Parenting and Drinking for Eternity

AskWazzup said:
...and the first time i got drunk was at 20 years old.

Don't you think that's a little too young? Getting drunk on its own is bad, but you should at least wait for a few years. Before it becomes a casual routine, and every consequence with it.
Sub-Human said:
AskWazzup said:
...and the first time i got drunk was at 20 years old.

Don't you think that's a little too young? Getting drunk on its own is bad, but you should at least wait for a few years. Before it becomes a casual routine, and every consequence with it.

Was this sarcasm? In anyway, drinking was never casual for me, since i never really liked it that much, and i don't use any intoxicating substances (including alcohol) for quite some time now. I don't really like the feeling of not being in complete control of your senses..
I was drunken the first time with 16 or 17, I think. It is totally normal here to be drunk the first time at around 16 or sometimes even 14. Not allowed, but well, you know how it is.

Didn't made me a drunkard too. In fact, I rarely drink at all, because it really gives me nothing.
donperkan said:
It's their right to assume that. Let's face it there is no reason not to enjoy a beer or two or a joint or two. If you are avoiding it i will assume you can't control it or that something traumatic is tied to your perception of it.

With due respect, there are several reasons not to. Evasion of long-term physiological effects [which do exist (though in the case of marijuana, not nearly to the degree its opponents would have you believe)]. Wanting to hang onto one's faculties and perceptions to aid in the evening's enjoyment. Or, probably chief among reasons, simply not enjoying the taste, smell, or sensation of partaking in what's on offer or the feeling of intoxication. There's nothing wrong with that, and there's not even really a lot of choice involved. Some people don't like the experience. For some reason, it's acceptable to have a hard time with this notion because it's somehow okay to buy into the juvenile societal groupthink that people should seek these experiences.

Some people don't like peas, or flying. Others don't like inhaling smoke, or being in an altered state, or the flavor of a product that (objectively speaking, and I'm a wannabe beer enthusiast myself) tastes every bit like the rotting plant runoff that it is. I don't see why anyone makes that an issue.
Started drinking at 15 or so. Hm, my 10-year-drinkaversary is coming up next year.
Yamu said:
donperkan said:
It's their right to assume that. Let's face it there is no reason not to enjoy a beer or two or a joint or two. If you are avoiding it i will assume you can't control it or that something traumatic is tied to your perception of it.

With due respect, there are several reasons not to. Evasion of long-term physiological effects [which do exist (though in the case of marijuana, not nearly to the degree its opponents would have you believe)]. Wanting to hang onto one's faculties and perceptions to aid in the evening's enjoyment. Or, probably chief among reasons, simply not enjoying the taste, smell, or sensation of partaking in what's on offer or the feeling of intoxication. There's nothing wrong with that, and there's not even really a lot of choice involved. Some people don't like the experience. For some reason, it's acceptable to have a hard time with this notion because it's somehow okay to buy into the juvenile societal groupthink that people should seek these experiences.

Some people don't like peas, or flying. Others don't like inhaling smoke, or being in an altered state, or the flavor of a product that (objectively speaking, and I'm a wannabe beer enthusiast myself) tastes every bit like the rotting plant runoff that it is. I don't see why anyone makes that an issue.
Yamu always says the things I want to say only much better.

It's all about personal preference. And about how the parent wants to raise their children. And, most of all, about moderation and responsibility. Who cares if someone does this or that, or doesn't... if it's not hurting anyone and it's their decision, then who cares.
I understand i myself can't stand white wine. If i'm drinking whine i would prefer it was pinot noir but if i'm offered white wine i'm not gonna be bitchy about it i'll politely drink that glass. Schnapps is also on my no no list but guess what if there's a toast and i'm offered a glass i'll raise that glass and then i'll empty that glass, that simple, i'm not gonna end up going home naked from one glass. My guidelines are: if someone offers me a drink he did it cos he likes me not cos he hates me and if someone offers me drugs i take them cos drugs are expensive and he didn't offer them cos he hates me.
Your attitude is way off, donperkan, but sadly not uncommon. It's not "bitchy" to refuse a glass of white wine, or any other drink or food or drug offered. Offering can be polite, refusing can be polite, it shouldn't be noteworthy.

If people refuse a drink, it shouldn't be worth more note then them refusing an appetizer or anything else. Yet somehow, it is. We've kind of cultivated a culture where drinking is a must, and if you don't it is worth questioning. It really isn't. Your mindset is that the default should be that you'll welcome a drink. That's fine if you want to apply that thinking to yourself. But it's not fine if you think that refusal is worth questioning, because that questioning then results in pressure for that person to do it, and that's simply wrong. Let people make their own choices without implying they're doing something wrong simply by refusing a drink.

