots you needed to cross the toxic goo were just those.) Wading boots are very large and loose (one size fits all) and there's no way to tie them. This would be very impracticle and I wouldnt expect to see them realistically, but thats exactly what they look like. I cant imagine the PC wearing these (picture for reference),
but thats what I see. Did the person who animated the end movie perhaps just model the boots not thinking about whether they were real or not?

On the one hand I think the outfit would need combat boots to look serious, but it wont be whats in the game. Yet you could imagine that perhaps the boots were scavenged from some random storehouse while travelling...I cant decide.

>Question 4: Outfit Material; What material was the vault-suit clothing made from? Also are combat boots (realism) better wading boots (actual in-game representation)?

Pipboy (Hand-held, wrist-band, or what?)

Now I have to have a Pipboy. Not only was it necessary to use, but it was so well decorated and designed that it really captured what Fallout represented.

Though you use it you never really see it on the PC. Was it a device attached to the wrist like a watch or more of a hand-held object like a pocket organiser? (The ones that can interface with computers.)

Oddly enough I have a real personal assistant lying around that doesnt work, because I kept forgetting to use it and when the batteries ran out it wouldnt recharge...I think it has to have a little charge to actually accept electricity.

I could take it and just add some paint and throw it around to give it nicks and scratches. As much as I'd hate to do it it really is just junk otherwise.

Unfortunately I have NO information on the subject which is why I'm asking you...

>Question 5: Pipboy Production; Where did the pipboy go? How was it shaped? Any information would be helpful. Any...


Thats it for the questions. I would like to point out that in addittion to answering the questions please add anything thats relevant or that you think would help. If anyone gives a suggestion that leads to another option I will edit this post and add it in the appropriate area so any new readers to this topic will see it. Also any new suggestions will be colored red so anyone re-visiting this topic will notice them simply by skimming the first post over without actually having to read it.

One last thing. The convention I plan to go to is Otakon 2007 held annually in Baltimore Maryland on the East Coast of the USA. Thing is the two largest conventions each year are Otakon for the East Coast and AnimeExpress for the West Coast. I'm very lucky to live so close to the meeting place for one of the two largest conventions in my country since this will make it easy to get lots of people to see me.

Perchance if someone likes anime/manga and was considering going to a convention why not come along? I'll need a photographer anyway. (Otherwise most who go to conventions take photographs and post them in journals and I can find them with a search engine.)

Also mind you Otakon 2006 is coming in August so dont get those confused. Ya I'm waiting a whole year since this project could take some time to prepare and I want to be as well prepared as possible.

This thread will stay up at least a month so both NMA regulars and people who only visit once a week can see it and also to give me time discuss everything and go over new options.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope to post later how much of a help you all will be.

Very Sincerely,
The Vault Dweller
random notes, because i cant be arsed to follow your questioning :P

- the brahmin leather armors on raiders always appealed to me for a certain reason. maybe it's because we dont have american football or something, but it kinda stuck, coolness wise. i'd go as a leather armor raider if i had to choose (with a hand in black paint on the armor, refering to that black hand thing from the raiders+leatherarmor at the kahns).

- dont go tribal. it's a rather sucky part of FO & you'd look ridiculous anyway.

- Weathered Wanderer beats Vault freshman. you might want to try to think up a more advanced Weathered Wanderer btw. more of a mix of jumpsuit + leather jacket madmax style but with obvious V13 references.

- hair, tan & glasses or not = entirely up to you really. everyone has their own opinion on how the VD would look. for me he's got like 3 to 6 mm of hair, a goatee & a decent tan (from walking outside so much). you can guess twice how i look irl. hence it really doesnt matter dude.

- gasmask can be on the character, but not worn (like hanging from the belt or something). it'll save you some discomfort that way too.

- combats are fine

- avoid to make the pipboy look like some stupidass tricoder...

- a real brotherhood combat armor would be cool, but i doubt it can be made well enough for people to actually recognise it for what it is & not some vanilla combat suit that you see in scifi anime
-Mad Max type jacket with one sleeve.

-Pic two. Pic one is the idealised type of muscle, pic two are functional, real muscles.

-Short hair, no beard, no gas mask.

-80%cotton. Combat boots.

