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The battle with the Courrier was pretty rough, but now I'm the proud owner of a Flamethrower, it's BBQ time! (Well, only on tougher enemies) Alphons, do you know if we can fill all those empty water flasks?
I think you can use the empty flasks on wells to fill them.

Speaking of food- if use a food item on homeless in Reno you get some Karma.
Nice, I did give some jerky to someone that helped me find the culprit doing the graffitis. I have a question regarding weapon modifications, for example, can I install myself a scope on a Hunting Rifle, or do I absolutely need to pay the guy at the Train Station in Reno, maybe someone installs them for free after a certain quest?
You can do certain upgrades (extended mag for 10mm for example).

Nobody will do it for free, but there're different people around the world that will do it for different prices.
You can do certain upgrades (extended mag for 10mm for example).

Nobody will do it for free, but there're different people around the world that will do it for different prices.
Thanks, I paid the guy in Reno for attaching a Scope for my Hunting Rifle, now I'm geared up pretty nicely (nice machete for saving ammo, a 10mm pistol with a Flashlight underneath the barrel that I found from rescuing Terry the Chemist in Stryker base after completed all his quests, also have a combat shotgun for CQC, funny how yesterday I wasn't THAT greatly equipped and now I'm basking in weapons and ammo). I also found a bottle of shampoo in a weird location called "Big hole" or something on a dead woman, pretty sure I can go in that hole, however, it seems massively toxic down there and I only have 1 Rad-X (if it even protects me for whatever it is in the hole). I'm in the process to find a Tommy Gun to frame the El Dorado casino for Luciano, I have an idea, but lack the resources right now (want to poison one of the bouncers quietly, but he has 85 hp, and I only have one dose of Horsekiller and can only make one more with the berries I got, so it's on hold right now because one dose of poison does 35 damage from what I've seen). New Reno is nicely done in this game, maybe even more than in FO2. Sorry if I'm posting a lot, but Nevada is really good so far, next stop cleaning Stryker base, he's of no use to me anymore and Thompson is dead. Making some clean-up in "The Biggest Little City in the World".
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Razor blades- Bertolinni's (first floor)
Bath salt- Luciano's
Toothpaste- casino in Vegas
Water- Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas
Towel- motel in SLC
Soap- one of the houses near sheriff's office in SLC
Wet wipes- ruined hotel in Battle Mountain
How come you're so knowledgable? Have you played the game to death or is it some walkthrough you are referencing?

Sorry if I'm posting a lot, but Nevada is really good so far
The point is to post as much as possible! So keep at it! I have some idea of putting together all of it into some text later. We'll see if it's possible but the more source material the better.

My new character just started working for Big Louis and I'm now at Hawthorne. I didn't get a SMG from Gerlach however.
How come you're so knowledgable? Have you played the game to death or is it some walkthrough you are referencing?

The point is to post as much as possible! So keep at it! I have some idea of putting together all of it into some text later. We'll see if it's possible but the more source material the better.

My new character just started working for Big Louis and I'm now at Hawthorne. I didn't get a SMG from Gerlach however.
To get the SMG you have to save Steve when you arrived in Gerlach by passing a Speech check, then wait 3 days for Gerlach to receive the weapon. You'll get an SMG eventually, and at Hawthorne, I recommend that you save a dynamite stick for a door when you reach the building with the 2 turrets guarding it, you'll get a nice pistol. I tried to get in the NPP "Poseidon Oil" (in the building), well I didn't go well eh eh, don't go there right away, next time I go in there I'll be armed with Energy Weapons trust me, at least it's my plan for being able to go deeper ... it's the first time I got destroyed so badly in Nevada, but it was awesome.
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I also found a bottle of shampoo in a weird location called "Big hole" or something on a dead woman, pretty sure I can go in that hole, however, it seems massively toxic down there and I only have 1 Rad-X

You can use the shampoo on the hole to kill it for some EXP and some minor loot inside (including super antidote).

I have an idea, but lack the resources right now (want to poison one of the bouncers quietly, but he has 85 hp, and I only have one dose of Horsekiller and can only make one more with the berries I got, so it's on hold right now because one dose of poison does 35 damage from what I've seen)

Bertollini also has a separate armory you can break into.
If you want to kill people silently, there's a guitar string in Vegas that allows you to instantly strangle humans if your Stealth is high enough (you always lose Karma and don't get EXP.

How come you're so knowledgable? Have you played the game to death or is it some walkthrough you are referencing?

Did 3 separate playthroughs (good Speech Repair Doctor, evil gambling hitman and 1 INT 1 CHA Kill Everyone), but I also have a walkthrough from the Polish fansite that also translated Nevada.


I'd never find some of the stuff I know without it, but it's missing some stuff.
You can use the shampoo on the hole to kill it for some EXP and some minor loot inside (including super antidote).

