Everything is poisonous in sufficient quantities. Except Coffee.
which is what buxx means. Its so accepted in society already that people almost completely forget its addictive nature. And everyone is assuming something when you say "I don't drink" like your "sick" or something. I hate it when that happens. Could it not happen that I just dislike alcohol? The taste. Just as how I hate the smoke from cigarettes.donperkan said:Buxbaum666 said:Tell them you don't drink and brace yourself for baffled stares and questions like "had a bad experience, huh?" or "alcoholics in the family?"
It's their right to assume that. Let's face it there is no reason not to enjoy a beer or two or a joint or two. If you are avoiding it i will assume you can't control it or that something traumatic is tied to your perception of it.
Is it more or less dangerous then drugs? In my opinion it is because it's more available to the common man. If we were living in a society where all kinds of stimulants are equally available then the impact would be the same. It's all the same stuff just different flavours.
valcik said:It is a poison, in fact.donperkan said:.. a drop of alcohol, it's not poison.![]()
You can get intoxicated with alcohol or even killed. The same goes for nicotine, for instance.
Jebus said:Downing shots and getting drunk in front of small children isn't really classy. I don't know whose kids that were, but that was pretty bad parenting.
So you accept whatever someone offers you? Interesting. You do realize you don't have to do something or eat something you don't want to, right?donperkan said:No, no, no and no.
When offering something i do it with best intentions and if my offer is turned down i have a right to three assumptions. First assumption: "is there something wrong with it", second assumption: "is there something wrong with you" and the third assumption: "is there something wrong in me offering it". To elaborate. I am offering it, i wouldn't offer it if it was faulty, is there something preventing you from accepting it. If there is nothing wrong with it and there is nothing wrong with you then you are obviously not willing to accept it from me. Maybe it's just the mentality but i see a fundamental difference between us. You are seeing a glass filled with liquid whereas i see a host welcoming me. For me it is not normal and to a degree rude to turn down something a man has offered with good intentions. I grew up in an environment where it is considered common curtesy to welcome someones company to the best of your ability. I know when i'm offered something that the person offering it to me holds it in high regard and it would be inconsiderate for me to turn that man down. Dead guy presented a vegetarian case here's an even worse case, i was offered horsemeat. I love horses and the thought that someone could cause suffering to that magnificent creature is... I ate what was offered to me and i thanked my host because i know he made an effort just for me.
I think the main difference between us is the perception of the thing we are offered. For you food is something you go and purchase in a supermarket, you purchase it with the money you earned performing various task i on the other hand had the pleasure to experience what it means to create your food from the barren soil. I know it takes a lot of hours of hard work to put a steak on the plate, i know someone made a lot of effort in making wine.
Paying for something and offering it to someone can dilute or even obstruct the notion that someone put work in that thing but it can't obstruct the notion that someone is making and effort to accommodate you.
I was a bit sarcastic when mentioning narcotics obviously when experimenting you should try to create a safe environment for your self and the people around you.
Absinthe should definitely be treated as a conventional weapon!Formerk said:It's also an explosive, just like alcohol.
verevoof said:And besides, a good host usually doesn't just have one thing to offer someone, something as small as a drink (alcoholic or otherwise), and isn't all "You must accept this one thing or I will know you don't like me! Prove your love for me!" It's usually "Do you want a beer?" "No thanks." "How about some water, soda, etc.?" Again, this is really normal and really basic.
No, I don't get it. What are you trying to say? Seems to me you are actually contradicting yourself.C2B said:Saying that drinking is just as dangerous as other drugs does not prevent drinking, however it lowers the bar for ANY other group.
In short
What is the leading cause of drug consumation (for teens and young adults)?
Group Mentality
What helps to convince people taking drug X?
Making it less harmless than it actually is.
Get my point? I've seen the actual argument being made as well.
What is this statement based on? "Common knowledge"?C2B said:Drinking a beer is NEVER equivalent to snorting coke, injecting heroin or doing shrooms. Suggesting that is helping nobody.
Heh, how very stupid of you. Seriously. What if you were offered you dog meat with a glass of pig blood? Is there a line you wouldn't cross? Would that be offensive towards the person offering it to you?donperkan said:Dead guy presented a vegetarian case here's an even worse case, i was offered horsemeat. I love horses and the thought that someone could cause suffering to that magnificent creature is... I ate what was offered to me and i thanked my host because i know he made an effort just for me.
C2B said:Saying that drinking is just as dangerous as other drugs does not prevent drinking, however it lowers the bar for ANY other group.
Buxbaum666 said:Heh, how very stupid of you. Seriously. What if you were offered you dog meat with a glass of pig blood? Is there a line you wouldn't cross? Would that be offensive towards the person offering it to you?
Brother None said:C2B said:Saying that drinking is just as dangerous as other drugs does not prevent drinking, however it lowers the bar for ANY other group.
Weed and caffeine are less harmful than alcohol. XTC is riskier. LSD is riskier than that. Coke can be worse than that. Krokodil is worse than coke. Sure, there's a distinction between each kind of drug that shouldn't be ignored, but why is your arbitrary line where there is "alcohol" and "other drugs" more sensible than Bux'?
Letting other people decide what and when you drink and consume drugs is a "helpful social manner"? Yeah...Look, no one is denying there are people who live this way, we're just saying it shouldn't be applauded, it should be looked down on, because letting other people make your decisions for you is no way to live. Yes, it is stupid and spineless. If you want to cave to the slightest peer pressure go right ahead, but be honest about it, don't make up weird societal rules.donperkan said:You guys just don't get it. I'm not making this stuff up it's been tested and passed on through generations. You can call me stupid or spineless but that doesn't change the fact that it's a helpful social manner.
Bux didn't say that. That wasn't his point, and you know it wasn't. His point is "alcohol should be viewed and treated as a potentially dangerous drug", not comparing it directly to coke.C2B said:"Hey, you should totally do coke with us. It's not any more dangerous than drinking a glass of wine/ a beer (or smoking weed), don't you know?"
Brother None said:C2B said:"Hey, you should totally do coke with us. It's not any more dangerous than drinking a glass of wine/ a beer (or smoking weed), don't you know?"
Bux didn't say that. Bux' point isn't about that. You know that. His point is "alcohol should be viewed and treated as a potentially dangerous drug", not comparing it directly to coke.
It ISN'T LESS dangerous than ANY other drug.