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Is it fixed in RPU you think or is it still broken?
Might be fixed, but even then it's a situational boost to hit, so there are always more useful perks to take I think.

Edit: E.g., instead of Sharpshooter giving you better aim chance at longer ranges, just take bonus move and move closer :P
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A little update from me, just nine months later. I've just got San Francisco and the Oil rig left. Feels manageable.

I got a bit overwhelmed by New Reno and all the choices there so it just felt to mentally taxing to tackle it given how overworked I am. But one evening in November I decided to just go ahead and finish this thing.

New Reno

I did all the quests for all the families except the made man ones. I then killed the Salvatores for the Mordinos and then had to kill them as well upon not accepting being their made man. I then killed the Bishops for Westin (except Leslie Anne). Then i accepted being a made man for the Wrights, but I had Ethyl bust up their alcohol production. So in the end all families lost.

I didn’t remember that the guy at the garage could upgrade the car so I killed everyone there and didn’t get the upgrades. That bums me.

Some thoughts:
In New Reno people will react if you try to go through their stuff. Why isn’t it implemented like that in the rest of the game? Should be fixed! It's a good design that reward characters that have put points into Sneak and Steal.

There’s a lot of meta game knowledge to be used but I couldn’t remember any. I have read about the quests online after completing them and realized they could have been better executed by me. Like cure yet addiction.

Great location and you can do quests for all families just like in Nevada, except the last few quests. This puts Nevada's design into a new perspective for me. I didn't remember Fallout 2 all to well.

Didn’t loose any karma when taking money in the poor box at the Father Tully church. Why is that?

Gave the excavator chip to Marge LeBarge if I recall correctly.

Some thoughts:

There’s only one excavator chip for the mining machine. Why can’t you keep the chip to run the Wanamingo mine yourself, or give the chip to Ascorti when you sell the mine back to him? Wouldn’t that make Redding independent? If you give the chip to Dan McGrew then Redding aligns with New Reno, if you give it to Marge LeBarge then it aligns with NCR. However if you clear the Wanamingo mine and then would be able to give the chip to Ascorti then Redding should be able to be independent right? How is Ascorti even supposed to use the Wanamingo mine if you give the chip to someone else? Or is it implicitly assumed that the second machine in the Wanamingo mine has a functional chip and that it is operational? Lot's of questions.

You can’t tell the gypsy woman that the noises from the well came from Wanamingos and that they probably stole her Brahmin. Maybe you should be able to help her by talking Ascorti out of her dept?

Sierra Army Depot
How do people normally deal with the turrets? I just cheese it and shoot them in the sensors and then move out of their range.

The Skynet computer was developed using Alien technology! Why isn't that debated more?

SAD would be incredibly important for all major factions in Fallout 2. You should be able to tell NCR, BoS, Vault City, the Enclave about it. Everyone would want to claim it.


Atmospheric music at this location. People don’t react to taking stuff in their homes, not the trader either, you can empty his desk right in front of him. It's generally like this in F2 and it bothers me.

According to the files in the Abbey up to 122 vaults would be constructed and each coould hold up to 1000 residents. So the total number of people that survived in vaults weren’t that many.

Don’t think I’ve done Abbey before. Did it a bit non-optimal by having to travel twice, once for the Super repair kit and once for the lighter.

You can bring the Botany information from EPA to the Abbey but shouldn’t you be able to give them all sorts of old memorabilia?

In the end you should just be able to tell the BoS about the Abbey so that they can go up there and confiscate everything. There's probably loads of valuable information there.

Broken Hills
You can’t ask Liz about the V13 canteen that she’s selling. And they restock! Where is she getting them?

In Broken Hills you have to sheath your weapon, even the companions when talking to Steve. It’s also used in NCR. Why is this annoying feature used so sparingly throughout the game? It's very clunky when it also applies to companions.

The Professor says he developed a method of easy mass production of Mentats!!

Didn’t remember that the scorpion attacks you after having been defeated.

Overall Broken Hills wasn't that big of a deal as I remembered.

Couldn’t clear the kill the slavers quest. Everyone at that location is dead so I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. But I remember having some problems there earlier. This is what I wrote after having completed the Slavers Camp:
The_Proletarian said:
I went to the Slavers camp. Killed all slavers and then talked to Suliks sister. You then get two options, sneak out or fight. If you choose to fight nothing happens and you don't get new dialogue with his sister. Even if I left the location and returned nothing changed. So I was forced into reloading and choose the cowards options and sneak away in the night. It must be a bug?

Vault Village/Nearby village
Didn’t remember this location. Didn’t know you had to negotiate within a month before everyone gets taken as servants. So the poor village suffered. But I intended to give them a good deal!

Didn't get the location of the fake vault 13 this time. Who gives you that?

