alec said:
So far, the only people getting smarter from this discussion are you and your lackeys, since none of you have come up with anything solid that would change my opinions and those of countless scholars. Giving up is not an option when you know you are not wrong. And as far is taking it as a man is involved: that sounds incredibly ridiculous coming from someone who has still to become one himself.
I don't claim to know everything, maybe those people are hording somewhere huge stockpiles of oil-reserves which they use in all secret. No clue.
Also, actually to make this clear, when I mention "oil" in relation with our society then I am talking about the Oil we gain by refining.
And this kind of resource is relatively new in the human history (from what I know). And there are many communities which manage to exist completely without it.
So here again ... even if I didn't wanted to do it again. Why do you believe humanity could not survive without it? Even if lets say 60% or 70% of the population would disappear from this planet, there might be still enough around to make sure that humanity as species might continue to exist without oil (in its current use).
Humanity sure might stop to exist, I don't dispute that possibility. Its probably even very likely considering how many times certain species died on this planet. But the lack of Oil probably will not cause that.
alec said:
Only three names? I can already see you smile.
why? After doing a short research about those people it seems that they are credible. But at least Colin has corrected his data several times (which is no surprise, considering we are talking here about "predictions").
All I am saying is, that nothing is set in stone, their research probably of good quality and their knowledge is huge. They seem to be professionals.
But thats beside the point. As said. Predictions are always just that. Predictions. They are not facts. They can however help us to create a realistic view which might help us to find solutions.
As said, humanity has seen many crises including 2 very devastating and gruesome world wars. The issue with Oil and the environment is another problem humanity has to master one way or another granted it might be the biggest challenge so far. But what would be the other option? The alternative? Sitting around and waiting for death? Hence why I said that your over-cynical mind might taint your opinion a little. And I do even agree with some of your opinions, we are nothing more then mere monkeys when it comes to the history of earth and evolution. If we stop to exist tomorrow it doesn't matter to the universe. But that doesn't mean we don't have a chance to master this challenge.
alec said:
There is no excuse for laziness nor is there one for stupidity, Crni Vuk, and you are obviously testing my patience regarding both. Unfortunately for you, it takes more than a man suffering from autism and a man suffering from backwards arms to intimidate me into silence. But do try again. I find this incredibly amusing.
Seriously. I like you. But tone that a bit down. Stop this personal attacks of yours. Even if you are not really calling names, but this is NMA not the Order after all. And this isnt a contest mind you we just discuss here our opinions. Your side blows slowly start to become a bit offensive.
Instead of telling me how I am to stupid to use goggle was it so hard to write this 4 letters telling me what to look for exactly? don't be so obtuse. We asked for YOUR sources. How could I know what you see as "viable" source? Or do you expect from me (or others here) to spend hours in goggle searching for the informations which match with your claims. I am not sure if it works that way.
You make a claim, we ask for your sources or which scientists you see as credible. I don't see where the problem is here.
I might be wrong but it seems to me like your attitude is "I am to good to discuss this topic with you because my opinion is better but I am doing it anyway!"