Bertollini also has a separate armory you can break into.
If you want to kill people silently, there's a guitar string in Vegas that allows you to instantly strangle humans if your Stealth is high enough (you always lose Karma and don't get EXP.
Thank you for that, I sure wouldn't have thought to use the shampoo there, and for Bertolini, I'll try to steal his armory, my sneak is at 60%. Speaking of Sneak it's way more useful in Nevada than in Fallout 1 & 2 so far, it allows some cheesy stuff during combat, really nice.
Speaking of Sneak it's way more useful in Nevada than in Fallout 1 & 2 so far, it allows some cheesy stuff during combat, really nice.

Some quests have special outcomes if you use Stealth (one in SLC can't even be started without it). Infiltrating certain hostile location without any alarms also gives a small permanent boost to Initiative.
Can someone tell me where is Steve and his sister (the guy we saved from Gerlach) after we move the resident to Vault City, I only found 1 resident in Vault City depot doing the inventory.
Come to think of it I would actually have liked if you could talk to Steve and his sister after they have relocated to Vault City. That's something I would add to Nevada.
Some quests have special outcomes if you use Stealth (one in SLC can't even be started without it). Infiltrating certain hostile location without any alarms also gives a small permanent boost to Initiative.
This is neat, Initiative is it the same as "sequence"? Well, I've put some more points in Sneak, I'm at 75% now and will try to raise it to 100%, but not above that. I've started to increase Science a bit because it is needed in Poseidon to unlock doors and many other situations (Science, Repair, and Lockpick are always important in Fallout no matter your build), but I will wait to get more Big Book of Science first. Wish a could put a Scope on the "Civil Rifle" or something, it does just a bit more damage than the Hunting Rifle. I like the fact that there's some "unique" variant of weapons, but wish we could mod the combat shotgun like in Resurrection. I also pick "Gain Agility" for my lv. 12 perk, well worth it so far.

Come to think of it I would actually have liked if you could talk to Steve and his sister after they have relocated to Vault City. That's something I would add to Nevada.
Yeah, me too, but I have a weird feeling with Vault 8 "Overseer" and politics from the beginning. Something tells me that the people from Gerlach are now 1: Being dropped in the green goo that transforms humans onto Super Mutants or 2: Constructing the Cathedral for the "Children of the Cathedral" we saw in FO1, but it's all speculation at this point. Because if you speak to Harold in the prison cell at the start, he mentioned the construction of the Cathedral is in process south of the Hub and that the Wasteland is starting to "change", it let place to the imagination, and I got one heck of a good one. If I'm not mistaking the scientist that disappears at the beginning when you collect data out of the Vault is "Richard Moreau", the actual "Master".

Does anyone know if in the .ini we can change further the "text delay" like in preference to NOT scroll down automatically? I've set it to slow, but would like it to "OFF" is that even possible? (It's really not THAT of an issue, just wondering)
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I want to thank @Lone_Wanderer51 for coming to NMA not only to contribute to Fallout 22 but also give me something to do with all his double posts in the thread! I AM USEFUL! Fyi double posts are fine in community threads like this I am just poking fun. Keep doing it.
I want to thank @Lone_Wanderer51 for coming to NMA not only to contribute to Fallout 22 but also give me something to do with all his double posts in the thread! I AM USEFUL! Fyi double posts are fine in community threads like this I am just poking fun. Keep doing it.
Can't be sure if you're sarcastic, are you? If there's something wrong with my posts, let me know because I'm new here and don't know the rules or anything.
Can't be sure if you're sarcastic, are you? If there's something wrong with my posts, let me know because I'm new here and don't know the rules or anything.
I'm totally serious. Post as often as you need and I will merge them. I want this thread alive not dead.
Cleaned Reno of Stryker (and his gang), I'm Luciano consigliere now and finish Mr. Wright's quests, the only issue in Reno it's that I can't turn in the final quest to Bertolini because I already killed Thompson, that's a shame he throws me out of the casino each time I try to speak to him (I think about blasting his head off in a really near future, he served his purpose for all I care). Killed the 3 worms in Uranium City, alone, I've been lucky with critical shots, but didn't enjoy the fight (feel cheap that when they go underground they heal and pretty fast on top of that, they have 300 hp each, so you can guess I was ... tedious, but nevertheless they're gone now and at least you fight them one at the time). I've given 15 flasks of water to the purple hooded guy in the saloon, but I will wait for my reward (he's supposed to train me in Energy Weapons, so I keep the bonus points for later, hope he doesn't disappear). Also, got a "Special" encounter with Ants with a giant egg in the middle of nowhere, the thing is, there are 2 ant nests and there's seem to have an endless amount of them poppin' up worth 50 XP each, so I gain another level, I'm level 14 now, with good sneaking Alphons told me that I can have a bonus for being stealthy so I hope not to miss that reward because being able to shoot more often or reposition myself due to having high sequence can make difference between life and death.
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You can skip it in the future by buying a cow from Chinese and rigging her with explosives.
Ah so that's how you do it! I saw a guy on YouTube speculate that you could do that but he didn't figure out how. Do you pop all six sticks of dynamite to that Brahmin?