Vault 15
Actually improved map layout compared to Fallout 1. You must be able to drive trucks to the vault entrance if you want to bring equipment there. Impossible with the layout seen in Fallout 1. At least there’s an elevator down in Fallout 2. But this location could be improved. Next time I will use the updated map by @.Pixote.

When did people get the signal to seek shelter in the vaults? Did they live in the vicinity? It would probably take some time to get all 1000 people there and how much in advance do you actually know that the Chinese nukes are on their way?

Adventure game design. Haven’t been to EPA before so it was very exciting exploring it. Basically it's just a load of free items for you and a lot of unique ones.

“Aliens” at EPA have dug a tunnel which suggests that they escaped from there into the world. The Blue Level is crawling with them…

Vault 13
Talking death claws isn’t that stupid. They got their intelligence enhanced by the Enclave scientists. It's not the best idea, but it's not the worst either.

Vault 13 had 1000 residents according to the log. And 100 living quarters. 200 feet below the ground. Hydro-agricultural farms!!! I have always said the vaults should have that and it comforts me to have it confirm that that's indeed a thing.

Computer says there where 122 Vaults and 17 control vaults. The experiments make more sense if you know that the Enclave were preparing to leave Earth in a Colony Ship. Then it would make sense to run an experiment like in V13 which was to remain closed for 200 years. If you are going to use a generation ship then that's actually some pretty valuable information. Some of the other experiments make sense as well in light of this information. And I mean the intro says that the Oil Rig was built on top of the last known oil field in the world. The war that ended the world was fought over the last resources so they would have to leave Earth in order to continue industrialised society.

They want the Vertibird plans from you and then nothing more. What do they intend to do about the Enclave? You never find out.

@Alphons do you have anything to share about NV?

Other news is that Fallout: Sonora can be added to this playlist. And in late December the main quest of Fallout: Yesterday will be made available in a new public release.
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Fallout 2 done! Only took little over a year.

I'll start with some information and impressions I gathered and then the questionnaire.


San Fransisco
Wouldn’t BoS be very interested to hear about the new combat armour the Shi are developing?

BoS still don’t know about hardened power armour it seems.

The Shi are cool. Submarine crew + a Chinese force that operated behind enemy lines on the US mainland that combined and settled in SF's old China Town. No one seems to speak Chinese any more? The Emperor is the old computer from the submarine. What happened to the Shi later? The Shi also got the Vertibird plans. And in the end scores it says they developed into an Empire. Got to deal with those bastards sometime.

I killed the Hubologists.

Didn't know that merchants can have several inventories. I discovered that with Lou Chou. Are there more like that? I like the idea of browsing different tables and shelves for gods.

San Francisco wasn't that bad. It's mainly that you are a bit tired of the game by that point and just want to get to the oil rig. But the factions and characters are good.

If you feed the Command Chart from the Sub to the Emperor you get to learn that the Chinese president was named Xin. The Soviet Union still existed and were hostile to China.

China had something called Battlemaster Armour. However the Chinese had no effective counter to the T-51B Power Armour when it was introduced.

China used biological and chemical weapons against US forces. Could this have led to post-war mutations?

US troops fought on Chinese soil.

Raven Rock, West Tek, Mariposa, Boulder and Institute were priority targets for the Chinese.

The great war seems to have been ongoing from as early as 2073. By 2076 the Chinese were losing. America pushed China out of Alaska and they were also successful on the Chinese mainland. China began nuclear operations against US because they would clearly lose the war.

What happened to the US forces that were winning on the Chinese mainland when the bombs dropped? The Americans wouldn't have bombed them but would the Chinese drop bombs on their own soil?

Enclave's plan is to wipe America of mutant life using a modified version of FEV.

What does the Enclave really mean when they say that the people in the wastes are mutated? How different can they really be? It's the same as in Fallout 1 with the pure humans of the Vault and the "mutated" humans of the wastes?

President confirms that the Chinese started the nuclear war because they were about to loose.

Where do Mutafruit grow and why do they have it on the Rig?

Marcus travels over the mountains to the East and the tree in Harold's head actually becomes so big that it brings fruit.



-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?

I haven't played Fallout 2 since the early versions of the Restoration Project in 2008 or something. So I was thrilled to replay it since so many details of it had become kind of vague. I was looking forward to everything. It's a bit embarrassing to admit but I haven't actually beaten Frank Horrigan before, don't think I knew how to deal with the turrets. So I was very much looking forward to beat the game, finally.

-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
Much better than what is said about it and what I remember. It has gotten a reputation of being a bad sequel and inferior to Fallout 1, but it actually improves on Fallout 1 in a lot of ways and is just bigger and better. It's only flaw is the anticlimactic main quest where it turns out the Enclave just wants to eradicate all mutants on the mainland.

-What would you improve?
People should always react if you go through their stuff. It's only implemented somewhat consistent in New Reno. But it should be like that in all locations, which would reward people who invest in Steal and Sneak.

