Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

DB and Pix, the problem is that downward part of the slope will happen in 10-20 years.
most energy information i see says that we hit the "peak oil" in late 2008, and they are surprised we havent hit that downward slope yet. at least last time i checked in like early 2010.
running out of oil is not the problem. thats why i said you were drinking the kool aid. because you keep talking about when the oil runs out.
yes, alternate sources of oil are important. so is trying to find more sources or else going for sources that are known but before were too "expensive" to get to.
consider the BP deep horizon well. the fact that oil and energy companies are willing to do wells that deep and in locations that are inherently dangerous like hurricanes...
the oil and energy companies are getting desperate. if the oil and energy companies are getting desperate and trying for sources that before were considered not worth it, that should tell you how serious this is. they are desperate and in a panic over oil, the question is why arent you?
most energy information i see says that we hit the "peak oil" in late 2008, and they are surprised we havent hit that downward slope yet. at least last time i checked in like early 2010.
running out of oil is not the problem. thats why i said you were drinking the kool aid. because you keep talking about when the oil runs out.
yes, alternate sources of oil are important. so is trying to find more sources or else going for sources that are known but before were too "expensive" to get to.
consider the BP deep horizon well. the fact that oil and energy companies are willing to do wells that deep and in locations that are inherently dangerous like hurricanes...
the oil and energy companies are getting desperate. if the oil and energy companies are getting desperate and trying for sources that before were considered not worth it, that should tell you how serious this is. they are desperate and in a panic over oil, the question is why arent you?