-Wrist Pipboy. Your PA painted and scratched will do nicely.

EDIT: BTW if you meet Adella, say hello. And ask her to marry me. :freak:
Question 1: The Third Outfit; Of course it has to be Ians, The black leather jacket with only one hand, and the blue jeans.
Question 2: Body appearance; The second picture, I kinda look like him, the muscles,pla pla pla.
Q 3: Facial Appearance; Short hair, pail pla
Thought you must ask from a hair dresser that it has to be the certain length cause it's preferable that you would extend the hair in the last day so you'll look like Ian, the over the shoulder hair, black jacket pla, pla, pla. And for this you can take the gas mask and put it to your shoulder to hold but don't put it on, just take those quick tans, and shave your face. :shock: UUh the chance!!!
Q 4: Outfit materials; They really don't matter, but they should look real, as in a way that they look in the game, or more as in the movie ciness. Sub-Q1: Vault suit; I would say that it would be a rain and wind protective fabric that we have nowdays in some sport cloves but more advanced, so what you should try to look out for is two part suit and straps(the pelts...) hold it together? Sub-Q2: Combat boots; I think that some ranger boots are like those wading boots, but they have straps on them so they can be tied. :?
Q 5: Pip Boy, where did it go...; It's about the size of your hand, it's a clip on so I would put it to the belt crossing, like the left hand gun holster if you had one(thought you aren't ambidextrous so you won't).

Always trying to be happy to serve,
Jarno Mikkola.
Just a few of my thoughts on your questions.

- Costume 3: Ian or raider. Probably raider as your hair will be a bit short for the first two outfits and it's more seen, thereby more recognizable. And those black raider pants aren't leather IMO, they're black jeans. Please no leather pants, it's criminal.

- Build: Pic 2 works best. Though go with the best build you can get, don't slack off when you're done with the con either, the excersize is good.

- Facial features: shaven, maybe with a bit of stuble, hair cropped short (from the looks of the pic about a 3-4 on top, 1-1.5 on the sides, faded down the back rather than blocked. The numbers corespond to trimmer attachments, american barbers will know exactly what you mean.) Can't do much about your face shape, but yes, he's a bit more pale than you.

-Outfit material: Fuck spandex, try an 80% cotton like DDD said. Typical jumpsuit too, not too tight. Don't iron-on the 13 or sticker it or anything stupid like that. Screen-print or something high-quality.

-Combat boots, high-topped all-leather types, avoid jungle boots or any with canvas. Biker boots will also work if you can find a good model, many of those have the same look and style but don't have to be mil-spec so you'll have some variety to chose from that might fit the pic better, if you can find some without straps or buckles. Hunting boots would also work, similar styles, usually brown though. Maybe this, this, this, or this? Good boots will cost you anywhere from $60-150.

-Pipboy: Wrist style, most likely, though you never see it in pictures of the Vault Dweller. You're going to have to beat the shit out of it and maybe fix up some screen decals or something to make it look like the pip screen from the game.
Re: Outfit Construction Discussion (I NEED FAN HELP...ALL FA

>Question 1: The Third Outfit;you should go as dogmeat XD.but seriusly i think if you want to use a gas mask tycho had one i think and his clothes are pretty usual.

The Vault Dwellers Physique (Body Build)
ok what i think you should do with this one is work out until you look like the 2nd pic and then jack off alot so you get that jack off muscle really big.do it with both hands too,it will look better in the vault suit when your muscles press against the fabric.

>Question 2: Bodily Appearance; like i said before a good build like the ending.

The Vault Dweller's Face (Hair length, stubble, and maybe a Gas Mask?)
ok on this one

>Question 3: Facial Appearance; Should I go with me looking as-is, with myself altered to look like the generic PC (no tan, short-cut hair, and unshaven), or wear a gas mask?

ok you should go with a mask if you wan to do tycho or shave to where uyou have just enough to look like you havn't shaved in a day or 2.

