Tom Sawyer
First time out of the vault

Question on the Raiders Base
First off, wow, now this was a patch that made me take a favorite game back off the shelf, blow off the dust, and once more tred the wasteland.
I am puzzled however by the raider base. I just CAN NOT find it. Now I know the 1.05 readme states "Raider Base is now hidden" but does this mean it has been moved from bettwen Vault City and Broken Hills or is it just incredibly hard to find??
When ever I speak to the guy in vault city I get the dialouge option "About those Raiders" but untill I actually find that base it goes nowhere.
I have even used an editor to give myself 300 outdoor skill, all hte bonus find perks ect. I even removed them all, gave myself 1 in outdoor. I have driven the car all around and walked on foot.
Please tell me that the base can be found, or if it has been moved, or with this patch it just is no longer a viable find
First off, wow, now this was a patch that made me take a favorite game back off the shelf, blow off the dust, and once more tred the wasteland.
I am puzzled however by the raider base. I just CAN NOT find it. Now I know the 1.05 readme states "Raider Base is now hidden" but does this mean it has been moved from bettwen Vault City and Broken Hills or is it just incredibly hard to find??
When ever I speak to the guy in vault city I get the dialouge option "About those Raiders" but untill I actually find that base it goes nowhere.
I have even used an editor to give myself 300 outdoor skill, all hte bonus find perks ect. I even removed them all, gave myself 1 in outdoor. I have driven the car all around and walked on foot.
Please tell me that the base can be found, or if it has been moved, or with this patch it just is no longer a viable find