Patches for Fallout 2

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I hope its a joke. It HAS to be a joke. YOU HEAR ME, IT MUST BE A JOKE!!! *Runs into the jungle with a butterknife.*
*SCreams* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dreams... all gone. Man, Celes, Man I do now how you feel. I am upset, this is equal to when they said Fallout 3 was as dead as fried fish... But you tried and shit happens.

*Can't stop crying*
As I always say: Win and no Backup is a deadly combination!

I always make backups and I need(ed) them a lot on my PC(s), although I never NEEDED them for my Mac, Amiga etc......

So now all our dreams are gone - are was it all a hoax from the beginning ???

Well now I only can release a final version oof my Jonamod withozt 1.06 - pity....


If this is not a joke, then maybe something can be recovered. I bet that deadlus or Jargo does have latest EPA maps and scripts, and maybe some other stuff. I have the latest improved Abbey mod and scripts and a small patch that activates the unused quest in Broken Hills. Also we can include the SpellTraps unofficial patch fixes with this one. With this method, we could atleast get some of the features back.

But I´d like to wait and see if Celestial has a something new to say...
I've just got a mail from a dude that I've sended the patch for testing... and he has it but it's a very early version. Since all my notes about the updates were lost during the hdd crash I could release this version but It's a very early one and since I'm leaving tomorrow I don't know when I'll release it.

This version will not have the Abbey or EPA.
Sorry to hear that Celestial. It sucks to work so hard and have it all disappear. You have my (and everybody here at NMA) sympathies.

Cheers mate.

Ouch...this is a big blow for us all...but mainly you Celestial, we all know that you lots of spent time and effort into this patch, and just to think that *shudders* it all just went like that... :(

PS. Which little B*****d edited my post to make me look like a retard! :evil:

I can just imagien Celestial clutching his stomach in laughter while reading {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} posts - its the only thing that keeps me going in life...denial
Shokki, you might wanna shut up or someone might come and SHUT IT UP for you.

Celly, why didn't you make backups?
Shokki said:
No offense, but thanks for nothing piece of shit


I lost a lot of data because of one miserable crash including my Fallout 1 and 2 project documents I had been working on for nearly two years so I know how Celestial feels.

To Celestial,

It's a damn shame this happened dude, a lot of people were looking forward to this project including myself.
By the way, I still have a backup of that Abbey map if you ever need it.
How much is that mod worth to you?

Celestial said:

Sad news. :cry:
With my old hdd fried because of a power jump I think that I won't be able to release 1.06. There weren't any back-up copies of this so I'm afraid that the project is... dead. :(

Sorry everyone.
Thanks goes to all of you who helped me with it and waited for it's release.

Sounds like a power surge FRIED your IDE controller. Odds are 99% of the DATA is intact.
but you have no way to access it without Mr.Controller chip.

Most likely only a few parts got zapped in a power surge, and these can be replaced / repaired, but at a fair cost!

I could not see how a power surge would ERASE much data, simply the data that was buffered/cached was not written. Unless you had the files for the mod open at the time of the surge. even then an older version would survive.

Look into data recovery services, expensive perhaps but if everyone donated for a paypal account, then you might get enough $$$ to fix the drive.

P.S: Get a UPS with line regulation. Trust me, It has saved my PC from many a nasty surge/power flux. (its also cheaper than a new pc/hdd every time your power goes bad)
*Puts the money on the table* I am in...

I want that fucking Patch and if this is what it takes, then so be it.

Oh, and in the future, it never hurts to write down your notes in a journal... Believe me, I have plenty and print outs as well in how to work mods, etc...

But I say ease up on the guy, it was an honest mistake and who would honestly think a surge is going to cook their computer?
Well I'm not sure where to begin...

Well since I'm a Hardware tech-o I know of way that you could probably get the data back yourself. Mangler just made me remeber something, as the IDE controllers are built into the HDD (its only and IDE interface on the motherboard) there is a way you can 'fix' them...

You need to find an "indentical" model HDD and you can carefully swap the controller boards over. This will let you access your data, this is a method that a professonal data recovery expert mentioned to me once, I have never tried it myself but I have heard that it works if the damae is limited to the controller.

The problem with getting it fixed proffesionaly is that is is hideously expensive ($1000 plus in New Zealand)

Have a look at the model of the drive and post the exact model type here. Maybe someone could find one on the internet or has an old one at hoem etc...

Just remeber to use antistatic precations when doing this sort of work.

I would like to help but I am already making 2 or 3 mods at the moment, but once Coljack has finished scripting the Toxic mod we can probably send you the sources for the scripts and all the other parts. You could then add this to the patch if you wanted too.

Now as for the coment by Shokki.... As a rule I usally look out for the newbies and try to help them out, but there is no need for that kind of remark, I would like to think you were only joking but I fail to see the humour and as such I think Psycho put it quite nicely:

PsychoSniper said:
Shokki said:
No offense, but thanks for nothing piece of shit

Someone please blacklist this cockbite.

I would like to you to post a reply as to why you saw fit to say such a thing (I would like you to apologise to Cel actually....).
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