The Vault Suit (Is it spandex, a jump suit, pajamas, or just a long sleeve shirt and pants?)

ok for this one i'd say a jumpsuit because i dont see any waist thing where the pants start unless his ?utility belt? covers it up. a nice snug fit would look good not too much so your package sticks out.(that would make a nice target in the post apocalyptic world)

>Question 4: Outfit Material; What material was the vault-suit clothing made from? Also are combat boots (realism) better wading boots (actual in-game representation)? ok i like the wade boots you pic'd.if you could get a size that is smaller and fit to your legs you could stuff the bottom of the vault suit in it and then have them hugging your legs so you could stick a knife or something without it falling down inside.combat bots would look good with combat armor.and absolutely NO LACES!

Pipboy (Hand-held, wrist-band, or what?)
i remember reading a fanfic on here where he had a thing(not a pipboy though)that clipped on his wrist and flipped open and i always imagined the pipboy like that. clip it over your sleeve.you may have to modify your thing to do it. ansd them mod the inside to look like the pip screen.if you can turn it on after thrashing it then maybe making it where it plays the bomb sceen would be nice tuoch.

>Question 5: Pipboy Production; Where did the pipboy go? How was it shaped? Any information would be helpful. Any...
sorry i posted that above.^

ok i think you should go as the fresh vauklt suit the first day,then the second day bust out with your well worn suit(by that i mean when you buy it put the 13 on it then go ruin it. go roll dow a hill and run though thorns vines and whatnot make it look real by making it real.maybe a bullethole or two?"note"don't wear the suit while making bulletholes)
Well, I think you should go as a raider in leather armor on the third day,

The Vault Dwellers physical appearance in my eyes (please dont flame me) was close to how hes represented in Fallout: POS.

A grizzled old war vet type, but scince you couldnt probably have long white hair and a beard got as a clean cut all american boy.

The pip boy id imagine rest on the wrist.
Jeez, that's one long and, pardon my French, quite boring post. I think you really shouldn't worry so much about this cosplay thing. I mean, all cosplayers look like complete and utter imbeciles, so you'll probably blend in just fine. :P
Just a few remarks:
- You should have the I-haven't-shaved-in-two-or-three-days-look. I can't picture a Vault Dweller with a clean shaven face, that's just stupid.
- No fucking glasses. Do you honestly think glasses would survive long in the wasteland, after getting beaten up by a couple of raiders and mutants? Buy some contact lenses if you're serious about this thing.
- You also need to get rid of the long hair. Seriously. Long hair makes you weak. And girlish. A crew cut will do just fine.

Picture 2 is the best representation of the Vault Dweller. You know whom that character looks like to me? Like Lance Armstrong, the cyclist. I think he'd make a good Vault Dweller: no bodybuilder type, but nevertheless well-built, everything in proportion. I think you should go for that kind of a look, if you can manage that.

Also: don't think about going as a raider or a Child of the Cathedral or what have you. The Vault 13 jumpsuit is the way to go, it's what people will recognize. If you go with a leather vest and a pair of jeans, no one will have a friggin' clue that you're trying to cosplay Ian. It's a stupid idea. Vault 13 suit and nothing else, even if you have to wear it for three stinking days in a row. I'd totally go for the outfit as in picture two, if I were you. Minus the bandage, 'cause that'll be stupid, I think.
alec said:
Jeez, that's one long and, pardon my French, quite boring post. I think you really shouldn't worry so much about this cosplay thing. I mean, all cosplayers look like complete and utter imbeciles, so you'll probably blend in just fine. :P
Just a few remarks:
- You should have the I-haven't-shaved-in-two-or-three-days-look. I can't picture a Vault Dweller with a clean shaven face, that's just stupid.
- No fucking glasses. Do you honestly think glasses would survive long in the wasteland, after getting beaten up by a couple of raiders and mutants? Buy some contact lenses if you're serious about this thing.
- You also need to get rid of the long hair. Seriously. Long hair makes you weak. And girlish. A crew cut will do just fine.
I have to disagree here. Long hair can work quite well, as long as you make it look scruffy and unkempt. I can't imagine the Vault Dweller getting a haircut while he's out to save the world, and half a year (or more) of walking around the wasteland will get someone at least shoulder-length hair.
alec said:
- No fucking glasses. Do you honestly think glasses would survive long in the wasteland, after getting beaten up by a couple of raiders and mutants? Buy some contact lenses if you're serious about this thing.
yeah because lenses are so much easier to find in the wasteland :roll:

now, how exactly do you think GI's with glasses survive Iraq? lenses are pretty much a no-go for military deployment as they fall out or cause horrible trouble if you get sand into them. (they also need to be hydrated regularly due to the heat)

not to mention that there are shades & glasses ingame in the wastes. one would imagine they are readily available inside the vault as well.