I was not drinking a drop of alcohol for a while simply because I was dieting, no other reason. It is annoying to have to explain it though. I shouldn't need to. People should be able to refuse a drink without any questioning, because there is a wide variety of reasons to refuse it and it's not really any of my business why a random person would. I might ask with a closer friend, but not to pressure him in any way.

Anyway, this holds true for alcohol as it does any kind of drug. Accepting harder drugs from strangers just seems like a recipe for disaster. I've refused cocaine and the like. This "it's normal to accept" mindset is bad enough applied to alcohol, but applying it to all drugs is just stupid.
Jebus said:
Downing shots and getting drunk in front of small children isn't really classy. I don't know whose kids that were, but that was pretty bad parenting.

By all means we should shelter them from real life as much as possible for as long as possible. This includes not arguing in front of the children, no displays of affection, no repercussions for their actions, and no score keeping at the youth soccer matches.

DammitBoy said:
Jebus said:
Downing shots and getting drunk in front of small children isn't really classy. I don't know whose kids that were, but that was pretty bad parenting.

By all means we should shelter them from real life as much as possible for as long as possible. This includes not arguing in front of the children, no displays of affection, no repercussions for their actions, and no score keeping at the youth soccer matches.


Yes, that is a completely logical conclusion deducted from what I've said.

Not even close.

I'm not drinking because someone expects me to do it, come on dude this isn't a kindergarten dabate.

Someone offers you a drink, a drop of alcohol, it's not poison. One drink is not going to have any consequences, you won't grow manboobs from one glass of beer.

It's not me who is making a fuss about it, you are, because you for some reason won't drink.

And jeah it is normal to stimulate your brain, guess what im stimulating yours right now.

To be perfectly clear i, as well as everyone who consumes alcohol or drugs, know that if abused those things can fuck you up but i'm not abusing them and i'm not asking you to abuse them. I just want you to have a good time because i like you, it's that simple.
donperkan said:

Not even close.

I'm not drinking because someone expects me to do it, come on dude this isn't a kindergarten dabate.
What? Maybe you aren't, but why do you think there has to be some special, traumatic reason for someone to not drink? That's a stupid, insulting assumption.

And for what it's worth, I drink. But I have friends who don't, and that's no big deal.

donperkan said:
To be perfectly clear i, as well as everyone who consumes alcohol or drugs, know that if abused those things can fuck you up but i'm not abusing them and i'm not asking you to abuse them. I just want you to have a good time because i like you, it's that simple.
People can't have a good time without drinking? They must drink, or they're not having a good time? Why don't you leave it up to those people to decide what they think is a 'good time'.
I grew up with a family where people either became alcoholics or never drank alcohol. Obvious genetic weakness for addiction alcohol or otherwise.

I never drink. It brings condemnation from some (supposing I'm a super-conservative religious prude) or praise from others (supposing I'm a super-conservative religious prude).

It's funny, because I once got hate from a Mormon for arguing for freedom to drink alcohol which supposedly made me a hypocrite and another time hate from an Orthodox Christian since they were from a Christian/Muslim country and since Muslims don't drink it drives upsets the Christians who need wine to carry out their services.

The Vault Dweller
My first experience of alcohol was 8 at my grandfather's funeral.
It was just out of curious although I don't like alcohol much now.

Do you have ever consumed medical ethanol?
when I was 18 I made homemade paper sprayer and I use it to spray ethanol to my tung. It tastes sweet :lol:
donperkan said:
It's not me who is making a fuss about it, you are, because you for some reason won't drink.

This might be the dumbest thing I've read in a while. What an amazingly egocentric stance. Stop having opinions, people. Turns out if you don't conform to Donperkans views of what's expected of you you're making a fuss. How can you be bothered by what other people choose to eat or drink?

Here have some steak. Oh, you're a vegetarian? Stop making a fuss about it, just eat the meat.
donperkan said:
It's their right to assume that. Let's face it there is no reason not to enjoy a beer or two or a joint or two. If you are avoiding it i will assume you can't control it or that something traumatic is tied to your perception of it.
Thank you for proving my point. That's exactly the kind of attitude I was talking about.
donperkan said:
.. a drop of alcohol, it's not poison.
It is a poison, in fact. :P
You can get intoxicated with alcohol or even killed. The same goes for nicotine, for instance.