
I don't want to become a raider, in the end I want to help the Indians in Lovelock. Where on the Big Louie questline should I stop and start a raider killing spree?
And if you only kill Big Louie??? (I'm Big Louie right hand, and was about to go r..pe every Cheyenne's women (I have a decent amount of condom, so ...), kill all the kids and burn the rest of the people ... I mean, this is what Raiders do, right? Mind as well get the fun before those bandits ...) By the way, is this site is supposed to be Family Friendly? Sorry TorontoReign for the double post (I'll try to pay more attention)There's an extra quest that kinda changes things if you finish all his quests and get Cheyenne Raider perk, read newspaper clippings in his desk and finish a certain side quest in Vegas. Actions also have consequences.
If you save the owner of Hard Rock Cafe you can make a deal with him and have Louis perform as a jazzman. Ripper isn't happy with that and asks you to kill Louis. Alternatively you can kill Ripper for Louis.
If you kill the raiders, Lovelock gets destroyed by bandits that were scared off by Louis and his guys.
Do someone knows in Nevada during the "family" (man and woman wearing Vault Suits with their children and the RV) encounter, the guy ask for some help (fix the Shotgun, repair Van and bring him 10 Water Flasks), I did all that and was expecting him to show me the Stimpak recipe. Is he supposed to show me how to make them or does he simply give one for each 2 Water Flasks that I bring him?
- House on wheels- family traveling in RV. Depending on your skills you can:
- Fix dad's weapon (Small guns 65)
- Steal their fuel cell regulator (Repair 50)
- Repair their engine (Repair 50)
- Diagnose the daughter (Intelligence 4 and Doctor 80).
- Trade every 5 canteens with water for a Stimpak.
go r..pe every Cheyenne's women
Ah thanks! I will look into it again, I can't remember getting those options. My Perception is 9.
Yeah, I thought about it when I first arrived in Lovelock (the option even surprise me at first), but I was like ... maybe it's a too much straightforward introduction for those tribals, and didn't want to be blocked from certain quests right away. This is was nowadays games lack, CHOICE POSSIBILITIES ...You can only do that to the cook.
Question: Who did you make owner of Uranium City? I' m thinking Nelson or Wright, haven't decided yet.
I make Mr. Wright the owner for the same reason mentioned by Alphons, it's a shame though cause I would have preferred to appointed Nelson as owner, however, I tend to not appreciate "sheriff/law-abiding" characters, In this type of Fallout game (1 & 2 at least) most of the time you have better rewards (and XP) to be the good guy/gal ... I almost always play as a "goody-two-shoes" in the first playthrough and then I play a more neutral or evil character, I'm gonna continue quests in Wind of War tomorrow. You were asking for some opinions on what we will change, and I always play on the hardest difficulty (hard, and rough combat) and so far I get a bit bored by the random encounter (too easy for the most part, hope it gets harder, I know that I may not be that far in the game so I hope to get more tough fights eventually), I got the Motion Sensor and I can use it to have better Outdoorsman skill, but I have so many random encounters (too much to my liking), what's your setting in the INI for this? Should I change it (I didn't touch it since the installation to keep the vanilla aspect of Nevada, but killing plants, rats & geckos start to get old ...) Also, not a big issue here, but I mentioned in a previous post the last quest for the boss of the El Dorado can't be completed for me since I killed Thompson prior to finishing his quests, I think that being able to turn the quests, then being not able to interact with the Boss of the casino would have been a more fun experience, not a fan of pending quest in the Pip-Boy, Fallout 2 act pretty much the same in Reno I remember not liking it.Yeah I don't like the idea of killing Nelson... However you have to in order to progress Mr Wright quests...
I'm aware of the representative from the Hub. I didn't like him much so that's why I ruled him out.
Be aware that if you change the difficulty (harder), it will lower certain skills by 10-15%, and thanks for sharing your encounter rate, I have the same (WorldMapEncounterRate=25). It's not a question of ammo because I use the machete on easy enemies, Geckos pelt is a decent cash revenue to a certain extent. I just feel the random encounter lack a bit of variety, but when it's a question of quests, Nevada has plenty so far.Oops! I'm playing on normal. Going to increase it to rough.
If a random encounter contains creatures that give low xp and no loot I wont waste bullets on them. Then I just walk to the edge of the map and leave them be. Like why bother? Rats, coyotes, Brahmins etc get to live. I don't have that many random encounters though.
If I'm looking in the right file it says:
Also, I have a question regarding the Criticals in Nevada (and Fallout 2 ... I guess) is it normal that sometimes I instantly killed enemies with criticals even if they're supposed to have enough Hit Points to take the Crit ? Is that a bug ? (in a way it's fun to one-shot kill something like the Worms in Uranium City because frankly, I would never have been able to kill them without the insta-kill or solution Alphons gave in a previous post).