So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Has anyone gone ingame and tested those maps to see how complete they are ?
PsychoSniper said:Has anyone gone ingame and tested those maps to see how complete they are ?
PsychoSniper said:Cool, any clue when theyll be complete and a mod posted ?
Carib FMJ said:Well, I checked out both patches 1.051 intergrated and the first one and Beer still doesn't have weight and Iguana on a stick doesn't do shit to heal you..
Silencer said:If you use the non-DAT version, your protos might be deleted if you neglect to set them to read-only.
Ditto.MazeMouse said:I've read through quite some drama last pages and I'm wondering 1 little thing... WHERE IS 1.06?????
mvBarracuda said:This is no offence but ...
Why don't you form a team that tries to get these things together? AFAIK Celestial hasn't been seen for a while and you can wait but that won't shorten the waiting time for 1.06
IMHO some modders should form a patch team, ask for permission from the creators of the mods you want to include and start working on a patch that combines these ones. You can create a thread here for team coordination and Odin could make a news post @ mainpage to give you some promotion. I'm quite sure if you follow these simple ideas a combined 1.06 can be achieved in 2-3 months. Thats no short time, but waiting for Celestial won't help in this case; at least IMO Wink
Maybe you haven't read my post, but just one simple question: WHO?Roadrunner said:and I can't wait for 1.06... Bring it on!!!
mvBarracuda said:we decided to port fallout 2 to IanOut