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6 Charisma is needed though for pole dancing or playing jazz in Nevada.
I'm on a new character now but I almost wish I would have put 6 in charisma so that I could do that stripping! I'm a woman once again and have small frame this time as well, the lower carrying capacity is worth it.

If you have charisma above 2 then you can also get xp from Sam in the warehouse at Vault City if you blackmail him after having found his Cat's Paw magazine.

One thing I wonder is why the citizens of Vault City can't have sexual contact with each other? What's the purpose of that? They need to grow their population right? Sam can't even have a Cat's Paw magazine without breaking the rules.
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One thing I wonder is why the rcitizens of Vault City can't have sexual contact with each other? What's the purpose of that? They need to grow their population right? Sam can't even have a Cat's Paw magazine without breaking the rules.
Iirc they're on some kind of Orwellian 1984's type government, in that even reproductive activity are closely and tightly regulated by the authority. Even supplies are rationed.
So it was just a matter of waiting three days to get it?
Yeah, pretty much, it's a regular 10mm SMG, but this thing shreds through most encounters. I mostly use it with "aimed shot" to maximize ammo efficiency. I don't recall where I found a nice 10mm pistol (Awarded 10mm pistol I think is the name), and I use it paired with the 9mm pistol with the stock (nice accuracy boost), oh, and a nice .44 pistol I found (man, those crits are insane, yesterday I've popped some Deathclaws with this baddy, it really help get some much-needed XP). I play with the hard settings and rough combat options. I also raised my Small Guns to 95% at the moment, but eventually when I find more Buffout and Psycho, I'll do the drugs/skill books "trick" to save some skill points.

Iirc they're on some kind of Orwellian 1984's type government, in that even reproductive activity are closely and tightly regulated by the authority. Even supplies are rationed.

It's funny because in FO2 you can do a bit of questin' for a woman in Vault City (in the Vault) related to procreation and even date her if you're a male character.
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I only have 18 in lockpick with my new character but the hairpin you start with have let me open all locked doors in Vault City. So that's a life saver.
I only have 18 in lockpick with my new character but the hairpin you start with have let me open all locked doors in Vault City. So that's a life saver.

Yeah, they come in handy, I did find a guy in Reno that wants to sell me his lockpick set for a handgun ... I didn't end well for him and his friend eh eh (at this point I can open pretty much any locks because I have an issue with leaving stuff behind). Those little things added to the game are really nice, so far I like Nevada. I'm currently doing some tasks in Reno and Lovelock. Did a couple of boxing matches, but with my meager 61% in unarmed (I think) I don't expect to win all the way without save/load scumming, I'll come back when I spend more points in unarmed for the Endurance boost.

I have a question regarding the ammunition remains, where can we craft some ammo? And does it require a recipe?

I have a question regarding the ammunition remains, where can we craft some ammo? And does it require a recipe?

Forget it guys, found the guy who can help on that matter, now trying to find some Snap-Off tools and some scalpels (one to make a doctor bag the other to operate some tribal).
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That's the pistol you found on an officer in Hawthorne that killed himself in the bathroom. It's an absolute beast that served me until I swapped to Energy Weapons with Tag!

Winds of War is your best bet.

Yeah, good ol' Tag perk, basically you raise all the way your Energy Weapons skill (for example) then you take the perk and it doubles your invested skill points, right? Thanks for the tips concerning the tools, is the scalpel the same location?
Can someone tell me where is Steve and his sister (the guy we saved from Gerlach) after we move the resident to Vault City, I only found 1 resident in Vault City depot doing the inventory. I ask because I want him to repair the Lovelock water tank, but he's not at Gerlach nor Vault City. Hope I didn't miss the opportunity ...
You did. Something will happen in Gerlach in a few months too.

You can hire the handyman at Reno train station too (you can Barter his price down).
Thanks for the confirmation, I was tired to search and by chance, I had some scrap metals, so I've been able to repair the water tank, my repair is actually at 70% (I knew that repair would come in handy, and got this nice new machete that I've restored (cleaned the rust). My big flaw at the moment is Science is very low hope there are more than one or two Big Book of Science because I have the feeling that I may miss some good opportunities. But you told me that there are some chems in Vegas so, I'll pop some and try to keep all repair, science "tec-related" books and some Guns and Bullets for that purpose (speaking of chems, is there any Mentats?, not that I'm desperate to find some with 9 Int.). I know it sounds like a powerplay (which is definitively what I try to achieve, because I want to be able to do the maximum of quests and get the most rewards), after that I'll jump on FO1. Currently lv. 10 and have Ammo-Maker, More Critical, and Better Critical (with Gecko Skinning), next one is not sure but Tag! and Sniper are mandatory for my playthrough, so I hope to reach lv. 24 but not sure if it's possible in Nevada.
My first Nevada character found a pack of Mentats so they're in!

I don't remember if there's a perk that adds dialogue tags in Nevada, but a similar perk existed since Fallout 1, called Empathy.
It's called Hints in Nevada.

e: I must have told Eugene about grave digger Rob wearing Milo's boots because on this play-thorugh I found him dead. Last time he didn't die and I managed to pair him up with Jasmine.

Do you know who kills grave digger Rob and why?
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I see! I meant Eugene, thanks.

Think I will replay that segment so that I can setup Jasmine and Rob.
What item is that?

In the lobby of Silver Hotel in Reno you can find a vending machine. It's empty, but if you can find all the items (7 in total- 2 in Reno, 2 in Vegas, 2 in SLC and 1 in Battle Mountain) you can assemble a beauty kit. You can use it for Charisma, Health and regen boost or sell to Mordino for $1000-$2000.
In the lobby of Silver Hotel in Reno you can find a vending machine. It's empty, but if you can find all the items (7 in total- 2 in Reno, 2 in Vegas, 2 in SLC and 1 in Battle Mountain) you can assemble a beauty kit. You can use it for Charisma, Health and regen boost or sell to Mordino for $1000-$2000.
The fact that the dev team has made very desirable items difficult to get is something I appreciate very much. If you have worked for it, it feels much more rewarding when you finally get it.

Is there a list of required products? When I interact with the vending machine it only says that no products I currently have match the product list.
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Is there a list of required products? When I interact with the vending machine it only says that no products I currently have match the product list.

Razor blades- Bertolinni's (first floor)
Bath salt- Luciano's
Toothpaste- casino in Vegas
Water- Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas
Towel- motel in SLC
Soap- one of the houses near sheriff's office in SLC
Wet wipes- ruined hotel in Battle Mountain
In the lobby of Silver Hotel in Reno you can find a vending machine. It's empty, but if you can find all the items (7 in total- 2 in Reno, 2 in Vegas, 2 in SLC and 1 in Battle Mountain) you can assemble a beauty kit. You can use it for Charisma, Health and regen boost or sell to Mordino for $1000-$2000.
Are the effects of the beauty kit are permanent? And can a male character use it because I think Proletären said his character is female?
Razor blades- Bertolinni's (first floor)
Bath salt- Luciano's
Toothpaste- casino in Vegas
Water- Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas
Towel- motel in SLC
Soap- one of the houses near sheriff's office in SLC
Wet wipes- ruined hotel in Battle Mountain
Thank you for that, I've stored the Razors and the Bat Salt, when I'm not sure what those items are used for, I keep them in the locker near the trader in Reno.