-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
Rewrite the main quest so that the part after finding the GECK becomes more intriguing. Tim Cain has mentioned that originally their plan was to leave Earth for another planet and that makes so much more sense. The Great War was fought over the last remaining resources on Earth. The Enclave resides on a oil rig that sits on top the last known petroleum deposit on the planet. They would know that there's no way to restore an industrial society again after the apocalypse. If you want that you need to go to a new planet with fresh resources. The vault experiments makes much more sense in that context because you would have to had run such experiments before sending people of on a generation ship. In Vault 13 people lived for generations and how that worked is probably vital information if you plan to go to another solar system.

I would probably change it so that you can 1) join the Enclave and leave Earth with them. 2) defeat the Enclave and take the Arroyo village people plus the Vault 13 people with you, or choose some other people. Like if you have joined the Shi or Hubologists you can take them.

Life on Earth would go on but after time the pre-war tech would become rarer and later unusable and society would have to remain on a pre-industrial level as all the obtainable fossil fuels are gone and also uranium. It's a bit unclear about Fusion in the Fallout universe and what is required to use that, however it wasn't a good enough power source to prevent the Great War being fought over resources.

-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
In a way yes, meaning it's still very good. However there's lots of unintuitive stuff in it that probably would turn new players off. Mainly the UI.

-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
Yes and no. The GECK is a great addition and the game gives a lot of information bout how leaving the Vaults were supposed to happen. You also get to see Vault City which is a very good example of this. You get some information on the Great War and it's not bad. However they botch it all when they had such a stupid plan for the Enclave which is to release a modified version of FEV to kill all mutated humans on Earth so that only the pure humans are left. It's a boring plan and you feel nothing when you uncover it.

-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
It's big, there's loads of reactivity and more things to do than in the more bare bones Fallout 1.

-What would you like to change in the game?

The second part of the main quest. Have people react when you touch their stuff.

-What build did you use during your play-through?

Small Frame and Gifted Woman. Intelligence maxed to get as many skill points as possible. Small Guns, Science and Speech tagged, then later tagged Energy Weapons.

-What's your weapon of choice?
As always Hunting Rifle and then change to Energy Weapons. This time I used the excellent Pulse Rifle.

-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
The Ghost Farm quest is quite good first time you play it, however as I already knew before hand what's going on it's not that exciting any more. No quest comes to mind actually.

-What's your favourite location in the game?

A difficult choice. The Den got a special feeling to it and Vault City is very cool. NCR is interesting as you get to know what happened to the locations you visited in Fallout 1. But I guess New Reno is the best locations since it's the most quest heavy and there's also a lot of choices to be made there and a lot of reactions to your actions. It's the best designed and implemented location I would say. I don't care to much about the fact that it's run by Italian mobsters and and how that relates to the setting. In a setting like Fallout family would probably become more important and it's not to far fetched to have big family networks fight each other. The Italian Mobster coating is just some Wild Wasteland shit, like Caesars Legion wearing Roman shit in New Vegas. It would be better if they didn't do that and it would probably be easy to make a mod that removes it.

I also want to say that San Francisco wasn't that bad or boring as I remembered. It was actually kind of interesting, especially the lore behind the Shi.

-What ending did you strive for/get?

None in particular, I just played the good guy with the aim to complete the game. I got good endings for all (?) locations. As I helped both Vault City and NCR the former remained a free city and increased it's collaboration with Gecko. There were no slides for the companions except Marcus and Myron and I didn't even travel with them.

-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
Yes! However not as good as it should be and that's a damn shame. When criticising Bethesda it would be nice to have Fallout 2 be flawless.

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What happened to the Shi later?
Chris Avellone said they got nuked by the Enclave in the Fallout Bible. Just as a way of wiping the slate clean because of how poorly San Fran was received. Seems to be Avellone’s solution to anything he doesn’t like in Fallout.
San Francisco wasn't that bad. It's mainly that you are a bit tired of the game by that point and just want to go to the oil rig. But the factions and characters are good.
The kung fu stuff is kinda dumb and doesn’t really feel Fallout to me, but I’ve never had a problem with the Shi.
China used biological and chemical weapons against US forces. Could this have led to post-war mutations?
I’ve had this theory myself.
What happened to the US forces that were winning on the Chinese mainland when the bombs dropped? The Americans wouldn't have bombed them but would the Chinese drop bombs on their own soil?
You really think the Americans wouldn’t have bombed them? You give America in the Fallout universe too much credit…
What does the Enclave really mean when they say that the people in the wastes are mutated? How different can they really be? It's the same as in Fallout 1 with the pure humans of the Vault and the "mutated" humans of the wastes?
Not quite the same as in Fallout 1, as at least the Master had a good reason (FEV efficacy). Honestly, the Enclave just uses the “mutant” thing as an excuse to be evil Nazis. There’s probably not a significant difference between “pure” and “mutant” beyond a higher chance of cancer or extra toes or stuff like that.
President confirms that the Chinese started the nuclear war because they were about to loose.
Likely true, but we shouldn’t take what Richardson says at face value. The Enclave isn’t gonna teach that they were the ones to start the war, even if it is true.
Chris Avellone said they got nuked by the Enclave in the Fallout Bible. Just as a way of wiping the slate clean because of how poorly San Fran was received. Seems to be Avellone’s solution to anything he doesn’t like in Fallout.
Yeah that's stupid. However the Shi submarine got a lot of nukes on it that could be used to destroy stuff. And the Enclave have that big fusion bomb on the rig so there's no lack of WMDs.

