I've been playing around with the 1.05 patch, and I don't know if this has been noted before, so I'll post this. If this info has been posted before (or is otherwise generally well known), I apologize, and please don't flame me!
Basically, the *.ssl files that shipped with the official Fallout 2 Mapper seems to be version 1.0 release. That means that if you make any changes based on them, and 1.02 bug fixes are not included! Which means that you have to make the fix yourself, on top of whatever changes you planned to make. Can anyone verify or deny what I just posted?
If what I just posted is true, I may need to send in a new dcTyler.ssl file for the DenFix, since 1.02 claimed that it fixed a problem where Tyler would attack the player after he had given permission to touch the door. (Anyone know how to reproduce this bug in 1.0, btw?)