as for the beaten up thing? a guy with glasses usually doesnt have that much survivability when it comes to HtH with a gang of raiders or some supermutants, alec... broken glasses would be the least of his concern.
i think he meant contacts as in wearing them so he could see not for the cosplay. And just thought of this, you should print a label out for nuka-cola and walk drining a coke with the label changed. That would kick so much ass!
corey said:
i think he meant contacts as in wearing them so he could see not for the cosplay.
i know he meant to say that VD shouldn't wear glasses & fake that he had normal vision. just rantin'.
you can't make a guy in blue & yellow spandex look cool (unless your name is Wolverine & even that is iffy).

seriously though, FO's VD could be as cool or as uncool as you wanted him to be.

PS: VD, you should go to your nearest nuclear powerplant and ask if they dont want to turn you into a ghoul (and dont forget to bring a seed, you'll want a tree sticking out of your head for good measure as well). you'd be sure to cause a riot at your con.

I cant thank you all enough for commenting and I will quote and post here my responses to all of you including fleshing out further discussion points.

-The Third Outfit

SuAside said:
- the brahmin leather armors on raiders always appealed to me for a certain reason. maybe it's because we dont have american football or something, but it kinda stuck, coolness wise. i'd go as a leather armor raider if i had to choose (with a hand in black paint on the armor, refering to that black hand thing from the raiders+leatherarmor at the kahns).

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
-Mad Max type jacket with one sleeve.

Jarno Mikkola said:
Question 1: The Third Outfit; Of course it has to be Ians, The black leather jacket with only one hand, and the blue jeans.

PhredBean said:
- Costume 3: Ian or raider. Probably raider as your hair will be a bit short for the first two outfits and it's more seen, thereby more recognizable. And those black raider pants aren't leather IMO, they're black jeans. Please no leather pants, it's criminal.

Corey said:
>Question 1: The Third Outfit;you should go as dogmeat XD.but seriusly i think if you want to use a gas mask tycho had one i think and his clothes are pretty usual.

WoflV6 said:
Well, I think you should go as a raider in leather armor on the third day,

So far I have;

-2 votes for black leather
-3 for leather armor
-1 for Tyco

I have no idea how to make the leather armor, but I suppose I can buy football pads and paint them.

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
-Pic two. Pic one is the idealised type of muscle, pic two are functional, real muscles.

I think DDD speaks for everyone since everyone is making that choice. Thank God since thats what I felt was best and honestly I thought some jackasses would say "Pic 1 teh comic book!" just to scare me.

Dont worry though as PhredBean mentioned I will still exercise and try to gain the right proportions.

SuAside said:
- hair, tan & glasses or not = entirely up to you really. everyone has their own opinion on how the VD would look. for me he's got like 3 to 6 mm of hair, a goatee & a decent tan (from walking outside so much). you can guess twice how i look irl. hence it really doesnt matter dude.

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
-Short hair, no beard, no gas mask.

Jarno Mikkola said:
Q 3: Facial Appearance; Short hair, pail

- Facial features: shaven, maybe with a bit of stuble, hair cropped short (from the looks of the pic about a 3-4 on top, 1-1.5 on the sides, faded down the back rather than blocked. The numbers corespond to trimmer attachments, american barbers will know exactly what you mean.) Can't do much about your face shape, but yes, he's a bit more pale than you.

corey said:
ok you should go with a mask if you wan to do tycho or shave to where uyou have just enough to look like you havn't shaved in a day or 2.

WolfV6 said:
A grizzled old war vet type, but scince you couldnt probably have long white hair and a beard got as a clean cut all american boy.

Alec said:
- You should have the I-haven't-shaved-in-two-or-three-days-look. I can't picture a Vault Dweller with a clean shaven face, that's just stupid.
- You also need to get rid of the long hair. Seriously. Long hair makes you weak. And girlish. A crew cut will do just fine.