The kung fu stuff is kinda dumb and doesn’t really feel Fallout to me, but I’ve never had a problem with the Shi.
Yeah sure. Maybe it should just be fist fights so that characters skilled in Unarmed have something to do.

You really think the Americans wouldn’t have bombed them? You give America in the Fallout universe too much credit…
Well yeah. However Tim Cain has said that he would like to explore China in the Fallout setting and maybe it would be funnier to play if there were a huge remnant of the US army still there. Otherwise everything would just be totally nuked.

Likely true, but we shouldn’t take what Richardson says at face value. The Enclave isn’t gonna teach that they were the ones to start the war, even if it is true.
You are right! But since the Chinese Emperor computer says the same thing you have to trust him.
New Vegas, the final frontier...

I first played the game on October 23 2010 and from the looks of it I beat the game on February 19 2011, because that's when I got the Hardcore achievement. Then I tried to replay it again during the summer of 2013 with the intent to play the DLCs, however I quickly got bored with the game and abandoned the play-through somewhere around Novac without having begun any of the DLCs. My current playtime (last played 2013) is 82,5 hours and I have unlocked 21 of 75 achievements. I got the NCR ending and I haven't played any DLC ever.


I installed F:NV straight away after having beaten F2 but didn't get any time to play until just now. I did Goodsprings unmodded just to uncloud my foggy memory of it and it played much better than I remembered. I got very immersed. However it was super easy because you get a lot of guns to start with and and there's no problem killing things even though Gun skill is just at 35. I took the Kamikaze trait and Small Frame however I wonder how bad the 10% less XP of Skilled actually is? If the game is so easy then 10% less XP doesn't matter that much does it?

I'm going to install Viva New Vegas and then do the standard NCR run just to catch up on the lore. Then I'm doing a Legion one. There's also a route called Yes Man? Are there more?

I'm very much looking forward to finally play those DLCs and I'm also going to install Autumn Leaves.
Yes Man is sort of a variation on House, those are the ones besides NCR and Legion.

I've only done 2 playthroughs, one generally friendly to everyone except the Legion and one Legion friendly.
Had a hard save from the first at an appropriate point where I could spin it into NCR/House/Independent. Can recommend doing it like that.
You can probably spin Legion-friendly into House or Yes Man too probably, but it might not work as well.

Never modded though.
You can probably spin Legion-friendly into House or Yes Man too probably, but it might not work as well.
Caesar’s second quest is to kill House, and if you fail Beware the Wrath of Caesar then the Legion turns hostile.

Yes Man is the only one that remains an option until the end.
Caesar’s second quest is to kill House, and if you fail Beware the Wrath of Caesar then the Legion turns hostile.

Yes Man is the only one that remains an option until the end.
Hmm yeah, I forgot about that.

Yes Man is the only immortal I think? Even if you manage to kill literally everyone else in the entire game that you can, you can still get to the end with Yes Man.
It took a very long time to setup Fallout:New Vegas, mainly because I haven't had any time since Christmas and because Viva New Vegas is very extensive.

But I finally got Viva New Vegas running, base + extended guide. I decided against Mojave Express mainly because I don't have the energy to install all those mods even though I would have liked Titans of the New Vest. I also had to skip Autumn Leaves as it wasn't entirely clear how to install that when running VNV.

I've completed Goodsprings now, being the nice guy and am slowly chipping away at Primm. I forgot to raise Explosives to 25 on my first level up so I had to farm XP before dealing with the Power Gangers. I wanted to complete all the optional bits of that quest before helping Ringo. I hate the combat in this game, it's very bad and the play style, for me, becomes running around until I can enter VATS and finish it. It's just not a good shooter.

I play on the highest difficulty setting + Hardcore Mode and the survival features like thirst, hunger and sleep gets annoying. On paper I like features like that in a first person open world game but in practice it's just annoying. I plan on raising Survival to 25 so that I can craft some basic food items.

Shouldn't the NCR soldiers stationed at Primm ask you for help to clear the town? They just say that they are to under-staffed to deal with the situation themselves.