Sander said:
I have to disagree here. Long hair can work quite well, as long as you make it look scruffy and unkempt. I can't imagine the Vault Dweller getting a haircut while he's out to save the world, and half a year (or more) of walking around the wasteland will get someone at least shoulder-length hair.

Now ladies and gentleman we come to the main event and largest problem...

-3 say unshaven and 1 says shaved
-4 say short hair and 2 vote long hair
-All say pale and 1 says tan

I guess it all comes down to "realism vs. end-movie PC".

Realistically the character either didnt have the capabilites to shave and most definitely wouldnt care. Yet you dont see any facial hair in the end movie.

Realistically the PC should have a deep tan or if not capable of tanning then a sunburn. However the PC has neither...he's just pale.

The hair. Honest I knew it would cause the biggest problem. The PC has short hair. Also realism applies to both long and short hair. Long hair gets in the way and taking that extra second to brush it out of your face could distract you long enough to get killed yet at the same time being having short hair means having access to either a cosmetologist (haircutter) or barber tools. I doubt any in the Wasteland has that experience and I would imagine the PC carring a stuffed pinata around before a set of tools just to cut hair.

It comes to this. Short hair and long hair are both realistic. I've seen a PC model that looks great with both short hair and long hair. The short hair one being the one in the ending the long hair one I found in concept art while browsing to find potential alternative PC models;


All things considered the short hair modeled is one everyone has seen so I am more inclined to favor that option, BUT I have to point out that I'm doing this to gain notice by people at an anime convention. Having long hair could easily cause people to mistake me for a person cosplaying as a character in an anime/manga and not recognizing the character approach me thinking I'm from a very old obscure one or new one no one knows about whereas if I have short hair I will look so un-anime I dont think it'd draw any extra attention.

Thank God I started this topic and you're all here.

Since this thread'll be here awhile and there are plenty who havent seen it yet I hope to get more votes since as it stands I cant pick one.

By the way thank you very much Sander for bringing it up. I completely forgot about the subject and wouldnt have posted that pic above which I had meant to be in the original post.

Oh...I'll be posting a picture of myself as I am now which is a picture a few years older than the one of myself in the first post and in this one I have the long hair.

Alec said:
- No fucking glasses. Do you honestly think glasses would survive long in the wasteland, after getting beaten up by a couple of raiders and mutants? Buy some contact lenses if you're serious about this thing.

I am SO glad you brought that up Alec. The issue of glasses never occurred to me.

I see no image of the PC wearing glasses at all yet it fits realism in that he could indeed have had them and they appear in game. However glasses are things that break easily and I can scarcely imagine someone having there glasses survive combat on a regular basis...perhaps I'll look into contacts, but I'm afraid to use them since I had a friend with contacts and seeing him put them in his eyes was just...unnerving.

SuAside said:
now, how exactly do you think GI's with glasses survive Iraq? lenses are pretty much a no-go for military deployment as they fall out or cause horrible trouble if you get sand into them. (they also need to be hydrated regularly due to the heat)

Then again...

Well this sucks. Glasses arent realistic yet they there more realistic than contacts.

I'm honestly considering going with nothing at this point, but I'm severely worried you'll here about what happened at the convention through anime fan livejournals about "some crazy guy with the number thirteen emblazoned on his back kept charging conscession stands screaming 'I see it! A deathclaw! Charge!'"*.

I hope to get more info on this from you guys.

I cant thank you enough for your support, advice, and info.

I cant wait to get more discussion from other people.

The Vault Dweller

*The reference is to an old cartoon that chronicled the adventures of "Don Quixote" a nearsighted Spaniard who mistook windmills for dragons and attacked them.
dude don quiote is a crazy mofo! i can't spell his name but i remember seeing a parody on newgrounds. oh and i just thoughtthat maybe you could do a brahmin. But then again it might hurt your back. Now that would draw some attention!
How to make one's hair look fallout-ish (step by step)

1. Find a metal piece that it somewhat polished.
2. Sharpen your knife for two hours. Go all the way, first first a grinding stone, then a wetstone, then a sharpening steel (like the ones chefs use) then a leather strap.
3. Use the metal piece as mirror and use the knife to cut your hair to a reasonable length.

No need to thank me :twisted:

oh, and long hair rocks, take me for example, a real viking with long hair, I look mean as hell.